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해외주문 · POD


Revised | Paperback
Wiley-Blackwell · 1991년 01월 16일
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(0개의 리뷰)
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  • Poverty 대표 이미지
    Poverty 대표 이미지
  • A4
    사이즈 비교
    Poverty 사이즈 비교 153x229
    단위 : mm
01 / 02
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  • 해외주문도서는 고객님의 요청에 의해 주문하는 '개인 오더' 상품이기 때문에, 단순한 고객변심/착오로 인한 취소, 반품, 교환의 경우 '해외주문 반품/취소 수수료'를 부담하셔야 합니다. 이점 유의하여 주시기 바랍니다.
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취소/반품에 대한 안내

POD도서는 고객 주문 후 제작되는 도서로, 단순변심 및 착오로 인한 취소, 반품이 절대 불가하니 이점 반드시 유의하여 주시기 바랍니다.

Widely regarded as one of the classics of post-war historical writing, this book shows how central the role of poverty has been throughout the history of Europe. It ranges across the period from the first millennium to the present day, casting a fresh and revealing perspective on the actions of individuals, groups and nations, and on the underlying nature of the greatest social changes the continent has experienced. Professor Geremek shows how the rich and those in authority have always expressed mixed feelings about the poor, oscillating between pity and fear, compassion and revulsion. He examines why this should have been so and discusses the effects it had on private and public actions. Even in the Middle Ages, the author suggests, there was little sentimentality. Then the poor had functions, as the means of securing divine salvation through the giving of alms, and as contractors who would pray for their benefactors. With the economic crises that afflicted Europe in the sixteenth century, mass proverty came to be seen as harmful and destabilizing, and new principles of modern poor relief were formulated to control it. But the scale of poverty was increasing: first through rural change and then through industrial change. If absolute poverty became less evident, the gap between rich and poor had become more manifest. It is here, Professor Geremek shows, that the utopian ideals of socialism were born. Unrest could be contained in state welfare schemes, or it could be manipulated into revolution and the poor once more enslaved - this time in the name of their own interests.
Bronislaw Geremek was lecturer at the Sorbonne (1960-1965) were he also directed the Centre for Polish Civilization until 1966. In 1965 he was appointed head of the Research Unit on the History of Medieval Culture at the Polish Academy of Sciences. For the next twenty years he was closely involved in dissident circles in Poland, taking a central role in the founding of the Solidarity trade union in Gdansk in the early 1980s. Professor Geremek still plays an important role in Poland's politics while now continuing his teaching and research both in Warsaw and in Paris.
Widely regarded as one of the classics of post-war historical writing, this book shows how central the role of poverty has been throughout the history of Europe. A history of poverty in Europe covering over 1000 years. Translated into Italian, French, German, Spanish and Japanese. High profile author - a leading member of solidarity and professor at the College de France.
"A wise, distinguished medieval historian, veteran of Poland's own battles with poverty, here extends himself over a millennium and a continent to illuminate the constantly-changing social conditions, definitions, explanations, political measures, and charitable actions by which Europeans have generated, mitigated, and stigmatized material hardship." Charles Tilly "A serious, meticulously researched history, Geremek's is a fine account of a fascinating and perennially topical subject." Literary Review
Foreword.Introduction: What is Poverty'.1. The Middle Ages: Charity and Salvation.2. The Disintegration of Medieval Society.3. Reformation and Repression: the 1520s.4. The Reform of Charity.5. Charitable Polemics: Local Politics and Reasons of State.6. Prisons of Enlightenment.7. Poverty and the Contemporary World.Notes.Bibliography.Index.
"A wise, distinguished medieval historian, veteran of Poland's own battles with poverty, here extends himself over a millennium and a continent to illuminate the constantly-changing social conditions, definitions, explanations, political measures, and charitable actions by which Europeans have generated, mitigated, and stigmatized material hardship." Charles Tilly "A serious, meticulously researched history, Geremek's is a fine account of a fascinating and perennially topical subject." Literary Review

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인류 역사의 시작부터 발생한 빈곤 문제!

『빈곤의 역사』는 서구 역사 속에서의 빈곤 문제를 다루고 있다. '빈곤'에 대한 새로운 평가방식으로 주목받은 저자 '브로니슬라프 게레멕'은 산업화가 전 지구적으로 진행되는 시점에서 사람들이 빈민들을 어떻게 생각하는가, 그들에 대해서 어떤 태도를 취하는가, 그리고 어떤 조치와 정책을 취하는가 등을 구체적으로 밝혔다. 저자는 이러한 '빈곤'에 대한 역사적 문제의식을 통해 그 대안 마련을 위한 혜안을 제시해주고, 서구의 중세사회와 근대사회 사이의 변모를 살펴본다.


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  • Foreword
    Introduction: What is Poverty?
    The Middle Ages: Charity and Salvation
    The Disintegration of Medieval Society
    Reformation and Repression: the 1520s
    The Reform of Charity
    Charitable Polemics: Local Politics and Reasons of State
    Prisons of Enlightenment
    Poverty and the Contemporary World
    Table of Contents provided by Publisher. All Rights Reserved.


상품정보 테이블로 ISBN, 발행(출시)일자 , 쪽수, 크기, 총권수, 언어을(를) 나타낸 표입니다.
ISBN 9780631205296 ( 0631205292 )
발행(출시)일자 1991년 01월 16일
쪽수 288쪽
153 * 229 * 25 mm / 435 g
총권수 1권
언어 영어

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    마이룸 > 주문관리 > 주문/배송내역 > 주문조회 > 반품/교환 신청, [1:1 상담 > 반품/교환/환불] 또는 고객센터 (1544-1900)
    * 오픈마켓, 해외배송 주문, 기프트 주문시 [1:1 상담>반품/교환/환불] 또는 고객센터 (1544-1900)
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    예) 음반/DVD/비디오, 소프트웨어, 만화책, 잡지, 영상 화보집
    4) 소비자의 요청에 따라 개별적으로 주문 제작되는 상품의 경우 ((1)해외주문도서)
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    (1) 해외주문도서 : 이용자의 요청에 의한 개인주문상품으로 단순변심 및 착오로 인한 취소/교환/반품 시 ‘해외주문 반품/취소 수수료’ 고객 부담 (해외주문 반품/취소 수수료 : ①서양도서-판매정가의 12%, ②일본도서-판매정가의 7%를 적용)
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