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The Collected Poems of Audre Lorde

Reprint | Paperback
Audre Lorde 저자(글)
W. W. Norton & Company · 2000년 02월 17일
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Lexile 지수 1820
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Every poem ever published by the late poet, who is noted for the passion and vision of her poems about being African American, a lesbian, a mother, and a daughter, is collected in a definitive anthology of her work.
A complete collection-over 300 poems-from one of this country's most influential poets.
Collected here for the first time are more than three hundred poems from one of this country's major and most influential poets, representing the complete oeuvre of Audre Lorde's poetry. Lorde published nine volumes of poetry which, in her words, detail "a linguistic and emotional tour through the conflicts, fears, and hopes of the world I have inhabited". Included here are Lorde's early, previously unavailable works: The First Cities, The New York Head Shop and Museum, Cables to Rage, and From a Land Where Other People Live.
"These are poems which blaze and pulse on the page." ??drienne Rich "The first declaration of a black, lesbian feminist identity took place in these poems, and set the terms ??eautifully, forcefully ??or contemporary multicultural and pluralist debate." ??Publishers Weekly "This is an amazing collection of poetry by . . . one of our best contemporary poets. . . . Her poems are powerful, often political, always lyrical and profoundly moving." ??Chuckanut Reader Magazine "What a deep pleasure to encounter Audre Lorde's most potent genius . . . you will welcome the sheer accessibility and the force and beauty of this volume." ??Out Magazine
"These are poems which blaze and pulse on the page." Adrienne Rich "The first declaration of a black, lesbian feminist identity took place in these poems, and set the terms beautifully, forcefully for contemporary multicultural and pluralist debate." Publishers Weekly "This is an amazing collection of poetry by . . . one of our best contemporary poets. . . . Her poems are powerful, often political, always lyrical and profoundly moving." Chuckanut Reader Magazine "What a deep pleasure to encounter Audre Lorde's most potent genius . . . you will welcome the sheer accessibility and the force and beauty of this volume." Out Magazine
"These are poems which blaze and pulse on the page."'?drienne Rich "The first declaration of a black, lesbian feminist identity took place in these poems, and set the terms'?eautifully, forcefully'?or contemporary multicultural and pluralist debate."'?Publishers Weekly "This is an amazing collection of poetry by . . . one of our best contemporary poets. . . . Her poems are powerful, often political, always lyrical and profoundly moving."'?Chuckanut Reader Magazine "What a deep pleasure to encounter Audre Lorde's most potent genius . . . you will welcome the sheer accessibility and the force and beauty of this volume."'?Out Magazine
A complete collection-over 300 poems-which blaze & pulse on the page. These poems are powerful, often political, always lyrical & profoundly moving.
A complete collection ??ver 300 poems ??rom one of this country's most influential poets.
A complete collection'?ver 300 poems'?rom one of this country's most influential poets.

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저자(글) Audre Lorde

