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Foundations of Algorithms

0004/E4th edition. | 양장본 Hardcover
Jones & Bartlett Publishers · 2009년 12월 28일
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Richard E. Neapolitan



  • Algorithms: Efficiency, Analysis, and Orderp. 1
    Algorithmsp. 2
    The Importance of Developing Efficient Algorithmsp. 9
    Sequential Search Versus Binary Searchp. 9
    The Fibonacci Sequencep. 12
    Analysis of Algorithmsp. 17
    Complexity Analysisp. 17
    Applying the Theoryp. 24
    Analysis of Correctnessp. 24
    Orderp. 25
    An Intuitive Introduction to Orderp. 25
    A Rigorous Introduction to Orderp. 28
    Using a Limit to Determine Orderp. 39
    Outline of This Bookp. 41
    Exercisesp. 42
    Divide-and-Conquerp. 47
    Binary Searchp. 48
    Mergesortp. 53
    The Divide-and-Conquer Approachp. 59
    Quicksort (Partition Exchange Sort)p. 60
    Strassen's Matrix Multiplication Algorithmp. 67
    Arithmetic with Large Numbersp. 72
    Representation of Large Integers: Addition and Other Linear-Time Operationsp. 72
    Multiplication of Large Integersp. 72
    Determining Thresholdsp. 78
    When Not to Use Divide-and-Conquerp. 82
    Exercisesp. 83
    Dynamic Programmingp. 91
    The Binomial Coefficientp. 92
    Floyd's Algorithm for Shortest Pathsp. 97
    Dynamic Programming and Optimization Problemsp. 105
    Chained Matrix Multiplicationp. 107
    Optimal Binary Search Treesp. 116
    The Traveling Salesperson Problemp. 125
    Sequence Alignmentp. 133
    Exercisesp. 141
    The Greedy Approachp. 145
    Minimum Spanning Treesp. 148
    Prim's Algorithmp. 152
    Kruskal's Algorithmp. 158
    Comparing Prim's Algorithm with Kruskal's Algorithmp. 163
    Final Discussionp. 163
    Dijkstra's Algorithm for Single-Source Shortest Pathsp. 164
    Schedulingp. 167
    Minimizing Total Time in the Systemp. 167
    Scheduling with Deadlinesp. 170
    Huffman Codep. 177
    Prefix Codesp. 178
    Huffman's Algorithmp. 179
    The Greedy Approach Versus Dynamic Programming: The Knapsack Problemp. 183
    A Greedy Approach to the 0-1 Knapsack Problemp. 183
    A Greedy Approach to the Fractional Knapsack Problemp. 185
    A Dynamic Programming Approach to the 0-1 Knapsack Problemp. 185
    A Refinement of the Dynamic Programming Algorithm for the 0-1 Knapsack Problemp. 186
    Exercisesp. 189
    Backtrackingp. 197
    The Backtracking Techniquep. 198
    The n-Queens Problemp. 206
    Using a Monte Carlo Algorithm to Estimate the Efficiency of a Backtracking Algorithmp. 210
    The Sum-of-Subsets Problemp. 214
    Graph Coloringp. 219
    The Hamiltonian Circuits Problemp. 224
    The 0-1 Knapsack Problemp. 227
    A Backtracking Algorithm for the 0-1 Knapsack Problemp. 227
    Comparing the Dynamic Programming Algorithm and the Backtracking Algorithm for the 0-1 Knapsack Problemp. 237
    Exercisesp. 237
    Branch-and-Boundp. 243
    Illustrating Branch-and-Bound with the 0-1 Knapsack Problemp. 245
    Breadth-First Search with Branch-and-Bound Pruningp. 245
    Best-First Search with Branch-and-Bound Pruningp. 251
    The Traveling Salesperson Problemp. 26
    Abductive Inference (Diagnosis)p. 265
    Exercisesp. 274
    Introduction to Computational Complexity: The Sorting Problemp. 277
    Computational Complexityp. 278
    Insertion Sort and Selection Sortp. 280
    Lower Bounds for Algorithms that Remove at Most One Inversion per Comparisonp. 285
    Mergesort Revisitedp. 287
    Quicksort Revisitedp. 293
    Heapsortp. 295
    Heaps and Basic Heap Routinesp. 295
    An Implementation of Heapsortp. 299
    Comparison of Mergesort, Quicksort, and Heapsortp. 306
    Lower Bounds for Sorting Only by Comparison of Keysp. 307
    Decision Trees for Sorting Algorithmsp. 307
    Lower Bounds for Worst-Case Behaviorp. 310
    Lower Bounds for Average-Case Behaviorp. 313
