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Junie B. Jones #6

Barbara Park 저자(글)
Random House Children's Books · 1996년 04월 14일
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책 소개

이 책이 속한 분야


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Barbara Park is one of today's funniest, most popular writers for middle grade readers. Her novels, which include Skinnybones, Mick Harte was Here, Maxie, Rosie, and Earl-Partners in Grime, Rosie Swanson: Fourth-Grade Geek for President, and The Graduation of Jake Moonhave won just about every award given by children. She is also the author of the hilarious and bestselling Junie B. Jones chapter books. Recent books about Junie include Junie B., First Grader (at last!) and Junie B., First Grader: Boss of Lunch. Ms. Park earned a B.S. degree in education at the University of Alabama. She lives in Arizona with her husband and has two grown sons.
Junie B is very upset when a boy in her class plans to invite everyone except her to his birthday party, but her grandfather helps her deal with the situation.
Chapter 2: Tapping on That Jim's Head After the party, me and my other bestest friend rode home on the bus. Her name is Grace. Me and that Grace take turns sitting next to the window. That is good sports of us, I think. Except for sometimes we forget whose turn it is. Then we have to settle it with our fists. This time, it was that Grace's turn to sit next to the window. "Guess what? I don't even care if you sit there today," I told her. "'Cause eating all that cake made me in a happy mood." That Grace smiled. "Me, too," she said. "Eating that cake made me in a happy mood, too." "Yeah, only you can't be as happy as me," I explained. "'Cause I had two cakes. And you just had one." That Grace did a frown. "That's okay, Grace. Don't be upset," I said. "'Cause when I have my birthday, I will invite you to my house. And you can have two cakes, too." "Oh boy!" she said. "I know it isoh boy," I said back. "Plus also you will get your very own paper cup with M&M's in it." "Ooo! Yum! IloveM&M's," said that Grace. "Me too. I love M&M's, too," I said. "On account of the chocolate doesn't melt on your hands. Just the colors melt on your hands and that's all." I smiled real big. ""And here'sanothergood thing, Grace. When you come to my party, you will get your very own party hat. And we will play Twister. Plus also we play that game where you shout Bingo. Only I keep on forgetting the name of that one." Just then, a meanie boy named Jim jumped up from his seat. "BINGO, stupid!" he shouted. "Its name is BINGO! What a MORON! Who would even want to come to a stupid party like yours?" He made his voice real loud. So everybody could hear. "Atmyhouse I havecoolbirthday parties. Like last year my party was named Clowning Around. And we had two clowns from the circus. And they made balloon animals and did magic tricks." I leaned way close to his face. "So?" I said. "I don't evenlikeclowns. Clowns are not normal people. Plus my very own Grampa Frank Miller can make balloon animals, too. Except for they all look like wiener dogs. Only he's working on it." That Jim wasn't even listening to me. He just kept on talking about his parties. "Thisyear my party is named Old MacDonald's Farm. And a real farmer is bringing a petting zoo right to my front yard. And he's going to bring a lamb, and a goat, and a burro, and some rabbits! And he's also bringing a real live pony for us to ride." I put my hands on my waist. "Yeah, well too bad for you," I said. "'Cause I saw all about ponies on TV. And ponies buck you off their backs. And then they stomple you into the ground and kill you to death. And so I wouldn't even come to your stupid dumb party in a jillion billion years." "Good!" hollered that Jim. "I'm glad! 'Cause my birthday is this coming Saturday! And tomorrow I'm bringing invitations to every single person in Room Nine! Onlynotto you! You're theonly onein the whole class I'm not bringing an invitation to! So there!" Then he did a big HAH! right in my face. And he sat back down in his seat. Meanwhile, I just kept on standing and standing there. 'Cause something had gone a little bit wrong here, I think. I tapped on his head. "Yeah, only here's the thing," I said. "I didn't actually know you were having a party on Saturday. And so, good news...I think I can make it." "No!" shouted that meanie boy. "You're not coming! Now go away!"
Guess who'snotinvited? That meanie Jim has invited everyone in Room Nine to his birthday party on Saturday -- except Junie B.! Should she have her own birthday party six months early and not invite Jim? Or should she move to It's a Small World After All in Disneyland?
Guess who's not invited? That meanie Jim has invited everyone in Room Nine to his birthday party on Saturday -- except Junie B.! Should she have her own birthday party six months early and not invite Jim? Or should she move to It's a Small World After All in Disneyland?
" Park is truly a funny writer. Although Junie B. is a kindergartner, she's sure to make middle graders laugh out loud." -- School Library Journal
"Park is truly a funny writer. Although Junie B. is a kindergartner, she's sure to make middle graders laugh out loud." -- School Library Journal

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전 세계 6천 5백만 부 이상 판매된 베스트셀러 시리즈!
세상에서 가장 엉뚱하고 유쾌한 소녀, 주니 B. 존스를 만나 보세요!

