The Given Day
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Set in Boston at the end of the First World War, bestselling author Dennis Lehane's extraordinary eighth novel unflinchingly captures the political and social unrest of a nation caught at the crossroads where past meets future. Filled with a cast of richly drawn, unforgettable characters, "The Given Day" tells the story of two families--one black, one white--swept up in a maelstrom of revolutionaries and anarchists, immigrants and ward bosses, Brahmins and ordinary citizens, all engaged in a battle for survival and power. Coursing through the pivotal events of a turbulent epoch, it explores the crippling violence and irrepressible exuberance of a country at war with, and in the thrall of, itself.
'? brawling, brawny, muscular epic'?xactly what great mainstream novels used to be.'?9780380731879
"A brawling, brawny, muscular epic-exactly what great mainstream novels used to be."
'? gripping historical novel. . . . Infused with the same dark drama that set apart his earlier books.'?9780380731879
"A gripping historical novel. . . . Infused with the same dark drama that set apart his earlier books."
'? historical epic that is easily the most ambitious work of Dennis Lehane's career. . . . THE GIVEN DAY aspires to be nothing less than the Great American Novel. . . . If Lehane was ever a singles hitter, now he's swinging for the fences.'?9780380731879
"A historical epic that is easily the most ambitious work of Dennis Lehane's career. . . . THE GIVEN DAY aspires to be nothing less than the Great American Novel. . . . If Lehane was ever a singles hitter, now he's swinging for the fences."
'?s much a thriller as any of Lehane's previous work. Even beyond the historical events, THE GIVEN DAY qualifies as a sprawling, sweeping epic. . . . Lehane's masterful packing and precise prose make the story speed by.'?9780380731879
"As much a thriller as any of Lehane's previous work. Even beyond the historical events, THE GIVEN DAY qualifies as a sprawling, sweeping epic. . . . Lehane's masterful packing and precise prose make the story speed by."
'? splendid flowering of the talent previously demonstrated in his crime fiction. . . . A vision of redemption and a triumph of the human spirit. In short, this nail-biter carries serious moral gravity.'?9780380731879
"A splendid flowering of the talent previously demonstrated in his crime fiction. . . . A vision of redemption and a triumph of the human spirit. In short, this nail-biter carries serious moral gravity."
'?A] work of admirable ambition and scope. . . . Lehane is as much like contemporaries George Pelecanos and Richard Price as he is like the bygone Boston-based John P. Marquand, the Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist.'?9780380731879
"[A] work of admirable ambition and scope. . . . Lehane is as much like contemporaries George Pelecanos and Richard Price as he is like the bygone Boston-based John P. Marquand, the Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist."
'[A] work of admirable ambition and scope. . . . Lehane is as much like contemporaries George Pelecanos and Richard Price as he is like the bygone Boston-based John P. Marquand, the Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist.' (Los Angeles Times Book Review)
'?rilliantly constructed. . . . Like E. L. Doctorow in Ragtime, Lehane captures the sense of a country coming of age, vividly dramatizing how the conflicting emotions and tortured dreams that drive individual human lives also send a nation roiling forward.'?9780380731879
"Brilliantly constructed. . . . Like E. L. Doctorow in Ragtime, Lehane captures the sense of a country coming of age, vividly dramatizing how the conflicting emotions and tortured dreams that drive individual human lives also send a nation roiling forward."
'?ut-wrenching force. . . . A majestic, fiery epic. . . . The Given Day is a huge, impassioned, intensively researched book that brings history alive.'?9780380731879
"Gut-wrenching force. . . . A majestic, fiery epic. . . . The Given Day is a huge, impassioned, intensively researched book that brings history alive."
'?ere's one way to get people excited about the nation's past: Get Dennis Lehane to write the history books. . . . A meticulously researched tale that in the hands of this master storyteller jumps right off the page and hollers.'?9780380731879
"Here's one way to get people excited about the nation's past: Get Dennis Lehane to write the history books. . . . A meticulously researched tale that in the hands of this master storyteller jumps right off the page and hollers."
'?f you're swinging for the fences, it only makes sense that your novel begin with a lengthy, and very tasty, story about Babe Ruth. That Dennis Lehane sustains that level of play . . . is what gives THE GIVEN DAY a kind of greatness. . . . Lehane dazzles.'?9780380731879
"If you're swinging for the fences, it only makes sense that your novel begin with a lengthy, and very tasty, story about Babe Ruth. That Dennis Lehane sustains that level of play . . . is what gives THE GIVEN DAY a kind of greatness. . . . Lehane dazzles."
'?Lehane] deserves to be included among the most interesting and accomplished American novelists of any genre or category. . . . A powerful moment in history, and Lehane makes the most of it. . . . Heartfelt and moving.'?9780380731879
"[Lehane] deserves to be included among the most interesting and accomplished American novelists of any genre or category. . . . A powerful moment in history, and Lehane makes the most of it. . . . Heartfelt and moving."
'?ehane's first historical novel is a clear winner. . . . As good as it gets.'?9780380731879
"Lehane's first historical novel is a clear winner. . . . As good as it gets."
'?ne of the fall's biggest books'?nd not just because it's 704 pages. It's Lehane's most ambitious and literary work.'?9780380731879
"One of the fall's biggest books-and not just because it's 704 pages. It's Lehane's most ambitious and literary work."
'?acked with dramatic turning points. . . . Lehane has tried to capture the zeitgeist of an era even nuttier and more tumultuous than our own, and succeeded.'??9780380731879
"Packed with dramatic turning points. . . . Lehane has tried to capture the zeitgeist of an era even nuttier and more tumultuous than our own, and succeeded.""
