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Curious George at the Park (Cgtv Touch-And-Feel Board Book)

BRDBK | 보드북
H. A. Rey 저자(글)
Clarion Books · 2010년 03월 15일
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    Curious George at the Park (Cgtv Touch-And-Feel Board Book) 사이즈 비교 175x173
    단위 : mm
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Emily Meyer is a contributor for Houghton Mifflin Harcourt titles including Sheep on a Ship and Curious George at the Park Touch-and-Feel (CGTV Board Book).
The Reys were born in Hamburg, Germany. Hans Augusto Rey (1898-1977) met his wife-to-be, Margret (1906-1996), at a party in her father's home in Germany; when he first caught a glimpse of her, she was sliding down the banister. In their twenties and thirties they lived in Paris and in Rio de Janeiro, where Hans sold bathtubs in villages along the Amazon River. Eventually Cambridge, Massachusetts, became the Reys' home and community. Throughout their lives the Reys created many lively books together, including SPOTTY, PRETZEL, and lift-the-flap books such as HOW DO YOU GET THERE? The manuscript of the first Curious George books was one of the few items the Reys carried with them on their bicycles when they escaped from Paris in 1940. Eventually, they made their way to the United States, and CURIOUS GEORGE was published in 1941. Their incorrigible little monkey has become an American icon, selling millions of books and capturing the hearts of readers everywhere. CURIOUS GEORGE has been published in many languages, including French, German, Japanese, Afrikaans, and Norwegian. Additional Curious George books followed, as well as such other favorites as CECILY G. AND THE NINE MONKEYS and FIND THE CONSTELLATIONS.
Hans Augusto Rey was born in Hamburg, Germany in 1898. As a child, he spent much of his free time in that city's famous Hagenbeck Zoo drawing animals. After serving in the army during World War I, he studied philology and natural science at the University of Hamburg. He then married Margret Rey and they moved to Montmartre for four years. The manuscript for the first Curious George books was one of the few items the Reys carried with them on their bicycles when they escaped from Paris in 1940. Eventually, they made their way to the United States, and Curious George was published in 1941. Curious George has been published in many languages, including French, German, Japanese, Afrikaans, and Norwegian. Additional Curious George books followed, as well as such other favorites as CECILY G. AND THE NINE MONKEYS and FIND THE CONSTELLATIONS.
There are many fun things for Curious George to do at the park: see his animal friends, admire the trees and flowers, fly a kite, play soccer, and--his favorite one of all--have a picnic with all his friends! The varied touch and feel materials--which include soft bunny fur, bumpy tree bark, smooth, shiny kite material, a rubbery soccer ball, and patterned blanket fabric--help young readers experience and enjoy all that the park has to offer through the curious eyes of everyone's favorite little monkey.
There are so many fun things for Curious George to do at the park: see his animal friends, admire the trees and flowers, fly a kite, play soccer, and--his favorite one of all--have a picnic! The varied touch-and-feel materials--which include soft bunny fur, bumpy tree bark, shiny kite material, a rubbery soccer ball, and patterned blanket fabric--help young readers experience and enjoy all that the park has to offer through the curious eyes of everyone's favorite little monkey.
There are so many fun things for Curious George to do at the park: see his animal friends, admire the trees and flowers, fly a kite, play soccer, and-his favorite one of all-have a picnic! The varied touch-and-feel materials-which include soft bunny fur, bumpy tree bark, shiny kite material, a rubbery soccer ball, and patterned blanket fabric-help young readers experience and enjoy all that the park has to offer through the curious eyes of everyone's favorite little monkey.
There are so many fun things for Curious George to do at the park: see his animal friends, admire the trees and flowers, fly a kite, play soccer, and-his favorite one of all-have a picnic! The varied touch-and-feel materials-which include soft bunny fur, bumpy tree bark, shiny kite material, a rubbery soccer ball, and patterned blanket fabric-help young readers experience and enjoy all that the park has to offer through the curious eyes of everyone?? favorite little monkey.
The CGTV spring-themed park story in a 7 X 7 board book format, featuring five different textures to touch and feel!

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저자(글) H. A. Rey

미국에서 활동한 독일 출신의 작가이자 일러스트레이터. 1898년 함부르크에서 태어났다. 일러스트레이터와 석판 인쇄공으로 일하며 뮌헨과 함부르크의 대학에서 철학, 자연과학, 외국어를 공부했다. 아내 마거릿 레이(Margret Rey)를 만나 함께 파리로 이주해 본격적으로 그림을 그리고 글을 쓰기 시작했다. 그 유명한『Curious George(호기심 많은 조지)』를 집필한 것도 몽마르트에서였다. 이후 두 사람은 미국 매사추세츠주에 정착해 케임브리지센터에서 천문학을 가르치며 살았다. 그러던 어느 날 문득 ‘별자리 가이드북’에 관한 아이디어가 떠올랐고, 출판사에 제안, 마침내 1954년 『별 헤는 밤을 위한 안내서(The Stars: A New Way To See Them)』가 출간되었다. 수많은 이들을 밤하늘의 세계로 이끈 그는 1977년 여름, 일흔아홉 번째 생일을 앞두고 별 같은 생을 마감했다.


상품정보 테이블로 ISBN, 발행(출시)일자 , 쪽수, 크기, 총권수, 언어을(를) 나타낸 표입니다.
ISBN 9780547243009 ( 0547243006 )
발행(출시)일자 2010년 03월 15일
쪽수 10쪽
175 * 173 * 10 mm / 159 g
총권수 1권
언어 영어


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