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Parent-Child Interaction Therapy

0002/E2010 | 양장본 Hardcover
Springer · 2010년 02월 16일
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『부모 아동 상호작용치료』는 아동의 파괴적 행동문제를 다루기 위한 치료인 부모-아동 상호작용치료(PCIT)에 대해 설명하는 책이다. PCIT의 기초를 넘어 다양한 환경에서 아동과 부모의 광범위한 염려를 다룰 수 있도록 PCIT를 확장할 수 있는 다양한 임상적 예를 제공한다.


부모 아동 상호작용치료

Cheryl Bodiford Mcneil 외 1명



  • Fundamentals of Parent-Child Interaction Therapy
    Overview of Parent-Child Interaction Therapyp. 3
    What Is PCIT?p. 4
    Typical Course of Treatmentp. 5
    Theoretical and Historical Underpinningsp. 6
    Key Features of PCITp. 7
    Using the Second Editionp. 14
    Referencesp. 15
    Research on PCITp. 17
    Early PCIT Researchp. 17
    Recent Research Initiativesp. 17
    Suggestions for Future Researchp. 23
    Referencesp. 26
    Intake Assessment and Therapy Orientation Sessionp. 31
    Who Should Attend the Intake Session?p. 32
    Flexible Battery Approachp. 33
    Semi-structured Intake Interviewp. 34
    Eyberg Child Behavior Inventory (ECBI)p. 35
    Sutter-Eyberg Student Behavior Inventory - Revised (SESBI - R)p. 36
    Dyadic Parent-Child Interaction Coding System - III (DPICS- III)p. 36
    Joining with and Motivating Parentsp. 40
    Sharing Test Results with Parentsp. 43
    Explaining "Specialized Parenting"p. 43
    Introducing PCIT to Parents and Childrenp. 44
    Expectations for Attendancep. 45
    Reducing Barriers to Treatmentp. 46
    Explaining the First Homework Assignmentp. 47
    Summaryp. 47
    Referencesp. 48
    Teaching Child-Directed Interactionp. 49
    Overview of Teaching Sessionp. 49
    Review Homeworkp. 53
    Presenting the Goals of Child-Directed Interactionp. 51
    Explaining the Five Minutes of Homework Each Dayp. 51
    "Selling" CDI to Skeptical Parentsp. 53
    Explaining the Overriding Rule of Letting the Child Leadp. 55
    Teaching the "Avoid" Skills of Child-Directed Interactionp. 56
    Teaching the "Do" Skills of Child-Directed Interactionp. 59
    Using Strategic Attentionp. 66
    Using Selective Ignoringp. 67
    Handling Disruptive Behaviors That Cannot Be Ignoredp. 71
    Modeling Skills in Combinationp. 71
    Role-Plays of Child-Directed Interactionp. 71
    Appropriate Toys for Child-Directed Interactionp. 72
    Dealing with One-Parent and Two-Parent Familiesp. 73
    Incorporating Siblingsp. 74
    Adjusting CDI to the Child's Developmental Levelp. 74
    Problem-Solving with Parents on Logistical Issuesp. 74
    Assigning Child-Directed Interaction Homeworkp. 75
    Referencesp. 76
    Coaching Child-Directed Interactionp. 77
    Overview of a Typical Coaching Sessionp. 78
    Setting Up for the Coaching Sessionp. 79
    Check-In and Homework Reviewp. 80
    Parental Non-compliance with CDI Homeworkp. 81
    Observing and Recording Child-Directed Interaction Skillsp. 85
    Coaching the "Do" and "Avoid" Skills: Tips for Therapistsp. 86
    End of Session Debriefing and Homework Assignmentp. 99
    Progression of CDI Coaching Sessionsp. 99
    What if a Caregiver Does Not Reach CDI Mastery?p. 100
    Referencesp. 101
    Teaching Parent-Directed Interactionp. 103
    Rationale for Why Young Children Should Comply with Parental Commandsp. 103
    Structuring the PDI Teaching Sessionp. 104
    Importance of Consistency, Predictability, and Follow Throughp. 104
    Importance of Memorizing PDI Diagrams (e.g., Using Exact Words)p. 106
    Rationale for Use of "Compliance Exercises"p. 106
    Giving Effective Instructionsp. 107
    Practicing How to Give Effective Instructionsp. 112
    Determining Compliancep. 113
    Praising Compliancep. 115
    Rationale for Disciplining Children with Time-Out in a Chairp. 116
    The Time-Out Warningp. 118
    Logistical Issues Associated with Time-Outp. 119
    Getting the Child to Time-Outp. 119
    What If the Child Agrees to Comply on the Way to Time-Out?p. 121