천 개의 얼굴을 가진 시인이며. 흑인이며 다양한 인종people of color의 인권을 위해 싸운 전사, 문학과 철학을 가르치는 교수, 도서관 사서, 출판인, 암 생존자, 엄마, 페미니스트, 사회주의자, 그리고 레즈비언이다. 그녀는 차별과 혐오의 대상일 수 있는 여러 교차적인 얼굴을 숨기지 않고 다양한 정체성을 자신의 멀티 페르소나로 거침없이 드러낸 여성 시인이다. 1934년에 뉴욕시 할렘에서 카리브해 국가인 그레나다 이민자 가정의 세 딸 중 막내로 태어났으며, 서인도 제도에 관한 어머니의 이야기를 들으며 네 살 때부터 읽기, 말하기, 쓰기를 익혔다. 1951년, 헌터 고등학교 재학 중에 학교 문예지에서 자신의 시 게재를 거부하자 10대를 위한 잡지〈세븐틴〉에 처음으로 시를 투고해 실었다. 1959년에 헌터 칼리지에서 문학과 철학을 전공했고, 컬럼비아 대학에서 도서관학으로 석사 학위를 받아 공립 도서관 사서가 되었다. 그리니치빌리지의 레즈비언 게이 공동체에 활발히 참여하며 게이인 에드워드 롤린스와 결혼해 두 아이를 낳았다. 1968년에 첫 번째 시집 『최초의 도시들 The First Cities』을 출간했고, 1973년에 시집 『타인이 사는 땅으로부터 From a Land Where Other People Live』에서 정체성으로 인한 악전고투와 사회적 부정의에 대한 분노를 다뤘다. 1976년에 대형 출판사인 노튼 Norton에서 인종 정의와 흑인 정체성에 관한 시집 『석탄 Coal』을 펴내 흑인 예술 운동 진영의 영향력 있는 목소리로 자리했다. 44세 되던 해인 1978년에 같은 출판사에서 시집『블랙 유니콘 The Black Unicorn』출간해, 아프리카 여성 신화를 주제로 삼아 범아프리카주의pan-Africanism에 대한 기존 담론에 대항하며 블랙 페미니즘 전사의 이미지를 소환했다. 같은 해, 유방암을 진단받았다. 1982년에는 자기 인식의 진화와 섹슈얼리티에 다룬 자전 소설『자미 : 내 이름의 새로운 철자 Zami : A New Spelling of My Name』를 발표했으며, 1984년에는 국내에서 널리 알려진 페미니즘 에세이와 연설문 모음집인 『시스터 아웃사이더 Sister Outsider』출간했다. 1986년에 자신이 공동 설립한 유색 인종 여성들을 위한 출판사 키친 테이블 Kitchen Table : Women of Color Press에서 에세이 『나는 너의 자매다 I Am Your Sister』를 펴냈다. 유방암 선고 이후 6년 만에 간암 진단을 받은 그녀는 산타크루즈 섬에서 아프리카학 교수인 글로리아 조셉과 살며 투병하다 1992년, 58세의 나이로 세상을 떠났다. 영원한 아웃사이더로서 로드는 레즈비언 공동체에서는 흑인으로, 흑인 공동체에서는 레즈비언으로, 페미니스트 공동체에서는 흑인 레즈비언으로 평생을 인종차별과 성차별, 동성애 혐오에 맞서 싸웠다. “흑인, 레즈비언, 여성, 페미니스트, 시인, 엄마, 교사, 암 투병 생존자, 활동가”로서의 자신의 정체성이 모두 존중받는 온전한 자아를 찾고자 분투한 그녀가 죽기 전 마지막으로 받은 아프리카 이름은 감바 아디사GAMBA ADISA, “전사, 자신의 의미를 분명히 보여 준 여자”였다.


  • Editor's Notep. xvii
    Memorial IIp. 3
    Die for All Mysterious Thingsp. 4
    A Family Resemblancep. 5
    Coalp. 6
    What My Child Learns of the Seap. 7
    Now That I Am Forever with Childp. 8
    Bridge through My Windowsp. 9
    Second Springp. 10
    Spring IIIp. 11
    Geminip. 12
    To a Girl Who Knew What Side Her Bread Was Buttered onp. 13
    Nightstonep. 14
    Father Son and Holy Ghostp. 15
    Pirouettep. 16
    Generationp. 17
    Echop. 18
    Oaxacap. 19
    Father, the Year is Fallenp. 20
    If You Come Softlyp. 21
    Suffer the Childrenp. 22
    A Child Shall Leadp. 23
    A Lover's Songp. 24
    Returnp. 25
    Suspensionp. 26
    Rites of Passagep. 29
    Summer Oraclep. 30
    Songp. 32
    Spring Peoplep. 33
    Rooming Houses Are Old Womenp. 34
    Bloodbirthp. 35
    After a First Bookp. 36
    Marthap. 37
    And What about the Childrenp. 45
    The Dozensp. 46
    The Woman Thingp. 47
    A Poem for a Poetp. 48
    Conversation in Crisisp. 50
    Sowingp. 51
    Making Itp. 52
    On a Night of the Full Moonp. 53
    Fantasy and Conversationp. 54
    Dreams Bitep. 55
    For Each of Youp. 59
    The Day They Eulogized Mahaliap. 61
    Equinoxp. 63
    Progress Reportp. 65
    Good Mirrors Are Not Cheapp. 67
    Black Mother Womanp. 68
    As I Grow Up Againp. 69
    The Seventh Sensep. 70
    New Year's Dayp. 71
    Teacherp. 72
    Moving out or the End of Cooperative Livingp. 74
    Moving inp. 77
    Neighborsp. 78
    Change of Seasonp. 79
    Generation IIp. 81
    Love, Maybep. 82
    Relevant is Different Points on the Circlep. 83
    Signsp. 84
    Conclusionp. 85
    A Song of Names and Facesp. 87
    Movement Songp. 88
    The Winds of Orishap. 90
    Who Said It Was Simplep. 92
    Dear Toni Instead of a Letter of Congratulation upon Your Book and Your Daughter Whom You Say You Are Raising to Be a Correct Little Sisterp. 93
    New York City 1970p. 101
    To My Daughter the Junkie on a Trainp. 103
    To Desi as Joe as Smoky the Lover of Ii5th Streetp. 105
    The American Cancer Society or There is More Than One Way to Skin a Coonp. 107
    A Sewerplant Grows in Harlem or I'm a Stranger Here Myself When Does the Next Swan Leavep. 109
    A Birthday Memorial to Seventh Streetp. 110