이 책은 호기심 많은 개구쟁이 소녀 주니 B.의 좌충우돌 성장기를 다룬 『주니 B. 존스』 시리즈에 다양한 영어 학습 콘텐츠를 덧붙여 재구성한 책입니다.

국내외에서 두루 인정받은 재미있는 내용의 영어원서에, 어려운 어휘가 완벽하게 정리된 단어장, 이해력을 점검해 볼 수 있는 퀴즈, 영문과 비교해 볼 수 있는 한국어 번역을 첨가해 초보자들도 부담 없이 읽어볼 수 있도록 했습니다.

『주니 B. 존스』 시리즈는 유쾌한 내용, 친근하고 쉬운 어휘와 문장으로 이루어져, ‘엄마표 영어’ 교재를 찾는 부모님, 영어원서 읽기에 관심 있는 영어 학습자, 진짜 영어 실력을 키울 수 있는 통합적인 공부법을 찾는 학습자에게 최고의 교재가 되어줄 것입니다!

초대받지 못한 사람이 과연 누구인지 아세요? 9반의 그 못된 짐 녀석이 9반 친구들 모두를 자신의 생일 파티에 초대했어요. 바로 주니 B. 존스만 쏙 빼고 말이죠! 그녀는 6개월이나 앞당겨서 자신의 생일 파티를 열고 짐만 초대하지 말아야 할까요? 어쩌면 그녀가 디즈니랜드로 이사라도 가야 하는 걸까요? 아니면. . . 좋은 소식이에요! 아마도 주니 B.는 결국 자신만의 초대장을 받을 방법을 찾아낼 수 있을 것 같아요!


저자(글) Barbara Park

<b>Barbara Park</b>

<img src="http://www.randomhouse.com/catalog/authphoto_110/23194_park_barbara.gif" align=left>I grew up in Mt. Holly, New Jersey. It was a small town surrounded by farmland . . . the kind of town where you greet people by name on Main Street. It was only an hour’s drive to the ocean. So every summer we spent family vacations on Long Beach Island. My brother and I would ride the waves during the day and play miniature golf at night. It’s the kind of idyllic memory that stays in your head long after you’ve grown up and moved away.
After graduating from high school and spending two years at Rider University, I transferred to the University of Alabama where I met my husband, Richard. Eventually his job brought him to Arizona. We both fell in love with the desert and wanted to stay here forever. Still, during the heat of the Arizona summers, those ocean memories would come rushing back. So?after years of sweaty summers?my husband and I finally built a house on Long Beach Island, the same island where my brother and I rode the waves as kids. In the story business, that’s called “coming full circle.” These days, Richard and I divide our time between the desert and the ocean. In the words of Junie B. Jones, I’m a lucky duck.


상품정보 테이블로 ISBN, 발행(출시)일자 , 쪽수, 크기, 총권수, 언어을(를) 나타낸 표입니다.
ISBN 9780679866954 ( 0679866957 )
발행(출시)일자 1996년 04월 14일
쪽수 96쪽
135 * 196 * 8 mm / 68 g
총권수 1권
언어 영어

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교환/반품/품절 안내

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    1) 상품의 불량에 의한 교환, A/S, 환불, 품질보증 및 피해보상 등에 관한 사항은 소비자분쟁 해결 기준 (공정거래위원회 고시)에 준하여 처리됨
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상품 설명에 반품/교환 관련한 안내가 있는 경우 그 내용을 우선으로 합니다. (업체 사정에 따라 달라질 수 있습니다.)

기분 좋은 발견

이 분야의 베스트

해외주문 서양도서 베스트

이 분야의 신간

베스트 옵션
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