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Reprint | Paperback
Satrapi, Marjane 저자(글)
Pantheon Books · 2004년 06월 01일
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Marjane Satrapi was born in 1969 in Rasht, Iran. She grew up in Tehran, where she studied at the Lycee Francais before leaving for Vienna and then going to Strasbourg to study illustration. She has written several children's books, and her illustrations appear in newspapers and magazines throughout the world, including The New Yorkerand the New York Times. She currently lives in Paris.
The questions and discussion topics that follow are intended to enhance your group's reading of Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi. Persepolis is Satrapi's memoir of growing up in Iran during the Islamic Revolution. In powerful black-and-white comic strip images, Satrapi tells the story of her life in Tehran from ages six to fourteen, years that saw the overthrow of the Shah's regime, the triumph of the Islamic Revolution, and the devastating effects of war with Iraq. It is a childhood entwined with the history of her country. Persepolis paints an unforgettable portrait of daily life in Iran: the bewildering contradictions between home life and public life and the toll that repressive regimes exact on the individual spirit. Satrapi's child's-eye-view of dethroned emperors, state-sanctioned whippings and executions, and heroes of the revolution allows us to learn as she does the history of this fascinating country and of her own extraordinary family. Intensely personal, profoundly political, and wholly original, Persepolis is at once a story of growing up and a reminder of the human cost of war and political repression. As the Los Angeles Times has written, "Although she may not have intended it, Satrapi has grown into her youthful dream of prophethood. She is a voice calling out to the rest of us, reminding us to embrace this child's fervent desire that human dignity reign supreme."
1.The New York TimeshailsPersepolisas "the latest and one of the most delectable examples of a booming postmodern genre: autobiography by comic book." Why do you think this genre is so popular? Why did Satrapi chose this format in which to tell her story? What does the visual aspect add that a conventional memoir lacks? Have you read other graphic memoirs, such asMausby Art Spiegelman or Joe Sacco'sPalestine? How isPersepolisdifferent and/or similar to those? How doesPersepoliscompare to other comic books? Would you call this a comic book, or does it transcend this and other categories? Where would you place this book in a bookstore? With memoirs, comic books, current events?2. Written as a memoir, isPersepolismore powerful than if Satrapi had fictionalized the story? Why or why not? Compare this book to other memoirs you have read. What are the benefits and drawbacks of memoirs?3. In an Associated Press interview, Satrapi said, "The only thing I hope is that people will read my book and see that this abstract thing, this Axis of Evil, is made up of individuals with lives and hopes." And in her introduction toPersepolis, she explains that she wrote this book to show that Iran is not only a country of "fundamentalism, fanaticism, and terrorism." How does Satrapi go about challenging this myth? How doesPersepolisdispel or confirm your views on Iran? In what ways does reading this book deepen your understanding and knowledge of Iran, and the current situation in Iraq?4. How isPersepolisorganized and structured? What has Satrapi chosen to emphasize in her childhood? How is the passage of time presented? Describe Satrapi's drawings. How do the drawings add to the narrative of the story?5. Describe the writer's voice. Is it appealing? Which aspects of Marji's character do you identify with or like the most, the least? Did your reaction to the little girl affect your reading experience?6. How did the revolution exert power and influence over so many people, including many educated and middle class people like Satrapi's parents? Why did so many people leave after the revolution? Why do you think Marji's parents send her off to Austria while they stay in Tehran? Why don't they leave/escape as well?7. "Every situation has an opportunity for laughs." (p. 97) Give some examples of how the ordinary citizens of Iran enjoyed life despite the oppressive regime. What made you laugh? How does Satrapi add comic relief? How are these scenes relevant to the story as a whole?8. What kinds of captivity and freedom does the author explore inPersepolis? What stifles or prevents people from being completely free? How do they circumvent and defy the rules imposed on them and attempt to live ordinary lives despite revolution and war? Give some examples of their small acts of rebellion.9. "In spite of everything, kids were trying to look hip, even under risk of arrest." (p. 112) How did they do this? What do you think you would have done had you been a child in this environment? What acts of rebellion did you do as a teen? In way ways is Satrapi just a normal kid?10. What does Satrapi say regarding disparity between the classes before and after the Iranian Revolution? Discuss some examples that Marji witnesses and contemplates.11. At the core of the book is Marji's family. What is this family like? What is important to Marji's parents? What environment do they create for their daughter despite living under an oppressive regime and through a brutal, prolonged war? From where do they get their strength?12. What is the role of women in the story? Compare and contrast the various women: Marji, her mother, her grandmoth