    One Year to Life on the Grand Central Shuttlep. 113
    The Workers Rose on May Day or Postscript to Karl Marxp. 114
    Cables to Rage or I've Been Talking on This Street Corner a Hell of a Long Timep. 115
    Keyfoodp. 117
    A Trip on the Staten Island Ferryp. 119
    My Fifth Trip to Washington Ended in Northeast Delawarep. 120
    Nowp. 121
    To the Girl Who Lives in a Treep. 122
    Barrenp. 124
    Hard Love Rock #Iip. 125
    Memorial IVp. 126
    Love Poemp. 127
    Mentorp. 128
    The Fallenp. 129
    Separationp. 130
    Evenp. 131
    Memorial III from a Phone Booth on Broadwayp. 132
    And Don't Think I Won't Be Waitingp. 133
    For My Singing Sisterp. 134
    Monkeymanp. 135
    Naturallyp. 136
    Song for a Thin Sisterp. 137
    Release Timep. 138
    Revolution is One Form of Social Changep. 139
    Oyap. 140
    All Hallows Evep. 141
    Ballad from Childhoodp. 142
    Times Change and We Change with Them or We Seem to Have Lost Touch with Each Otherp. 143
    To Marie, in Flightp. 145
    The Beesp. 146
    et-Nam Addendap. 147
    sit to a City out of Timep. 148
    The Brown Menace or Poem to the Survival of Roachesp. 149
    Sacrificep. 151
    Blackstudiesp. 153
    Rites of Passagep. 161
    Father Son and Holy Ghostp. 162
    Coalp. 163
    Rooming Houses Are Old Womenp. 164
    The Woman Thingp. 165
    Oaxacap. 166
    Summer Oraclep. 167
    Generationp. 169
    A Family Resemblancep. 170
    Songp. 171
    On a Night of the Full Moonp. 172
    Now That I Am Forever with Childp. 173
    What My Child Learns of the Seap. 174
    Spring Peoplep. 175
    Poem for a Poetp. 176
    Story Books on a Kitchen Tablep. 179
    Pirouettep. 180
    Hard Love Rockp. 181
    Father the Year Has Fallenp. 182
    Geminip. 183
    Bridge through My Windowp. 184
    Conversations in Crisisp. 185
    The Maidenp. 186
    When the Saints Come Marching inp. 187
    On Midsummer's Evep. 188
    Dreams Bitep. 189
    Suspensionp. 190
    A Child Shall Leadp. 191
    Afterlovep. 192
    The Dozensp. 193
    And What about the Childrenp. 194
    For the King and Queen of Summerp. 195
    Fantasy and Conversationp. 196
    Paperweightp. 197
    Marthap. 198
    Memorial Ip. 206
    Memorial IIp. 207
    The Songless Larkp. 208
    Anniversaryp. 209
    Second Springp. 210
    To a Girl Who Knew What Side Her Bread Was Buttered onp. 211
    Powerp. 215
    School Notep. 217
    Solsticep. 218
    Scarp. 220
    Between Ourselvesp. 223
    Outsidep. 226
    A Woman/Dirge for Wasted Childrenp. 228
    The Black Unicornp. 233
    A Woman Speaksp. 234
    From the House of Yemanj?/td>p. 235
    Coniagui Womenp. 237
    A Rock Thrown into the Water Does Not Fear the Coldp. 238
    Dahomeyp. 239
    I25th Street and Abomeyp. 241
    The Women of Dan Dance with Swords in Their Hands to Mark the Time When They Were Warriorsp. 242
    Saharap. 243
    Harrietp. 245
    Chainp. 246
    Sequelaep. 249
    For Assatap. 252
    At First I Thought You Were Talking aboutp. 253
    A Litany for Survivalp. 255
    Meetp. 257
    Seasoningp. 259
    Touringp. 260
    Walking Our Boundariesp. 261
    Eulogy for Alvin Frostp. 263
    Chorusp. 266
    Copingp. 267
    To Martha: a New Yearp. 268
    In Margaret's Gardenp. 269
    Scarp. 270
    Portraitp. 273
    A Song for Many Movementsp. 274
    Brother Alvinp. 275
    School Notep. 276
    Diggingp. 277
    Outsidep. 279
    Therapyp. 281
    The Same Death over and over or Lullabies Are for Childrenp. 282
    Ballad for Ashesp. 283
    A Woman/Dirge for Wasted Childrenp. 284
    Partingp. 286
    Timepiecep. 287