    What if the Child Takes a Toy to Time-Out?p. 122
    What if the Child Puts Himself in Time-Out?p. 122
    Length of Time-Outp. 122
    Common Misbehaviors in Time-Out that Should Be Ignoredp. 123
    Time-Out Does Not End Until the Original Instruction Is Obeyedp. 124
    Use of a Second Instruction to Over-Teach Compliancep. 125
    Use of Play Therapy to Decrease the Child's Anger Levelp. 126
    Three Time-Out Behaviors That Cannot Be Ignoredp. 126
    Using the Time-Out Room as the Back-Up for Time-Out Chair Behaviors that Cannot Be Ignoredp. 127
    Role-Playing and Wrap-Upp. 131
    Referencesp. 132
    Coaching Parent-Directed Interactionp. 133
    Overview of a Typical PDI Coaching Sessionp. 133
    Preparing for PDI Coaching Sessionsp. 134
    Check-In and Homework Reviewp. 135
    Observing and Recording Parent-Directed Interaction Skillsp. 136
    Criteria for Mastery of Parent-Directed Interaction Skillsp. 137
    General Guidelines for Coaching PDIp. 138
    Debriefing Parents Following the Sessionp. 148
    Homeworkp. 151
    Referencesp. 152
    Progressing Through the Parent-Directed Interaction Sessionsp. 153
    First PDI Coaching Sessionp. 157
    Second PDI Coaching Sessionp. 165
    Third PDI Coaching Sessionp. 166
    Fourth PDI Coaching Sessionp. 169
    Fifth PDI Coaching Sessionp. 172
    Sixth PDI Coaching Sessionp. 175
    Seventh PDI Coaching Session and Beyondp. 176
    Graduation Sessionp. 178
    Conclusionp. 181
    Referencep. 182
    Adaptations of Parent-Child Interaction Therapy
    Younger Childrenp. 185
    "Meaningful Differences in the Everyday Experience of Young American Children"p. 186
    Using Child-Directed Interaction with Infantsp. 191
    Adapting Child-Directed Interaction and Parent-Directed Interaction for Toddlersp. 192
    Case Illustrationp. 195
    Parent-Child Interaction Therapy and Preventionp. 198
    Referencesp. 199
    Older Childrenp. 201
    Developmental Issuesp. 201
    University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center Adaptations for Older Childrenp. 202
    Concerns Raised by the SAMHSA Study Regarding PCIT with Older Childrenp. 202
    Adapting CDI to Older Childrenp. 204
    Adapting PDI to Older Childrenp. 208
    Command Training (CT) Modulep. 209
    Time-Out with Incentive Chart (TIC) Modulep. 234
    Time-Out with Suspension of Privilege (TSP) Modulep. 219
    Alternatives to the TSP Module for Children Who Are Extremely Aggressive and Defiantp. 221
    Conclusionp. 222
    Referencesp. 223
    Siblingsp. 225
    Including Siblings with Disruptive Behavior Problemsp. 226
    Including Siblings Without Behavior Problemsp. 226
    Coaching Older Siblings as Babysittersp. 227
    Direct Coaching of Children to Decrease Sibling Conflictp. 227
    Direct Coaching of Children to Improve Social Skills (e.g., Asperger's)p. 228
    Using the Cooperation Gamep. 229
    Conclusionp. 235
    Autism Spectrum Disordersp. 237
    Theoretical Similarities of PCIT and Empirically Supported Treatments for ASDp. 239
    Child-Directed Interactionp. 240
    Working with Stereotyped, Repetitive Behavior During CDIp. 241
    Parent-Directed Interactionp. 242
    Time-Out Concernsp. 244
    Clinical Limitationsp. 245
    Adapting PCIT: Communication and Social Skills Componentp. 247
    Case Studyp. 250
    Conclusionp. 252
    Referencesp. 252
    Child Physical Abusep. 255
    Understanding the Populationp. 256
    Typical Referral Concernsp. 257
    Adaptations and the Unique Treatment Needs of Families with a History of CPAp. 261
    General Therapeutic Issuesp. 262
    Assessmentp. 265
    Treatmentp. 270
    Incorporating Additional Coaching Targetsp. 270
    Tailoring and Adaptations Specific to PDIp. 272
    Case Illustrationp. 274
    Conclusionp. 281
    Referencesp. 282
    Anxiety Disordersp. 285
    Separation Anxiety Disorderp. 285
    CARD Protocol for Adapting PCIT for Treatment of SADp. 287