A New York Times Notable Book A Time Magazine "Best Comix of the Year" A San Francisco Chronicle and Los Angles Times Best-seller WISE, FUNNY, AND HEARTBREAKING, Persepolis is Marjane Satrapi's memoir of growing up in Iran during the Islamic Revolution. In powerful black-and-white comic strip images, Satrapi tells the story of her life in Tehran from ages six to fourteen, years that saw the overthrow of the Shah's regime, the triumph of the Islamic Revolution, and the devastating effects of war with Iraq. The intelligent and outspoken only child of committed Marxists and the great-granddaughter of one of Iran's last emperors, Marjane bears witness to a childhood uniquely entwined with the history of her country. Persepolis paints an unforgettable portrait of daily life in Iran and of the bewildering contradictions between home life and public life. Marjane's child's-eye view of dethroned emperors, state-sanctioned whippings, and heroes of the revolution allows us to learn as she does the history of this fascinating country and of her own extraordinary family. Intensely personal, profoundly political, and wholly original, Persepolis is at once a story of growing up and a reminder of the human cost of war and political repression. It shows how we carry on, with laughter and tears, in the face of absurdity. And, finally, it introduces us to an irresistible little girl with whom we cannot help but fall in love.
A New York Times Notable Book A Time Magazine "Best Comix of the Year" A San Francisco Chronicle and Los Angeles Times Best-seller Wise, funny, and heartbreaking, Persepolis is Marjane Satrapi's memoir of growing up in Iran during the Islamic Revolution. In powerful black-and-white comic strip images, Satrapi tells the story of her life in Tehran from ages six to fourteen, years that saw the overthrow of the Shah's regime, the triumph of the Islamic Revolution, and the devastating effects of war with Iraq. The intelligent and outspoken only child of committed Marxists and the great-granddaughter of one of Iran's last emperors, Marjane bears witness to a childhood uniquely entwined with the history of her country. Persepolis paints an unforgettable portrait of daily life in Iran and of the bewildering contradictions between home life and public life. Marjane's child's-eye view of dethroned emperors, state-sanctioned whippings, and heroes of the revolution allows us to learn as she does the history of this fascinating country and of her own extraordinary family. Intensely personal, profoundly political, and wholly original, Persepolis is at once a story of growing up and a reminder of the human cost of war and political repression. It shows how we carry on, with laughter and tears, in the face of absurdity. And, finally, it introduces us to an irresistible little girl with whom we cannot help but fall in love.
ANew York TimesNotable Book ATime Magazine"Best Comix of the Year" ASan Francisco ChronicleandLos Angeles TimesBest-seller Wise, funny, and heartbreaking,Persepolisis Marjane Satrapi's memoir of growing up in Iran during the Islamic Revolution. In powerful black-and-white comic strip images, Satrapi tells the story of her life in Tehran from ages six to fourteen, years that saw the overthrow of the Shah's regime, the triumph of the Islamic Revolution, and the devastating effects of war with Iraq. The intelligent and outspoken only child of committed Marxists and the great-granddaughter of one of Iran's last emperors, Marjane bears witness to a childhood uniquely entwined with the history of her country. Persepolispaints an unforgettable portrait of daily life in Iran and of the bewildering contradictions between home life and public life. Marjane's child's-eye view of dethroned emperors, state-sanctioned whippings, and heroes of the revolution allows us to learn as she does the history of this fascinating country and of her own extraordinary family. Intensely personal, profoundly political, and wholly original,Persepolisis at once a story of growing up and a reminder of the human cost of war and political repression. It shows how we carry on, with laughter and tears, in the face of absurdity. And, finally, it introduces us to an irresistible little girl with whom we cannot help but fall in love.
"Delectable. . . Dances with drama and insouciant wit." The New York Times Book Review "A dazzlingly singular achievement. . . . Striking a perfect balance between the fantasies and neighborhood conspiracies of childhood and the mounting lunacy of Khomeini's reign, she's like the Persian love child of Spiegelman and Lynda Barry." Salon "A brilliant and unusual graphic memoir. . . . [Told] in a guileless voice . . . accompanied by a series of black-and-white drawings that dramatically illustrate how a repressive regime deforms ordinary lives."Vogue "Odds are, you'll be too busy being entertained to realize how much you've learned until you turn the last page."Elle.com "[A] self-portrait of the artist as a young girl, rendered in graceful black-and-white comics that apply a childlike sensibility to the bleak lowlights of recent Iranian history. . . . [Her] style is powerful; it persuasively communicates confusion and horror through the eyes of a precocious preteen." Village Voice " This is an excellent comic book, that deserves a place with Joe Sacco and even Art Spiegelman. In her bold black and white panels, Satrapi eloquently reasserts the moral bankruptcy of all political dogma and religious conformity; how it bullies, how it murders, and how it may always be ridiculed by individual rebellions of the spirit and the intellect." --Zadie Smith, author ofThe Autograph ManandWhite Teeth "You've never seen anything likePersepolisthe intimacy of a memoir, the irresistability of a comic book, and the political depth of a the conflict between fundamentalism and democracy. Marjane Satrapi may have given us a new genre." --Gloria Steinem I grew up reading the Mexican comics of Gabriel Vargas, graduated to the political teachings of Rius, fell under the spell of Linda Barry, Art Spiegelman, and now I am a fan of Marjane Satrapi. Her stories thrummed in my heart for days.Persepolisis part history book, part Scheherazade, astonishing as only true stories can be. I learned much about the history of Iran, but more importantly, it gave me hope for humanity in these unkind times. Sandra Cisneros, author ofThe House on Mango StreetandCaramelo I thought [Persepolis] was a superb piece of work, not only for the child's eye viewthe developing child's eye viewof a society unknown to many of us in the west, and feared and suspected in proportion to being unknown.... Satrap has found a way of depicting human beings that is both simple and immediately comprehensible, AND is almost infinitely flexible. Anyone who's tried to draw a simplified version of a human face knows how immensely difficult it is not only to give the faces a range of expression, but also to maintain identities from one frame to the next. It's an enormous technical accomplishment." --Philip Pullman, author ofThe Golden Compass,The Subtle Knife, andThe Amber Spyglass. "I cannot praise enough Marjane Satrapi's moving account of growing up as a spirited young girl in revolutionary and war-time Iran.Persepolisis disarming and often humorous but ultimately it is shattering." -- Joe Sacco, author ofPalestineandSafe Area Gorazde This witty, moving and illuminating book demonstrates graphically why the future of Iran lies with neither the clerics nor the American Empire. --Tariq Ali Author ofThe Clash of Fundamentalisms: Crusades, Jihads and Modernity "