    Fog Reportp. 288
    from Mother to Motherp. 289
    Death Dance for a Poetp. 291
    Dream/Songs from the Moon of Beulah Land I-Vp. 293
    Recreationp. 296
    Womanp. 297
    Timingp. 298
    Ghostp. 300
    Artisanp. 301
    Letter for Janp. 302
    Bicentennial Poem # 21,000,000p. 304
    The Old Daysp. 305
    Contact Lensesp. 306
    Lightlyp. 307
    Hanging Firep. 308
    But What Can You Teach My Daughterp. 309
    From Inside an Empty Pursep. 310
    A Small Slaughterp. 311
    From the Greenhousep. 312
    Journeystones I-xip. 313
    About Religionp. 316
    Sister Outsiderp. 317
    Bazaarp. 318
    Powerp. 319
    Eulogyp. 321
    Never Take Fire from a Womanp. 322
    Between Ourselvesp. 323
    Future Promisep. 326
    The Trollop Maidenp. 327
    Solsticep. 328
    A Glossary of African Names Used in the Poemsp. 330
    The Evening Newsp. 337
    Za Ki Tan Ke Parlay Lotp. 338
    Afterimagesp. 339
    A Poem for Women in Ragep. 343
    Octoberp. 346
    Sister, Morning is a Time for Miraclesp. 347
    Needa Choral of Black Women's Voicesp. 349
    Sisters in Armsp. 357
    To the Poet Who Happens to Be Black and the Black Poet Who Happens to Be a Womanp. 359
    Outlinesp. 361
    Stationsp. 367
    Equal Opportunityp. 369
    Soho Cinemap. 372
    Vigilp. 374
    Berlin is Hard on Colored Girlsp. 375
    This Urn Contains Earth from German Concentration Campsp. 376
    Mawup. 378
    Fishing the White Waterp. 379
    On the Edgep. 381
    Naming the Storiesp. 382
    Diasporap. 383
    The Horse Casts a Shoep. 384
    Reinsp. 385
    Wood Has No Mouthp. 386
    A Meeting of Mindsp. 387
    The Art of Responsep. 388
    From the Cavep. 389
    A Question of Climatep. 390
    Out to the Hard Roadp. 391
    Every Traveler Has One Vermont Poemp. 392
    For Judithp. 393
    For Jose and Reginap. 394
    Beverly's Poemp. 395
    Big Apple Circusp. 396
    Floridap. 397
    Homep. 399
    Burning the Water Hyacinthp. 400
    Political Relationsp. 401
    Learning to Writep. 402
    On My Way out I Passed over You and the Verrazano Bridgep. 403
    Out of the Windp. 407
    Holographsp. 408
    There Are No Honest Poems about Dead Womenp. 409
    A Question of Essencep. 410
    For the Recordp. 411
    Ethiopiap. 412
    Generation IIIp. 413
    Never to Dream of Spidersp. 414
    Beamsp. 415
    Callp. 417
    Smelling the Windp. 423
    Legacy-hersp. 424
    Making Love to Concretep. 425
    Echoesp. 427
    Dominop. 428
    Thawp. 429
    Party Timep. 430
    Prismp. 432
    Do You Remember Laurap. 433
    Inheritance-hisp. 434
    The One Who Got Awayp. 438
    Depreciationp. 439
    Syracuse Airportp. 440
    Thanks to Jesse Jacksonp. 441
    Judith's Fancyp. 442
    Productionp. 443
    Buildingp. 444
    Jessehelmsp. 445
    Dear Joep. 446
    Women on Trainsp. 448
    The Politics of Addictionp. 451
    Kitchen Linoleump. 452
    Oshun's Tablep. 453
    Partingp. 454
    Peace on Earthp. 455
    a Memorial-9/I8/9ip. 456
    Starting All over Againp. 458
    What It Means to Be Beautifulp. 460
    Hugo Ip. 461
    Constructionp. 462
    Speechlessp. 463
    For Craigp. 464
    East Berlinp. 465
    The Night-Blooming Jasminep. 466
    Girlfriendp. 468
    Lunar Eclipsep. 469
    Changep. 470
    Today is Not the Dayp. 471
    The Electric Slide Boogiep. 474
    Indexp. 475
    Table of Contents provided by Publisher. All Rights Reserved.


상품정보 테이블로 ISBN, 발행(출시)일자 , 쪽수, 크기, 총권수, 언어을(를) 나타낸 표입니다.
ISBN 9780393319729 ( 0393319725 )
발행(출시)일자 2000년 02월 17일
쪽수 512쪽
158 * 234 * 34 mm / 617 g
총권수 1권
언어 영어


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