Promoting Exercise and Behavior Change in Older Adults
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Contributors p. xi Foreword I p. xiii Foreword II p. xv Preface p. xix Setting the Stage for Active Older Adults p. 1 The Musculoskeletal System The Cardiorespiratory System Flexibility Balance Exercise, Depression, and Cognitive Function Summary References The Challenges of Exercise in Older Adults p. 29 Medical and Health Concerns in Older Adults Community and Home-Based Exercise: A Model for the Future? Cultural, Social, Economic, and Other Factors Affecting Physical Activity in Older Adults Motivational Factors Dynamic Nature of Exercise Interventions References Overview of the Transtheoretical Model p. 57 Historical Origins of the Transtheoretical Model The Transtheoretical Model Relationships Among TTM Constructs Evaluation of the TTM Summary References Application of the Transtheoretical Model to Several Problem Behaviors p. 85 Transtheoretical Model Constructs Research Review Strategies Smoking Safer Sex: Condom Use for HIV/AIDS Prevention Alcohol and Drug Dependence Diet and Weight Management Stress Management Sun Exposure Screening Behaviors Medication Compliance Health Care Provider Other Behaviors Overview/Summarizing Remarks Conclusion References The Transtheoretical Model: Research Review of Exercise Behavior and Older Adults p. 147 The First Generation of TTM and Exercise Research The Next Step--Expanding the Application of the TTM Current Generation of TTM Work in Exercise--Intervention Research The TTM for Exercise in Older Adults Other Constructs Investigated in the TTM Framework TTM, Exercise, and Older Adults--Intervention Research A TTM-Based Research Program Motivating Older Adults to Exercise Summary References Applying the Transtheoretical Model: Tailoring Interventions to Stages of Change p. 181 The Transtheoretical Model How Is Stage of Change Assessed? The Precontemplation Stage The Contemplation Stage The Preparation Stage The Action Stage The Maintenance Stage Relapse The Termination Stage Summary References Applying the Transtheoretical Model: Challenges With Older Adults Across the Health/Illness Continuum p. 209 Chronic Illness and Disability Effects of Exercise Goals of Exercise Application of the Transtheoretical Model Summary References Applying the Transtheoretical Model: Challenges With Older Adults From Diverse Ethnic and Socioeconomic Backgrounds p. 235 Ethnicity: A Definition Demographics and Health of the Older Adult Population Physical Activity and the Health Status of Older Adults Health Behavior Change: Research Disparities Physical Activity and Health Promotion in the Context of Ethnicity and Culture Attitudes of Health Care Professionals Intervention Considerations Applying the Transtheoretical Model to Multicultural Older Populations The Transtheoretical Model: Application at Several Sites of Research Summary References Applying the Transtheoretical Model: Behavior Change Among Family Caregivers and Nursing Care Staff p. 269 The Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change (TTM) Caregiving: Informal and Formal Application of the TTM Summary References Future Directions and Resources p. 299 Resources References Index p. 311 Table of Contents provided by Syndetics. All Rights Reserved.
ISBN | 9780826115027 ( 0826115020 ) |
발행(출시)일자 | 2001년 01월 01일 |
쪽수 | 336쪽 |
크기 |
160 * 235
* 27
/ 612 g
총권수 | 1권 |
언어 | 영어 |
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