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Fascinating Mathematical People

양장본 Hardcover
Princeton University Press · 2011년 09월 26일
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    Fascinating Mathematical People 사이즈 비교 224x246
    단위 : mm
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This title presents a collection of interviews and memoirs of 16 members of the mathematical community of the 20th century, many still active. The portraits collected here demonstrate that while these men and women vary widely in terms of their backgrounds, they all share a deep sense of wonder about mathematics.
Donald J. Albers is senior acquisitions editor at the Mathematical Association of America. Gerald L. Alexanderson is the Michael and Elizabeth Valeriote Professor of Science at Santa Clara University. They are the editors of "Mathematical People: Profiles and Interviews" and "More Mathematical People: Contemporary Conversations."
" Fascinating Mathematical Peopleis a wonderfully varied collection. We meet brilliantly successful teachers, authors, a dentist, and two Fields Medal-winning Scandinavians. Some came from academic or intellectual families, another from a blazing-hot glass factory in Pennsylvania, and still another from an ancient and storied English aristocratic background. All of them had surprising side paths and detours on their way to mathematical success."--Reuben Hersh, coauthor of Loving and Hating Mathematics "This is a wonderful book."--Barry Cipra, coauthor of What's Happening in the Mathematical Sciences
Fascinating Mathematical Peopleis a collection of informal interviews and memoirs of sixteen prominent members of the mathematical community of the twentieth century, many still active. The candid portraits collected here demonstrate that while these men and women vary widely in terms of their backgrounds, life stories, and worldviews, they all share a deep and abiding sense of wonder about mathematics. Featured here--in their own words--are major research mathematicians whose cutting-edge discoveries have advanced the frontiers of the field, such as Lars Ahlfors, Mary Cartwright, Dusa McDuff, and Atle Selberg. Others are leading mathematicians who have also been highly influential as teachers and mentors, like Tom Apostol and Jean Taylor. Fern Hunt describes what it was like to be among the first black women to earn a PhD in mathematics. Harold Bacon made trips to Alcatraz to help a prisoner learn calculus. Thomas Banchoff, who first became interested in the fourth dimension while reading a Captain Marvel comic, relates his fascinating friendship with Salvador Dal and their shared passion for art, mathematics, and the profound connection between the two. Other mathematical people found here are Leon Bankoff, who was also a Beverly Hills dentist; Arthur Benjamin, a part-time professional magician; and Joseph Gallian, a legendary mentor of future mathematicians, but also a world-renowned expert on the Beatles. This beautifully illustrated collection includes many photographs never before published, concise introductions by the editors to each person, and a foreword by Philip J. Davis.
Fascinating Mathematical Peopleis a collection of informal interviews and memoirs of sixteen prominent members of the mathematical community of the twentieth century, many still active. The candid portraits collected here demonstrate that while these men and women vary widely in terms of their backgrounds, life stories, and worldviews, they all share a deep and abiding sense of wonder about mathematics. Featured here--in their own words--are major research mathematicians whose cutting-edge discoveries have advanced the frontiers of the field, such as Lars Ahlfors, Mary Cartwright, Dusa McDuff, and Atle Selberg. Others are leading mathematicians who have also been highly influential as teachers and mentors, like Tom Apostol and Jean Taylor. Fern Hunt describes what it was like to be among the first black women to earn a PhD in mathematics. Harold Bacon made trips to Alcatraz to help a prisoner learn calculus. Thomas Banchoff, who first became interested in the fourth dimension while reading a Captain Marvel comic, relates his fascinating friendship with Salvador Dal?and their shared passion for art, mathematics, and the profound connection between the two. Other mathematical people found here are Leon Bankoff, who was also a Beverly Hills dentist; Arthur Benjamin, a part-time professional magician; and Joseph Gallian, a legendary mentor of future mathematicians, but also a world-renowned expert on the Beatles. This beautifully illustrated collection includes many photographs never before published, concise introductions by the editors to each person, and a foreword by Philip J. Davis.
A beautifully illustrated collection of interviews and biographical etudes of 16 mathematicians of different backgrounds, varied professional interests, diverse level of achievement--all incredibly interesting as human beings. . . . [A]n awfully good and entertaining read. -- Alexander Bogomolny, CTK Insights
Albers and Alexanderson pick up where they left off from their earlier books, Mathematical Peopleand More Mathematical People, with profiles of 16 unique individuals involved in all areas of mathematics teaching and research. . . . A handy way to learn about contemporary mathematic ideas and interrelated areas of research, the book seems more like a dinner party filled with intriguing personalities than a textbook. . . . Strongly recommended for readers interested in mathematics and anyone wanting to understand the creative process. -- Elizabeth Brown, Library Journal
What do a Beatles expert, a professional magician and a Los Angeles dentist have in common? If they're Joseph Gallian, Arthur Benjamin and Leon Bankoff, it's mathematics. The words of these and other researchers, mentors and teachers in the maths community feature in this compilation by educator Donald Albers and mathematician Gerald Alexanderson. There is much to relish in these accounts--not least geometer Thomas Banchoff's friendship with Salvador Dal, who explored the nexus of atomic science, maths and art late in life. -- Nature
What do a Beatles expert, a professional magician and a Los Angeles dentist have in common? If they're Joseph Gallian, Arthur Benjamin and Leon Bankoff, it's mathematics. The words of these and other researchers, mentors and teachers in the maths community feature in this compilation by educator Donald Albers and mathematician Gerald Alexanderson. There is much to relish in these accounts--not least geometer Thomas Banchoff's friendship with Salvador Dal? who explored the nexus of atomic science, maths and art late in life. -- Nature


저자(글) Davis, Philip J.


  • Foreword by Philip J. Davis vii Preface ix Acknowledgments xiii Sources xv

    One: Lars V. Ahlfors 1
    Two: Tom Apostol 17
    Three: Harold M. Bacon 43
    Four: Tom Banchoff 52
    Five: Leon Bankoff 79
    Six: Alice Beckenbach 96
    Seven: Arthur Benjamin 107
    Eight: Dame Mary L. Cartwright 129
    Nine: Joe Gallian 146
    Ten: Richard K. Guy 165
    Eleven: Fern Hunt 193
    Twelve: Dusa McDuff 215
    Thirteen: Donald G. Saari 240
    Fourteen: Atle Selberg 254
    Fifteen: Jean Taylor 274
    Sixteen: Philippe Tondeur 294

    Biographical Notes 319
    Glossary 321
    Index 325


상품정보 테이블로 ISBN, 발행(출시)일자 , 쪽수, 크기, 총권수, 언어을(를) 나타낸 표입니다.
ISBN 9780691148298 ( 0691148295 )
발행(출시)일자 2011년 09월 26일
쪽수 352쪽
224 * 246 * 27 mm / 961 g
총권수 1권
언어 영어

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