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Belknap Press · 2011년 04월 15일
10점 중 0점
(0개의 리뷰)
평가된 감성태그가
  • Commonwealth 대표 이미지
    Commonwealth 대표 이미지
  • A4
    사이즈 비교
    Commonwealth 사이즈 비교 155x233
    단위 : mm
01 / 02
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Commonwealth [is] the latest book by Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri, whose Empire and Multitude have, arguably, been the dominant works of political philosophy of the new century...[It's] the much-anticipated final volume of the Empire trilogy. Artforum 20091001 Commonwealth is a timely contribution to our understanding of contemporary capitalist relations and the potential revolutionary conditions they create...Together Hardt and Negri's work is considered to be responsible for a resurgence of interest in non-orthodox Marxism and its political manifestations. Commonwealth is the final part of a trilogy that began with Empire in 2000, a book that was published during the emergence of the alter-globalization movement. Multitude followed in 2004, developing the ideas that had been introduced in Empire, in particular the concept of the multitude as a new revolutionary subject. Commonwealth is a worthy addition to the trilogy, expamnding and clarifying on the understandings in the previous books, but perhaps more significantly grounding their analysis within an extended discussion of "the common."...Commonwealth is a book that challenges presuppositions about the utility of Marx, and introduces the possibility of combining his insights with the ideas of other significant authors such as Nietzsche, Foucault, Deleuze and Guattari, who are not traditionally associated with the radical communist project. -- Bertie Russell and Andre Pusey Red Pepper 20100401

원서번역서 내용 엿보기




  • * Preface: The Becoming-Prince of the Multitude Part 1. Republic (and the Multitude of the Poor) *1.1 Republic of Property *1.2 Productive Bodies *1.3 The Multitude of the Poor * De Corpore 1: Biopolitics as Event Part 2. Modernity (and the Landscapes of Altermodernity) *2.1 Antimodernity as Resistance *2.2 Ambivalences of Modernity *2.3 Altermodernity * De Homine 1: Biopolitical Reason Part 3. Capital (and the Struggles over Common Wealth) *3.1 Metamorphoses of the Composition of Capital *3.2 Class Struggle from Crisis to Exodus *3.3 Kairos of the Multitude * De Singularitate 1: Of Love Possessed * Intermezzo: A Force to Combat Evil Part 4. Empire Returns *4.1 Brief History of a Failed Coup d'Etat *4.2 After U.S. Hegemony *4.3 Genealogy of Rebellion * De Corpore 2: Metropolis Part 5. Beyond Capital? *5.1 Terms of the Economic Transition *5.2 What Remains of Capitalism *5.3 Pre-shocks along the Fault Lines * De Homine 2: Cross the Threshold! Part 6. Revolution *6.1 Revolutionary Parallelism *6.2 Insurrectional Intersections *6.3 Governing the Revolution * De Singularitate 2: Instituting Happiness * Notes * Acknowledgments * Index


상품정보 테이블로 ISBN, 발행(출시)일자 , 쪽수, 크기, 총권수, 언어을(를) 나타낸 표입니다.
ISBN 9780674060289 ( 0674060288 )
발행(출시)일자 2011년 04월 15일
쪽수 448쪽
155 * 233 * 28 mm / 508 g
총권수 1권
언어 영어


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