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Inspired Speech

양장본 Hardcover
T&T Clark · 2004년 11월 01일
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책 소개

이 책이 속한 분야

The contributors to this volume use a variety of methodological approaches to explore texts and issues related to prophecy in ancient Israel and the Near East. The essays cover a wide range of themes on the institution of prophecy and on the individual prophets in ancient Israel.
John Kaltner is Associate Professor of Religious Studies at Rhodes College, Memphis, TN.Louis Stulman is Professor of Religious Studies, University of Findlay. His numerous publications on Jeremiah include the Abingdon Old Testament Commentary on Jeremiah (2005), Order Amid Chaos: Jeremiah as Symbolic Tapestry (Sheffield, 1998).
Inspired Speech was originally published as a Festschrift to honor the work of Professor Herbert B. Huffmon, Professor of Old Testament/Hebrew Bible at Drew University. Thirty-three of his colleagues and students contributed to the work, which explores various aspects of prophecy in ancient Israel and its neighboring cultures. The result is a volume which provides an excellent overview of the current state and future directions of scholarship on prophecy in the biblical world. Contributors: Suzanne Richard, Frank Moore Cross, George E. Mendenhall, Martti Nissinen, Robert R. Wilson, Mary Chilton Callaway, Peggy L. Day, Daniel E. Fleming, David Noel Freedman, Rebecca Frey, Alberto R. Green, Edward L. Greenstein, Baruch A. Levine, David Marcus, Harry P. Nasuti, J. J. M. Roberts, Jack M. Sasson, Karel van der Toorn, Lyn M. Bechtel, Milton Eng, John Kaltner, John I. Lawlor, David A. Leiter, Jesse C. Long, Jr, Mark Sneed, Jongsoo Park, Eric A. Seibert, Louis Stulman, Alex Varughese, William W. Hallo, Michael S. Moore, Mary-Louise Mussell, Paul A. Riemann
Herbert B. Huffmon, Professor of Old Testament/Hebrew Bible at Drew University, is a well known and highly respected authority on the study of prophecy in biblical Israel and the ancient Near East. This volume in this honor acknowledges and celebrates his many contributions to the field. The book includes a tribute to Professor Huffmon and essays that explore themes related to the study of religion and prophecy in the ancient Near East.
Inspired Speech brings together thirty-three scholars to explore themes related to the study of religion and prophecy in the ancient Near East. Now available in paperback, Inspired Speech was originally published in the Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testame
"Filled with valuable contributions from leading authorities, this volume is a worthy tribute to the person of Herb Huffmon and the impact of his career as a mentor, scholar, and colleague. Readers interested in prophecy in the Hebrew Bible and the ancient Near East will find this book particularly useful." - Steven L. McKenzie, Rhodes College, Memphis TN, USA
"Herb Huffmon is among the longest-serving scholars in Old Testament studies of that remarkable generation of US scholars who, in the second half of the twentieth century, recovered the centrality of the Old Testament for theological study, and who brought to that work great erudition, energy, and passion. Over the long period of his scholarly career, Huffmon has made extraordinary contributions to the common work of the discipline. This collection of essays in his honor, in breadth and depth, is an offer that is commensurate with his own status in the field. The contributors of these essays represent the best in the field and the essays in sum are a "state of the art" reflection of on-going work. The essays range over a wide field of Huffmon's own interests from Ancient Near Eastern studies to Israel's prophets to daring interpretive experimentation. The book will be a welcome reference point for continued study and an enduring attestation to Huffmon's own important work in the field." - Walter Brueggemann, Columbia Theological Seminary, USA
A key book on the background and future direction of scholarship prophecy in the bibical world.


  • Herbert Bardwell Huffmon : a reflectionp. 2
    Introduction to the study of the history of the religion of Israelp. 8
    The Amorite heritage in the Westp. 12
    What is prophecy? : an ancient Near Eastern perspectivep. 17
    Current issues in the study of Old Testament prophecyp. 38
    The lamenting prophet and the modern self : on the origins of contemporary readings of Jeremiahp. 48
    Metaphor and social reality : Isaiah 23.17-18, Ezekiel 16.35-37 and Hosea 2.4-5p. 63
    Southern Mesopotamian titles for temple personnel in the Mari archivesp. 72
    False prophecy is truep. 82
    Esarhaddon, Sanduarri, and the Adon Papyrusp. 88
    Jeremiah as an inspiration to the poet of Jobp. 98
    When the God of Israel 'acts-out' his anger : on the language of divine rejection in biblical literaturep. 111
    Recovering an ancient paronomasia in Zechariah 14.5p. 130
    The once and future lament : Micah 2.1-5 and the prophetic personap. 144
    The context, text, and logic of Isaiah 7.7-9p. 161
    The eyes of Eli : an essay in motif accretionp. 171
    From the mouth of the prophet : the literary fixation of Jeremiah's prophecies in the context of the ancient Near Eastp. 191
    The metaphors of 'Canaanite' and 'Baal' in Hoseap. 203
    What's in a name? : Cyrus and the dating of Deutero-Isaiahp. 216
    What did Elijah do to his mantle? : the Hebrew root GLMp. 225
    Word event in Jeremiah : a look at the composition's 'introductory formulas'p. 231
    Visions of peace in Isaiahp. 244
    'Yahweh has given these three kings into the hand of Moab' : a socio-literary reading of 2 Kings 3p. 253
    The spiritual journey of Jonah : from the perspective of C. G. Jung's analytical psychologyp. 276
    Harder than flint, faster than eagles : intensified comparatives in the latter prophetsp. 286
    Jeremiah as a polyphonic response to sufferingp. 302
    The royal family in the Jeremiah traditionp. 319
    New light on the story of Achsahp. 330
    Bathsheba's silence (1 Kings 1.11-31)p. 336
    A quest for the divine and ... the tourist dollar : the dilemma faced by contemporary dervish ordersp. 347
    Dissonant pieties : John Calvin and the prayer psalms of the psalterp. 354
    Herbert Bardwell Huffmon : a bibliographyp. 401
    Table of Contents provided by Blackwell. All Rights Reserved.


상품정보 테이블로 ISBN, 발행(출시)일자 , 쪽수, 크기, 총권수, 언어을(를) 나타낸 표입니다.
ISBN 9780826466563 ( 0826466567 )
발행(출시)일자 2004년 11월 01일
쪽수 428쪽
154 * 223 * 37 mm / 816 g
총권수 1권
언어 영어

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