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Sexual Boundary Violations

Reprint | Paperback
Celenza, Andrea 저자(글)
Jason Aronson · 2011년 04월 15일
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Andrea Celenza PhD, is Assistant clinical professor at Harvard Medical School. She has authored and presented numerous papers on therapists who have engaged in sexual misconduct with a focus on training, supervisor, and rehabilitation issues. She is the recipient of several awards, including the Karl A. Menninger Memorial Award, the Felix Helena Deutsch Prize, and the Symonds Prize. She is in private practice in Lexington, Massachusetts.
Sexual boundary violations are considered the most series ethical infraction in the mental health profession, as well as in higher education and pastoral counseling. Recognized as unethical due to the power imbalance inherent in the structure of the therapist-patient and teacher-student dyads, erotic contact between therapists and patients has been revealed in prevalence studies to occur at an unacceptably high incidence rate (9 to 12 per cent) among mental health practitioners. There exist few programs, teaching methods, and preventative measures that adequately address the problem of sexual boundary violations, despite the fact that discussing this problem openly is no longer taboo. Sexual Boundary Violations addresses this gap, providing educators, trainers, and clinicians with a resource to aid in developing programs, ethics workshops, seminars, and other educative or clinical teaching projects.
An outstanding book that belongs in every therapy training program, but not just to help the trainees. It is a humanely and well-written reminder of our own vulnerability and the unjustified, moralistic attitudes that keep more people from seeking help when they are losing control.
Andrea Celenza eloquently captures the damage--to themselves, their victims, their professions, and the wider social fabric--inflicted by professionals and clergy who transgress sexual boundaries. Her incisiveness about the non-negotiable need for sexual integrity is achieved, however, without unnecessarily demonizing those who cross lines that never should be crossed. Rather, she combines clarity tempered with compassion in addressing the characteristics of perpetrators. Most importantly, Celenza insists upon differentiating among transgressors. She challenges us to appreciate the unique humanity and circumstances of people many of us wish to lump together and dissociate from consciousness. She challenges us instead to hold in mind paradox and contradiction. This book is a vital component of continuing education and consciousness-raising for all of us who vow first to "do no harm."
Andrea Celenza is one of a handful of mental health professionals who has studied the problem of sexual boundary violations in the helping professions. Where others speculate, she brings years of clinical experience to bear on the subject. The result is a highly informative and comprehensive overview of the causes, consequences and casualties of sexual boundary violations. She maintains a humane perspective and offers valuable strategies for rehabilitation and treatment. All mental health professionals would be wise to spend some time with this superb new book.
Dr. Celenza holds the various phenomena involved in sexual boundary violations by therapists and clergy to a multi-faceted lens of clinical psychoanalysis, supervisory consultation, psychological testing, empirical research, ethics, law--and that metapsychologically elusive human attribute called decency. She extends and deepens the existing knowledge in this realm while introducing many intriguing and useful novel concepts of her own. Avoiding the pitfalls of sentimentality and moralizing, Celenza unmasks the ubiquitous vulnerability to such transgressions and the profound damage caused by them. She delineates ameliorative and preventive strategies aimed at minimizing such betrayals. Unerringly compassionate in its approach, Celenza's work is a shining tribute to the essential humanity at the heart of the psychotherapeutic enterprise.
Her work spans training, consultation, supervisory, therapeutic, rehabilitation, and research contexts, and thus she is able to write from a position of highly specialized experience and expertise.
Sexual Boundary Violations is an essential text for the mental health field and should become required reading for therapists, analysts, teachers, and clergy. I am sure that we will use it in our training program as part of the required course on professional ethics. Comprehensive, well organized, clearly written, with numerous and often gripping clinical illustrations, the book not only reviews the literature but provides practical and helpful guidance for clinicians and clergy as well as for those who teach and supervise them.
Sexual Boundary Violations is an outstanding book that belongs in every therapy training program, but not just to help the trainees. It is a humanely and well-written reminder of our own vulnerability and the unjustified, moralistic attitudes that keep more people from seeking help when they are losing control. Andrea Celenza writes and thinks clearly and explores her sensitive material in an evenhanded and matter-of-fact way. She manages to educate us about a moral dilemma while adeptly modeling and encouraging us to view even the gravest missteps with curiosity and compassion.
The author of this book notes at the outset that her book focuses on sexual boundary violations, but does so within the context of an examination of broader boundary issues. She observes that boundaries in the professional milieu facilitate the effectiveness if wirj and help protect the integrity of the relationship when there is a power differential, for example between a doctor and patient, employer and employee, or supervisor and student. Celenza reviews, with great scholarship, the literature on her subject.... The book is a valuable additino to the examinatino of sexual boundary violations and should form part of any study of ethical practice, as well as providing insight into the mindstuff of therapists who commit them. Recommended.
This book addresses training, supervisory, and therapeutic issues related to the consequences from sexual boundary violations among mental health professionals and clergy. These problems are discussed on theoretical and practical levels aimed at understanding, recovery, rehabilitation, training, and prevention. Sexual Boundary Violations can be used in developing training, educative, and preventative programs aimed at supporting professionals of all mental health disciplines. This book provides professionals with a resource on how to understand the problem of sexual misconduct from a variety of perspectives, including precursors, risk factors, supervisory concerns, psychodynamic underpinnings, preventative methods, and rehabilitation efforts. This paperback edition features a new chapter on teaching boundaries.
This book addresses training, supervisory, and therapeutic issues related to the consequences from sexual boundary violations among mental health professionals and clergy. These problems are discussed on theoretical and practical levels aimed at understanding, recovery, rehabilitation, training, and prevention. This book can be used in developing training, educative, and preventative programs aimed at supporting professionals of all mental health disciplines. This book provides professionals with a resource on how to understand the problem of sexual misconduct from a variety of perspectives, including precursors, risk factors, supervisory concerns, psychodynamic underpinnings, preventative methods, and rehabilitation efforts.