    Sorting by Distribution (Radix Sort)p. 318
    Exercisesp. 322
    More Computational Complexity: The Searching Problemp. 329
    Lower Bounds for Searching Only by Comparisons of Keysp. 330
    Lower Bounds for Worst-Case Behaviorp. 332
    Lower Bounds for Average-Case Behaviorp. 334
    Interpolation Searchp. 340
    Searching in Treesp. 343
    Binary Search Treesp. 344
    B-Treesp. 348
    Hashingp. 349
    The Selection Problem: Introduction to Adversary Argumentsp. 354
    Finding the Largest Keyp. 355
    Finding Both the Smallest and Largest Keysp. 356
    Finding the Second-Largest Keyp. 363
    Finding the kth-Smallest Keyp. 368
    A Probabilistic Algorithm for the Selection Problemp. 376
    Exercisesp. 380
    Computational Complexity and intractability: An Introduction to the Theory of NPp. 385
    Intractabilityp. 386
    Input Size Revisitedp. 388
    The Three General Problemsp. 392
    Problems for Which Polynomial-Time Algorithms Have Been Foundp. 392
    Problems That Have Been Proven to Be Intractablep. 392
    Problems That Have Not Been Proven to Be Intractable but for Which Polynomial-Time Algorithms Have Never Been Foundp. 393
    The Theory of NPp. 394
    The Sets P and NPp. 396
    NP-Complete Problemsp. 400
    NP-Hard, NP-Easy, and NP-Equivalent Problemsp. 412
    Handling NP-Hard Problemsp. 416
    An Approximation Algorithm for the Traveling Salesperson Problemp. 417
    An Approximation Algorithm for the Bin-Packing Problemp. 421
    Exercisesp. 426
    Number-Theoretic Algorithmsp. 429
    Number Theory Reviewp. 430
    Composite and Prime Numbersp. 430
    Greatest Common Divisorp. 431
    Prime Factorizationp. 434
    Least Common Multiplep. 437
    Computing the Greatest Common Divisorp. 437
    Euclid's Algorithmp. 438
    An Extension to Euclid's Algorithmp. 442
    Modular Arithmetic Reviewp. 444
    Group Theoryp. 444
    Congruency Modulo np. 446
    Subgroupsp. 452
    Solving Modular Linear Equationsp. 458
    Computing Modular Powersp. 464
    Finding Large Prime Numbersp. 466
    Searching for a Large Primep. 467
    Checking if a Number Is Primep. 468
    The RSA Public-Key Cryptosystemp. 486
    Public-Key Cryptosystemsp. 486
    The RSA Cryptosystemp. 487
    Exercisesp. 490
    Introduction to Parallel Algorithmsp. 495
    Parallel Architecturesp. 498
    Control Mechanismp. 498
    Address-Space Organizationp. 500
    Interconnection Networksp. 501
    The PRAM Modelp. 505
    Designing Algorithms for the CREW PRAM Modelp. 507
    Designing Algorithms for the CRCW PRAM Modelp. 515
    Exercisesp. 518
    Review of Necessary Mathematicsp. 521
    Notationp. 521
    Functionsp. 523
    Mathematical Inductionp. 524
    Theorems and Lemmasp. 531
    Logarithmsp. 532
    Definition and Properties of Logarithmsp. 532
    The Natural Logarithmp. 534
    Setsp. 536
    Permutations and Combinationsp. 538
    Probabilityp. 541
    Randomnessp. 546
    The Expected Valuep. 550
    Exercisesp. 552
    Solving Recurrence Equations: With Applications to Analysis of Recursive Algorithmsp. 559
    Solving Recurrences Using Inductionp. 559
    Solving Recurrences Using the Characteristic Equationp. 563
    Homogeneous Linear Recurrencesp. 563
    Nonhomogeneous Linear Recurrencesp. 572
    Change of Variables (Domain Transformations)p. 578
    Solving Recurrences by Substitutionp. 581
    Extending Results for n, a Power of a Positive Constant b, to n in Generalp. 583
    Proofs of Theoremsp. 589
    Exercisesp. 592
    Data Structures for Disjoint Setsp. 599
    Referencesp. 609
    Indexp. 615
    Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.


상품정보 테이블로 ISBN, 발행(출시)일자 , 쪽수, 크기, 총권수, 언어을(를) 나타낸 표입니다.
ISBN 9780763782504 ( 0763782505 )
발행(출시)일자 2009년 12월 28일
쪽수 627쪽
188 * 229 * 36 mm / 1224 g
총권수 1권
언어 영어

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