'?ollicking, brawling, gritty, political, and always completely absorbing, THE GIVEN DAY is a rich and satisfying epic. Readers, get ready to feast. This is a big book you won't want to put down.'?9780380731879
"Rollicking, brawling, gritty, political, and always completely absorbing, THE GIVEN DAY is a rich and satisfying epic. Readers, get ready to feast. This is a big book you won't want to put down."
'?teeped in history but wearing its research lightly, The Given Day is a meaty, rich, old-fashioned and satisfying tale. I'd call it Lehane's masterpiece.'?9780380731879
"Steeped in history but wearing its research lightly, The Given Day is a meaty, rich, old-fashioned and satisfying tale. I'd call it Lehane's masterpiece."
'?uperbly written, meticulously researched. . . . A thoughtful, provocative exploration of race, fame, power, and political corruption in American culture. . . . The Given Day places [Lehane] in the first rank of modern American novelists.'?9780380731879
"Superbly written, meticulously researched. . . . A thoughtful, provocative exploration of race, fame, power, and political corruption in American culture. . . . The Given Day places [Lehane] in the first rank of modern American novelists."
'?he Given Day is a vast historical novel. . . . Spectacular details. . . . Finely thought-out. . . . . Many stunningly managed scenes.'?9780380731879
"The Given Day is a vast historical novel. . . . Spectacular details. . . . Finely thought-out. . . . . Many stunningly managed scenes."
'?he problem falls to readers to find something'?nything'?hat doesn't pale in comparison once they've closed the covers on this 720-page masterpiece. Quite simply, THE GIVEN DAY is about as close to the great American novel as we're likely to read until '?well, until Lehane writes another.'?9780380731879
"The problem falls to readers to find something-anything-that doesn't pale in comparison once they've closed the covers on this 720-page masterpiece. Quite simply, THE GIVEN DAY is about as close to the great American novel as we're likely to read until . well, until Lehane writes another."
'?his may be Lehane's finest work. . . . But The Given Day is more than a history lesson. . . . Lehane captures the essence of being American in a fast-changing society that eerily reflects our own.'?9780380731879
"This may be Lehane's finest work. . . . But The Given Day is more than a history lesson. . . . Lehane captures the essence of being American in a fast-changing society that eerily reflects our own."
저자(글) Lehane, Dennis

플로리다 대학원 시절, 미국 현대 단편문학의 거장 레이먼드 카버 등을 사숙(私淑)하며 작가로서 꿈을 키웠다. 그러나 1990년 초까지만 해도 석사 학위를 소지한 작가 지망생이 보스턴에서 할 수 있는 일은 별로 없었기 때문에, 그는 리츠 칼튼 호텔의 주차 요원으로서 일을 하며 틈틈이 글을 쓰기 시작했다. 넉넉하지 못한 환경에서도 그가 오랜 시간의 준비를 거쳐 1994년에 발표한 첫 작품 『전쟁 전 한잔』은 그에게 ‘셰이머스 상’의 영애를 안겨주었고, 이후 『어둠이여, 내 손을 잡아』, 『신성한 관계』, 『가라, 아이야, 가라』, 그리고 『비를 바라는 기도』 등을 연이어 발표하면서 평단의 주목을 끌었다. 2001년 발표한 『미스틱 리버』는 미국 최대 인터넷 서점 Amazon.com의 종합 베스트셀러 1위에 5주 동안 랭크되었다. 그는 이 작품으로 그의 작품은, 세계적인 추리 문학상인 '앤소니 상' 및 '배리 상', 그리고 '메사추세츠 북 어워드 픽션 상'을 수상하였으며, 《뉴욕타임스》, 《퍼블리셔스 위클리》, 올해의 책으로 선정되며 평단과 대중의 폭발적인 인기를 동시에 모았다. 『미스틱 리버』는 클린트 이스트우드 감독의 영화로도 만들어져 4000만 달러 이상의 수익과 2004 아카데미 주요 부문 수상을 하였다. 2003년 발표한 『살인자들의 섬』은 기막힌 반전이 힘입어 또다시 《퍼블리셔스 위클리》, 의 올해의 책에 선정되었으며, 마틴 스콜세지 감독 레오나르도 디카프리오 주연의 대작 영화 「셔터 아일랜드」로 제작되어 전 세계 3억 달러의 흥행 수입을 거두었다. 책은 국내에서도 10만 부 이상 판매되어 하드보일드 스릴러의 대표적인 작품으로 자리매김하였다. 2006년 그가 직접 연출한 연극 시나리오와 단편을 모은 단편집 『콜로나도』를 출간하였으며, 여기에 수록된 단편은 『올해 최고의 단편들』, 『올해 최고의 추리소설들』에도 수록되었다. 2008년에는 신작 『운명의 날』로 또다시 베스트셀러에 올랐고, 일본의 「이 미스터리가 대단하다」에서 2009 선정작이 되었다. 2012년에 발표한 『리브 바이 나이트 - 밤에 살다』는 그해 《퍼블리셔스 위클리》 선정 올해의 책을 비롯하여 2013년 에드거 상 수상 후보에 오르는 등 큰 인기에 힘입어 「아르고」로 주목받은 감독 밴 애플렉이 영화화하였다. 데니스 루헤인의 작품들은 등장인물에 대한 심리학적 통찰과 멈추지 않고 발전해 나가는 플롯, 그리고 보스턴의 어두운 과거를 훑어 파헤치는 예리한 시선으로 문학적으로 높은 평가를 받고 있다.
ISBN | 9780380731879 ( 0380731878 ) |
발행(출시)일자 | 2009년 09월 01일 |
쪽수 | 722쪽 |
크기 |
137 * 204
* 30
/ 576 g
총권수 | 1권 |
언어 | 영어 |
구매 후 리뷰 작성 시, e교환권 200원 적립
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