"Delectable. . . Dances with drama and insouciant wit." The New York Times Book Review "A dazzlingly singular achievement. . . . Striking a perfect balance between the fantasies and neighborhood conspiracies of childhood and the mounting lunacy of Khomeini''s reign, she''s like the Persian love child of Spiegelman and Lynda Barry." Salon "A brilliant and unusual graphic memoir. . . . [Told] in a guileless voice . . . accompanied by a series of black-and-white drawings that dramatically illustrate how a repressive regime deforms ordinary lives." Vogue "Odds are, you'll be too busy being entertained to realize how much you've learned until you turn the last page." Elle.com "[A] self-portrait of the artist as a young girl, rendered in graceful black-and-white comics that apply a childlike sensibility to the bleak lowlights of recent Iranian history. . . . [Her] style is powerful; it persuasively communicates confusion and horror through the eyes of a precocious preteen." Village Voice " This is an excellent comic book, that deserves a place with Joe Sacco and even Art Spiegelman. In her bold black and white panels, Satrapi eloquently reasserts the moral bankruptcy of all political dogma and religious conformity; how it bullies, how it murders, and how it may always be ridiculed by individual rebellions of the spirit and the intellect." --Zadie Smith, author of The Autograph Man and White Teeth "You''ve never seen anything like Persepolisthe intimacy of a memoir, the irresistability of a comic book, and the political depth of a the conflict between fundamentalism and democracy. Marjane Satrapi may have given us a new genre." --Gloria Steinem I grew up reading the Mexican comics of Gabriel Vargas, graduated to the political teachings of Rius, fell under the spell of Linda Barry, Art Spiegelman, and now I am a fan of Marjane Satrapi. Her stories thrummed in my heart for days. Persepolis is part history book, part Scheherazade, astonishing as only true stories can be. I learned much about the history of Iran, but more importantly, it gave me hope for humanity in these unkind times. Sandra Cisneros, author of The House on Mango Streetand Caramelo I thought [ Persepolis] was a superb piece of work, not only for the child''s eye viewthe developing child''s eye viewof a society unknown to many of us in the west, and feared and suspected in proportion to being unknown.... Satrap has found a way of depicting human beings that is both simple and immediately comprehensible, AND is almost infinitely flexible. Anyone who''s tried to draw a simplified version of a human face knows how immensely difficult it is not only to give the faces a range of expression, but also to maintain identities from one frame to the next. It''s an enormous technical accomplishment." --Philip Pullman, author of The Golden Compass, The Subtle Knife, and The Amber Spyglass. "I cannot praise enough Marjane Satrapi''s moving account of growing up as a spirited young girl in revolutionary and war-time Iran. Persepolis is disarming and often humorous but ultimately it is shattering." -- Joe Sacco, author of Palestine and Safe Area Gorazde This witty, moving and illuminating book demonstrates graphically why the future of Iran lies with neither the clerics nor the American Empire. --Tariq Ali Author of The Clash of Fundamentalisms: Crusades, Jihads and Modernity "I found the work immensely moving with depths of nuance and wisdom that one might never expect to find in a comic book. It's a powerful, mysterious, enchanting story that manages to reflect a great swath of Iranian contemporary history within the sensitive, intimate tale of a young girl's coming-of-age. I didn't want it to end!" Diana Abu-Jaber, Author of Crescent and Arabian Jazz "A rare and chilling memoir that offers every reader a personal, honest portrait of Iran''s recent political and cultural history. Ms. Satrapi''s provocative, graphic narrative of life in Iran before and after the Islamic revolution is an extraordinary testament to the level of human suffering experienced by Iranians tossed from one political hypocrisy to another. Aside from the humanistic dimension, the beautifully minimalist Persepolis gives further evidence of Marjane Satrapi''s sensitivity and superb skill as an artist." --Shirin Neshat, visual artist/filmmaker "Readers who have always wanted to look beyond political headlines and CNN''s cliches should plunge into this unique illustrated story. Let Marji be your trusted companion, follow her into the warmth of a Persian home and out along Tehran''s turbulent streets during those heady days of revolution. Persepolis opens a rare door to understanding of events that still haunt America, while shining a bright light on the personal humanity and humor so much alive in Iranian families today." -- Terence Ward, author of Searching for Hassan Blending the historical with the personal is not an easy task, to blend the individual with the universal is even more challenging. But Marjane Satrapi has succeeded brilliantly. This graphic novel is a reminder of the human spirit that fights oppression and death, it is a witness to something true and lasting which is more affective than hundreds of news broadcasts. --Hanan al-Shaykh, author of Women of Sand and Myrhh From the Hardcover edition.
Originally published to wide critical acclaim in France, where it elicited comparisons to Art Spiegelman's Maus, Persepolis is Marjane Satrapi's wise, funny, and heartbreaking memoir of growing up in Iran during the Islamic Revolution.