저자(글) Celenza, Andrea

하버드 의학전문대학원 임상 조교수이며 보스턴 정신분석학회 및 연구소 매사추세츠 정신분석연구소, 교수로도 재직 중이다. 교육·임상감독·재활 문제에 초점을 두고, 성적 경계위반에 가담한 치료사들의 평가 및 치료에 관하여 수많은 논문을 저술하고 발표했다. 100건이 넘는 성적 경계위반 사례의 치료·평가·감독·자문을 맡아왔으며, 성직자들의 성적 위법행위 문제에 관한 면허위원회와 북동부 전문가들로 구성된 면허위원회, 북동 성공회 교구 및 몇몇 다른 성직자 조직의 주요 자문위원이기도 하다. 미국정신분석학회 정신분석 교육위원회 위원으로 경계 문제에 관한 수련 기준을 확립하는 데 주력하고 있다. 펠릭스 & 헬렌 도이치상(2006), 칼 A. 메닝거 기념상(2006), 시먼즈 상을 수상했다. 매사추세츠주 렉싱턴에서 개인임상가로 활동하고 있다.


  • Acknowledgmentsp. ix
    Forewordp. xiii
    Introductionp. xxiii
    Nature and Scope of the Problem
    How Do They Happen?p. 3
    This Couldn't Happen to Mep. 15
    Precursors to Therapist Sexual Misconductp. 27
    When Is a Couch Just a Couch?p. 43
    The Therapeutic Contextp. 55
    Academic and Supervisory Contextsp. 65
    Sexual Misconduct in the Clergyp. 77
    Reporting, Fallout, and Recovery
    Reporting and Other Ethical Responsibilitiesp. 95
    Collateral Damage and Recoveryp. 111
    Helping the Victimsp. 129
    Therapy of the Transgressorp. 145
    Helping the Helpers: Supervision of the Transgressorp. 159
    Responsible Responsivityp. 179
    Love and Hate in the Countertransference: Preventing Violations Through Supervisionp. 191
    Boundary Violations Vulnerability Index (BVVI)p. 201
    Teaching Boundaries, Experiencing Boundariesp. 211
    Appendices Empirical Research
    Personal and Interpersonal Characteristics of Transgressorsp. 225
    A Rorschach Investigationp. 243
    Referencesp. 259
    Indexp. 277
    About the Authorp. 281
    Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.


상품정보 테이블로 ISBN, 발행(출시)일자 , 쪽수, 크기, 총권수, 언어을(를) 나타낸 표입니다.
ISBN 9780765708533 ( 0765708531 )
발행(출시)일자 2011년 04월 15일
쪽수 308쪽
154 * 228 * 20 mm / 472 g
총권수 1권
언어 영어

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