Henry's Freedom Box
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책 소개
이 책이 속한 분야
A fictionalized account of how in 1849 a Virginia slave, Henry "Box" Brown, escapes to freedom by shipping himself in a wooden crate from Richmond to Philadelphia.
A stirring, dramatic story of a slave who mails himself to freedom by a Jane Addams Peace Award-winning author and a Coretta Scott King Award-winning artist. Henry Brown doesn't know how old he is. Nobody keeps records of slaves' birthdays. All the time he dreams about freedom, but that dream seems farther away than ever when he is torn from his family and put to work in a warehouse. Henry grows up and marries, but he is again devastated when his family is sold at the slave market. Then one day, as he lifts a crate at the warehouse, he knows exactly what he must do: He will mail himself to the North. After an arduous journey in the crate, Henry finally has a birthday -- his first day of freedom.
Henry Brown doesn't know how old he is. Nobody keeps records of slaves' birthdays. All the time he dreams about freedom, but that dream seems farther away than ever when he is torn from his family and put to work in a warehouse. When Henry grows up and marries, he is again devastated when his family is sold at the slave market. Then one day, as he lifts a crate at the warehouse, he knows exactly what he must do: He will mail himself to the North. After an arduous journey in the crate, Henry finally has a birthday -- his first day of freedom.
In this powerful story, Levine weaves together the extraordinary events in the life of Henry "Box" Brown, who as a young boy hid in a wooden crate in one of the most amazing escapes using the Underground Railroad. Full color.
Henry Brown doesn't know how old he is. Nobody keeps records of slaves' birthdays. All the time he dreams about freedom, but that dream seems farther away than ever when he is torn from his family and put to work in a warehouse. When Henry grows up and marries, he is again devastated when his family is sold at the slave market. Then one day, as he lifts a crate at the warehouse, he knows exactly what he must do: He will mail himself to the North. After an arduous journey in the crate, Henry finally has a birthday -- his first day of freedom.
Henry Brown doesn't know how old he is. Nobody keeps records of slaves' birthdays. All the time he dreams about freedom, but that dream seems farther away than ever when he is torn from his family and put to work in a warehouse. When Henry grows up and marries, he is again devastated when his family is sold at the slave market. Then one day, as he lifts a crate at the warehouse, he knows exactly what he must do: He will mail himself to the North. After an arduous journey in the crate, Henry finally has a birthday -- his first day of freedom.
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상자를 절대 뒤집지 마세요!
'뜨인돌 그림책' 시리즈, 제6권 『헨리의 자유 상자』. 기쁠 때 웃는 것도, 슬플 때 우는 것도 인정되지 않는 흑인 노예로 태어나, 자유를 찾기 위해 목숨을 걸고 상자 속에 숨어 탈출한 '헨리 박스 브라운'의 실화를, 아이들이 이해하기 쉽게 재구성한 그림책입니다.
이 그림책은 흑인 노예라는 이유만으로 가족과도 떨어져 지내야 한 헨리의 이야기를 들려주고 있습니다. 인간으로서의 마땅한 권리를 찾아 좁은 상자 속에서 27시간이나 숨죽이고서 56km를 지나 자유의 땅으로 가기까지의 헨리의 모험을 사실적인 그림과 함께 오롯이 담아냈습니다. 인권과 자유의 소중함을 아이들에게 일깨워줍니다.
쟤는 헨리 브라운이야. 흑인 노예지. 헨리는 나이도 몰라. 흑인 노예에게는 생일이 없거든. 헨리 가족은 주인님이 사는 저택에서 일을 했어. 주인님은 친절하게 대해주었지. 하지만 어느 날 주인님은 자신의 아들에게 헨리를 보내버렸어. 헨리는 엄마와 헤어져 담배공장으로 가게 된 거야.
하지만 헨리는 정말 열심히 일했어. 낸시를 만나 결혼까지 하게 되었지. 어느 날 낸시는 주인님이 아이들을 팔게 될 까 봐 걱정이라고 말했어. 다음 날 주인님은 아이들뿐 아니라, 낸시까지 팔아버렸어. 헨리는 절망하고 말았지. 그리고 자유를 꿈꾸는데……. 양장본.
★ 수상! ★
- 2008년 칼데콧 아너상.
How did people escape on the Underground Railroad? What was it like to land on Ellis Island?How did it feel to travel the Oregon Trail in a covered wagon? Ellen Levine has revealed worldsof fascinating adventure with her nonfiction books for young readers.
Although Ellen Levine enjoys reading and writing fiction, most of her books for young readershave been nonfiction. "Writing nonfiction lets me in behind the scenes of the story. I enjoylearning new things and meeting new people, even if they lived 200 years ago."
"Real heroes," Levine says, "aren't necessarily on TV or in the news. They can be ordinarypeople who are willing to take risks for causes they believe in. Nonfiction offers a way tointroduce young readers to real people who have shown tremendous courage, even when facedwith great danger. All of us have the potential. And one doesn't have to be a grown-up," sheadds.
When she's not writing, Levine likes to share the excitement of research and the importance ofaccuracy with young readers. "Many young people think research is dull; you go to anencyclopedia, copy information, give it a title, and call it a report." Using her books asexamples, Ellen explains how to get other, more interesting information. "I may not mention theexact words, but I talk to young people about primary and secondary sources. If I'm speakingwith third graders, I ask them, 'Where would I go if I wanted to find out what it's like to be athird grader?' Most will say, 'Read a book.' But when they say, 'Ask a third grader, ' I knowthey've understood what I mean by a primary source of inspiration."
For If You Were an Animal Doctor, for example, Ellen witnessed an emergency operation on acow. While doing research in Wyoming for Ready, Aim, Fire!, her biography of Annie Oakley, she got to hold the gun Ms. Oakley is believed to have shot in the presence of the Queen ofEngland. "It gave me such a strong feeling about this person," she says. "That's part of research, too."
Ellen Levine is the author of many acclaimed books, both fiction and nonfiction. Among them: If You Traveled West in a Covered Wagon, If Your Name Was Changed at Ellis Island, I Hate English!, If You Lived at the Time of Martin Luther King, and Secret Missions. Her recent book, Freedom's Children: Young Civil Rights Activists Tell Their Own Stories, was named one of the Ten Best Children's Books of the Year by The New York Times, and Best Book for Young Adults by the American Library Association.
Ellen divides her time between New York City and Salem, New York.
Kadir Nelson illustrated two Caldecott Honor Books: MOSES and HENRY'S FREEDOM BOX. ELLINGTON WAS NOT A STREET by Ntozake Shange won the Coretta Scott King Award. Will Smith's JUST THE TWO OF US won an NAACP Image Award, and his new book, WE ARE THE SHIP continues to garner major awards. Nelson showed artistic talent at age 3 and began working in oils by age 16. He lives with his family in San Diego, California.
ISBN | 9780439777339 ( 043977733X ) |
발행(출시)일자 | 2008년 03월 10일 |
쪽수 | 40쪽 |
크기 |
236 * 279
* 10
/ 499 g
총권수 | 1권 |
언어 | 영어 |
구매 후 리뷰 작성 시, e교환권 200원 적립
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