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Explorations in Giftedness

양장본 Hardcover
Sternberg, Robert J 저자(글)
Cambridge University Press · 2010년 09월 30일
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    Explorations in Giftedness 사이즈 비교 155x231
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This book is a scholarly overview of the modern concepts, definitions, and theories of intellectual giftedness, and of past and current developments in the field of gifted education. The authors consider, in some detail, the roles of intelligence, creativity, and wisdom in giftedness and the interaction between culture and giftedness, as well as how giftedness can be understood in terms of a construct of developing expertise. The authors also review and discuss a set of key studies that address the issues of identification and education of children with intellectual gifts. This volume may be used as a summary overview of the field for educators, psychologists, social workers, and other professionals who serve intellectually gifted children and their families.

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[영재탐구]는 영재교육의 중요 이슈인 영재의 정의와 측정에서부터 성공지능의 개발을 위한 적절한 교수법을 제공하는 내용까지 다루고 있다. 저자들은 영재성에 대한 이론들을 잘 정립하였고, 자신들의 연구에 기초한 광대한 연구들을 통합한 다음 이론들을 확대하고 실제에 적용할 수 있는 연구 결과들을 제시했다.



Robert J. Sternberg 외 2명



  • Prefacep. xiii
    What Is Giftedness?p. 1
    The Pentagonal Theory for Identifying the Giftedp. 2
    The Excellence Criterionp. 2
    The Rarity Criterionp. 3
    The Productivity Criterionp. 4
    The Demonstrability Criterionp. 5
    The Value Criterionp. 6
    Testing the Pentagonal Theoryp. 7
    Implications of the Pentagonal Theoryp. 8
    Do We Still Need a Label of "Giftedness"?p. 10
    Myths about Giftednessp. 11
    Theories of Giftednessp. 14
    No Conceptionp. 14
    IQ and Related Constructsp. 17
    IQ Plus Other Qualitiesp. 24
    Renzullip. 24
    Tannenbaump. 26
    Sternberg and Zhangp. 26
    Feldhusenp. 27
    Haensly, Reynolds, and Nashp. 28
    Csikszentmihalyip. 28
    Winnerp. 29
    Gruberp. 30
    Gardnerp. 31
    Gagn?/td>p. 31
    VanTassel-Baskap. 32
    WICS as a Model of Giftednessp. 34
    Creativityp. 36
    Creative Giftedness as a Confluence of Skills and Attitudesp. 36
    Types of Creative Ideasp. 39
    Intelligencep. 42
    Academic Intelligencep. 43
    Practical Intelligencep. 44
    Relative Importance of Different Aspects of Intelligence and Creativity Over Timep. 45
    Wisdomp. 50
    Synthesisp. 52
    Intelligence and Giftednessp. 54
    Implicit Theories of Intelligencep. 54
    Intelligence Testingp. 56
    Historyp. 56
    Major Intelligence Scalesp. 57
    Psychometric Approaches to Intelligencep. 58
    Spearman: Theory of gp. 58
    Thurstone: Primary Mental Abilitiesp. 59
    Guilford: Structure of Intellectp. 60
    Cattell, Vernon, and Carroll: Hierarchical Modelsp. 61
    A Famous Application of the Psychometric Modelp. 62
    Cognitive Approaches to Intelligencep. 62
    Inspection Timep. 63
    Choice Reaction Timep. 63
    Lexical Access Speed and Speed of Simultaneous Processingp. 64
    Working Memoryp. 66
    The Componential Theory and Complex Problem Solvingp. 67
    Biological Approaches to Intelligencep. 68
    Brain Sizep. 69
    Speed of Neural Conductionp. 69
    Positron Emission Tomography and Functional Magnetic Resonance Imagingp. 70
    Evolutionary Theoryp. 71
    Contextual Approaches to Intelligencep. 71
    Systems Approaches to Intelligencep. 74
    Gardner: Multiple Intelligencesp. 74
    Sternberg: The Triarchic Theory of Successful Intelligencep. 75
    True Intelligencep. 76
    The Bioecological Model of Intelligencep. 77
    Improving Intelligencep. 77
    Creativity and Giftednessp. 82
    Mystical Approaches to the Study of Creativityp. 84
