Saving God
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로그아웃 : '서울시 종로구 종로1' 주소 기준
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"This book is a brilliantly conceived contribution to natural theology. Taken together with Johnston's forthcoming Surviving Death, it constitutes the most interesting and provocative elaboration of religious naturalism since Santayana."--Jeffrey Stout, author of Democracy and Traditionand Ethics after Babel "This is a remarkable, fascinating, and important book, one that exhibits rich philosophical erudition--which it wears lightly--and startling philosophical insight. It is, at its core, a work of natural theology, a distinctly philosophical endeavor, but the book neatly sidesteps all the dead ends that such a project has created for itself in the last couple of centuries."--James C. Edwards, author of The Plain Sense of Things: The Fate of Religion in an Age of Normal Nihilism "This is one of those rare works in philosophical theology that presents a complex, novel view in a manner accessible to the general reader. This is an exciting book."--Andrew Chignell, Cornell University
Rejecting supernaturalism as idolatrous, Mark Johnston seeks to rehabilitate the ideas of the Fall & of salvation within a naturalistic framework & presents a conception of God that both resists idolatry & is wholly consistent with the natural sciences.
Mark Johnston is the Walter Cerf Professor of Philosophy at Princeton University and the author of "Surviving Death" (Princeton).
In this book, Mark Johnston argues that God needs to be saved not only from the distortions of the "undergraduate atheists" (Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, and Sam Harris) but, more importantly, from the idolatrous tendencies of religion itself. Each monotheistic religion has its characteristic ways of domesticating True Divinity, of taming God's demands so that they do not radically threaten our self-love and false righteousness. Turning the monotheistic critique of idolatry on the monotheisms themselves, Johnston shows that much in these traditions must be condemned as false and spiritually debilitating. A central claim of the book is that supernaturalismis idolatry. If this is right, everything changes; we cannot place our salvation in jeopardy by tying it essentially to the supernatural cosmologies of the ancient Near East. Remarkably, Johnston rehabilitates the ideas of the Fall and of salvation within a naturalistic framework; he then presents a conception of God that both resists idolatry and is wholly consistent with the deliverances of the natural sciences. Princeton University Press is publishing Saving Godin conjunction with Johnston's forthcoming book Surviving Death, which takes up the crux of supernaturalist belief, namely, the belief in life after death.
In this book, Mark Johnston argues that God needs to be saved not only from the distortions of the "undergraduate atheists" (Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, and Sam Harris) but, more importantly, from the idolatrous tendencies of religion itself. Each monotheistic religion has its characteristic ways of domesticating True Divinity, of taming God's demands so that they do not radically threaten our self-love and false righteousness. Turning the monotheistic critique of idolatry on the monotheisms themselves, Johnston shows that much in these traditions must be condemned as false and spiritually debilitating.A central claim of the book is thatsupernaturalismis idolatry. If this is right, everything changes; we cannot place our salvation in jeopardy by tying it essentially to the supernatural cosmologies of the ancient Near East. Remarkably, Johnston rehabilitates the ideas of the Fall and of salvation within a naturalistic framework; he then presents a conception of God that both resists idolatry and is wholly consistent with the deliverances of the natural sciences.Princeton University Press is publishingSaving Godin conjunction with Johnston's forthcoming bookSurviving Death, which takes up the crux of supernaturalist belief, namely, the belief in life after death.