    Treatment Outcome Researchp. 290
    Generalized Anxietyp. 291
    Enhancing PCIT for Young Children with Generalized Anxietyp. 291
    The Case of Alexander Hp. 293
    Referencesp. 299
    Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorderp. 301
    Conducting PCIT with Children Diagnosed with ADHDp. 302
    Referencesp. 317
    Extremely Aggressive and Explosive Childrenp. 319
    The Case of Mariop. 319
    CDI Pitfalls with Explosive Childrenp. 320
    CDI Adaptations for Explosive Childrenp. 321
    PDI Adaptationsp. 325
    Conclusionp. 327
    Referencep. 327
    Marital Conflictp. 329
    Encouraging Both Parents to Attend Treatmentp. 330
    Assessment Techniquesp. 330
    Integrating Marital Therapy Within PCITp. 333
    Termination of Treatmentp. 339
    Referencesp. 340
    Parents with Major Life Stressorsp. 341
    Strategies for Working with Multi-stressed Families in PCITp. 343
    Divorcep. 344
    Substance Abusep. 348
    Intimate Partner Violencep. 351
    Low-Income Familiesp. 357
    Parting Wordsp. 360
    Referencesp. 361
    Ethnic Minority Children and Familiesp. 363
    Parent Training, PCIT, and Application to Ethnic Minoritiesp. 363
    PCIT with Hispanicsp. 364
    PCIT with Native Americansp. 368
    PCIT with African-Americansp. 371
    Examining Social Validityp. 373
    Conclusion and Final Recommendations for Therapistsp. 374
    Referencesp. 375
    Staff-Child Interaction Therapyp. 377
    Baselinep. 380
    SCIT Video on Child-Directed Playp. 381
    Didactic Child-Directed Interaction Session with Trainerp. 381
    Coding and Coaching of Child-Directed Interactionp. 381
    SCIT Video on Staff-Directed Interactionp. 382
    Didactic Staff-Directed Interaction Session with Trainerp. 382
    Coding and Coaching of Staff-Directed Interactionp. 382
    Coaching Sessions on the Milieu (Two-Way Radio with Earpiece for Staff)p. 382
    Post-intervention Findingsp. 384
    Conclusionp. 384
    Referencesp. 384
    Teacher-Child Interaction Therapy for Preschool Classroomsp. 385
    Research Underpinningsp. 385
    Establishing Rapport with the Teacherp. 385
    Format of Trainingp. 386
    Coaching TCITp. 386
    Child-Directed Interaction in TCITp. 386
    TCIT Mastery Criteriap. 388
    Teacher-Directed Interaction Phasep. 388
    Follow-Up Consultationp. 390
    Referencesp. 390
    School Consultationp. 393
    Assessmentp. 394
    Establishing Rapport and Credibility with the Teacherp. 395
    Conclusionp. 411
    Referencesp. 411
    Home-Based PCIT: From the Lab to the Living Roomp. 413
    Clinical Advantagesp. 413
    Clinical "Tips"p. 415
    Concluding Remarksp. 419
    Referencesp. 419
    PCIT Around the Worldp. 421
    Adapting PCIT for New Countriesp. 422
    International Issues with PCITp. 424
    Conclusionp. 426
    Referencesp. 427
    Training Issuesp. 429
    PCIT National Advisory Boardp. 429
    Minimum Professional Qualifications to Conduct PCITp. 430
    Becoming a PCIT Therapist: Minimum Training Requirementsp. 431
    Becoming a PCIT In-agency Trainer: Minimum Training Requirementsp. 434
    Becoming a PCIT Master Trainer: Minimum Training Requirementsp. 434
    Costs of Starting a PCIT Programp. 434
    Referencesp. 437
    Appendicesp. 439
    Subject Indexp. 469
    Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.


상품정보 테이블로 ISBN, 발행(출시)일자 , 쪽수, 크기, 총권수, 언어을(를) 나타낸 표입니다.
ISBN 9780387886381 ( 0387886389 )
발행(출시)일자 2010년 02월 16일
쪽수 484쪽
156 * 234 * 27 mm / 875 g
총권수 1권
언어 영어

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  • 소비자 피해보상 환불 지연에 따른 배상

    1) 상품의 불량에 의한 교환, A/S, 환불, 품질보증 및 피해보상 등에 관한 사항은 소비자분쟁 해결 기준 (공정거래위원회 고시)에 준하여 처리됨
    2) 대금 환불 및 환불지연에 따른 배상금 지급 조건, 절차 등은 전자상거래 등에서의 소비자 보호에 관한 법률에 따라 처리함

상품 설명에 반품/교환 관련한 안내가 있는 경우 그 내용을 우선으로 합니다. (업체 사정에 따라 달라질 수 있습니다.)

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  • [sam] 12주년 이벤트
  • 열려라, 보물창고!
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