    Pragmatic Approachesp. 84
    The Psychodynamic Approachp. 86
    Psychometric Approachesp. 87
    Cognitive Approachesp. 90
    Social-Personality and Social-Cognitive Approachesp. 93
    Evolutionary Approaches to Creativityp. 94
    Confluence Approaches to the Study of Creativityp. 95
    Alternate Approaches to Understanding Kinds of Creative Contributionsp. 98
    Wisdom and Giftednessp. 102
    What Is Wisdom?p. 103
    Philosophical Approachesp. 103
    Implicit-Theoretical Approachesp. 104
    Explicit-Theoretical Approachesp. 106
    Generalized Views of the Relationship Between Wisdom and Agep. 110
    Implicit Theoriesp. 111
    Implicit Theories of Wisdom and Age?p. 111
    Explicit Theoriesp. 114
    When Does Wisdom First Develop?p. 114
    What Is the Trajectory of Wisdom Throughout the Adult Life Span?p. 116
    Is Wisdom Beneficial?p. 118
    Ethical Giftednessp. 120
    A Multiphase Model for Ethical Behaviorp. 121
    Is There an Ethical Giftedness?p. 127
    The Role of Wisdomp. 129
    Giftedness as Developing Expertisep. 131
    The Specifics of the Developing Expertise modelp. 134
    Elements of the Modelp. 134
    Interactions of Elementsp. 137
    The g Factor and the Structure of Abilitiesp. 137
    Taking Testsp. 141
    Giftedness and Culturep. 144
    What Is Culture?p. 145
    What Is Intelligence Across Cultures?p. 145
    What Is Giftedness Across Cultures?p. 151
    Models of the Relationship of Culture to Intelligencep. 152
    Studies of Intelligence and Giftedness in Their Cultural Contextsp. 155
    Children May Develop Contextually Important Skills at the Expense of Academic Onesp. 158
    Children May Have Substantial Practical Skills That Go Unrecognized in Academic Testsp. 161
    Practical Intellectual Skills May Be Better Predictors of Health Than Acadamic Onesp. 161
    Physical Health May Moderate Performance on Assessmentsp. 162
    Dynamic Testing May Reveal Cognitive Skills Not Revealed by Static Testingp. 163
    Culture-Fair and Culture-Relevant Testingp. 165
    Conclusionp. 166
    Learning Disabilities, Giftedness, and Gifted/LDp. 168
    Understanding Giftedness, Learning Disabilities, and Gifted-LD in Terms of the Model of Giftedness as Developing Expertisep. 169
    Strengths of Gifted Students with Learning Disabilitiesp. 172
    Doing Betterp. 173
    Identifying the Giftedp. 177
    Standardized Testsp. 177
    Types of Standardized Testsp. 179
    Assessing Test Qualityp. 185
    Statistical Concepts Underlying Test Scoresp. 191
    Types of Scoresp. 191
    Let's Be a Bit More Precisep. 192
    Issues and Concerns in Standardized Testingp. 194
    Test Biasp. 194
    The Rainbow Projectp. 196
    Methodological Considerationsp. 197
    Findingsp. 200
    The Kaleidoscope Projectp. 203
    The Aurora Projectp. 206
    Limitationsp. 209
    Educating the Giftedp. 213
    Teaching and Assessing the Gifted for WICSp. 213
    Potential Objections to Teaching for Successful Intelligence with Repliesp. 221
    Some Instructional Datap. 224
    Aptitude-Treatment Interaction Studyp. 225
    Social Studies and Science Studyp. 226
    Reading Studyp. 227
    Study on Teaching for Successful Intelligence in Language Arts, Mathematics, and Science in Grade 4p. 227
    Why Teaching for Successful Intelligence Worksp. 229
    Teaching for Wisdomp. 230
    The Role of Wisdom in Education and Societyp. 230
    Implications of Teaching for Wisdomp. 233
    Referencesp. 237
    Indexp. 283
    Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.


상품정보 테이블로 ISBN, 발행(출시)일자 , 쪽수, 크기, 총권수, 언어을(를) 나타낸 표입니다.
ISBN 9780521518543 ( 0521518547 )
발행(출시)일자 2010년 09월 30일
쪽수 318쪽
155 * 231 * 23 mm / 567 g
총권수 1권
언어 영어

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