[A]n astonishing book. . . . [A] daring blend of human depth and philosophical originality. -- Tony Coady, Australian Book Review
Outstanding. -- Alan Wolfe, National Interest
Saving Godis a rich and provocative book. . . . I found Saving Godto be original, complex and insightful. However one reacts to Johnston's naturalistic reinterpretation of Christianity and the other monotheisms, one may still applaud his rejection of idolatrous uses of religion to serve human ends. -- Lynne Rudder Baker, Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews
Saving Godis a rich and provocative book. . . . I foundSaving Godto be original, complex and insightful. However one reacts to Johnston's naturalistic reinterpretation of Christianity and the other monotheisms, one may still applaud his rejection of idolatrous uses of religion to serve human ends. -- Lynne Rudder Baker, Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews
Surviving Deathand Saving Godboth provided me with intellectual pleasure of a high order, even though I found many of the author's conclusions false and some morally repugnant. Johnston is the kind of atheist it's good for Christians to read, because he is intelligent, intellectually energetic, and serious about what he engages, and because he shows very clearly just where fastidiousness leads. -- Paul J. Griffiths, Commonweal
Surviving DeathandSaving Godboth provided me with intellectual pleasure of a high order, even though I found many of the author's conclusions false and some morally repugnant. Johnston is the kind of atheist it's good for Christians to read, because he is intelligent, intellectually energetic, and serious about what he engages, and because he shows very clearly just where fastidiousness leads. -- Paul J. Griffiths, Commonweal
The non-fiction book I most enjoyed this year might be a stocking-stuffer for both atheists and believers (it is slightly more likely to appeal to the former, but would certainly intrigue believers willing to think about their belief). It is Saving God: Religion After Idolatry(Princeton University Press), by the Princeton philosopher Mark Johnston. This book demolishes, with far greater precision and elegance than anything by Richard Dawkins. -- James Wood, New Yorker
The non-fiction book I most enjoyed this year might be a stocking-stuffer for both atheists and believers (it is slightly more likely to appeal to the former, but would certainly intrigue believers willing to think about their belief). It isSaving God: Religion After Idolatry(Princeton University Press), by the Princeton philosopher Mark Johnston. This book demolishes, with far greater precision and elegance than anything by Richard Dawkins. -- James Wood, New Yorker
This accessible, sophisticated, and thoughtful work will be an important addition to collections of both philosophy and theology. -- Choice
This witty and philosophically subtle book is . . . very Maimonidean in its thoroughgoing rejection of superstition and idolatry as an offense to true religion. -- Menachem Kellner, Jewish Review of Books
저자(글) Johnston, Mark
Preface p. xi Is Your God Really God? p. 1 Believing in God On the ?ames?of God The Meaning of ?od?and the Common Conception of God What is Salvation? Salvation Versus Spiritual Materialism The Idolatrous Religions p. 18 The Ban on Idolatry Idolatry as Perverse Worship Graven Images and the Highest One Idolatry as Servility The Rhetoric of Idolatrousness The Same God? The Pharisees' Problem with Jesus Could we be Idolaters? Supernaturalism and Scientism p. 37 Scientism and Superstition Supernaturalism Legitimate Naturalism Scientism Versus Science The Argument for Naturalism from True Religion The Phenomenological Approach p. 53 The Method and the Question Yahweh's use of the Method A Criterion, or an Enclosed Circle? Yahweh's Criterion Applied to Himself Forgiving the God A Reply to Yahweh's Answer to Job Is There and Internal Criterion of Religious Falsehood? p. 70 The Pope's Criterion of Religious Falsehood A Consequence of the Pope's Criterion Religious and Scientific Fallibilism Why God? p. 80 Doesn't Substantive Reasonableness Suffice? The Fall Homo Incurvatus in se The Redeemer? After Monotheism p. 95 The Highest One The Tetragrammation The Paradox of the Highest One Speaking of the Highest One Existents as Dependent Aspects of Existence Itself An Alternative to the Thomistic Interpretation of the Highest One Process Panentheism p. 115 The Goodness of the Highest One The Analogy of Logos Process Panentheism The Self-Disclosure of Existence Itself The Problem is with the Pantheon Panentheism, Not Pantheism p. 126 Distinguishing Panentheism and Pantheism Presence Presence as Disclosure Is being almost Entirely Wasted? Ubiquitous Presence Against Natural Representation Representation and ?arrying Information?/td> Can Causation Account for Aboutness? What Could Replace the Representationalist Tradition? A Diagnosis of the Representationalist's Mistake A Diagnosis of the Representationalist's Mistake A Transformed Picture of ?onsciousness?and Reality Confirming the Surprising Hypothesis The Mind of God p. 152 The Objectivity of the Realm of Sense How the Structure of I Resence Might Impose Evolutionary Constraints Objective Mind and the Mind of the Highest One The Doubly Donatory Character of Reality Does God Exist? The Highest One Christianity without Spiritual Materialism p. 160 Religion and Violence The Gospel According to Girard Where is Original Sinfulness? Original Sinfulness as self-will and False Righteousness Christ Destroys the Kingdom of self-will and False Righteousness The Afterlife as an Idolatrous Conceit Against ?an's Quest for Meaning?/td> The Afterlife as Resistance to Christ Naturalism's Gift: Resurrection without the Afterlife Postscript p. 187 Index p. 189 Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.
ISBN | 9780691152615 ( 0691152616 ) |
발행(출시)일자 | 2011년 07월 31일 |
쪽수 | 216쪽 |
크기 |
152 * 231
* 18
/ 340 g
총권수 | 1권 |
언어 | 영어 |
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