저자(글) Satrapi, Marjane

<b>Marjane Satrapi</b>

<table><tr><td>Marjane Satrapi was born in 1969 in Rasht, Iran. She now lives in Paris, where she is a regular contributor to magazines and newspapers throughout the world, including The New Yorker and The New York Times. She is also the author of several children’s books, Embroideries, and the internationally best-selling and award-winning comic book autobiography in two parts, Persepolis and Persepolis 2. Persepolis is currently being made into an animated feature film, cowritten and codirected by Satrapi, which will be distributed by Sony Picture Classics in 2007. </td><td><img src="http://www.randomhouse.com/catalog/authphoto_110/43801_satrapi_marjane.gif"></img></td></tr></table>


상품정보 테이블로 ISBN, 발행(출시)일자 , 쪽수, 크기, 총권수, 언어을(를) 나타낸 표입니다.
ISBN 9780375714573 ( 037571457X )
발행(출시)일자 2004년 06월 01일
쪽수 153쪽
153 * 228 * 13 mm / 272 g
총권수 1권
언어 영어

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  • 반품/교환비용

    변심 혹은 구매착오로 인한 반품/교환은 반송료 고객 부담
  • 반품/교환 불가 사유

    1) 소비자의 책임 있는 사유로 상품 등이 손실 또는 훼손된 경우
    (단지 확인을 위한 포장 훼손은 제외)
    2) 소비자의 사용, 포장 개봉에 의해 상품 등의 가치가 현저히 감소한 경우
    예) 화장품, 식품, 가전제품(악세서리 포함) 등
    3) 복제가 가능한 상품 등의 포장을 훼손한 경우
    예) 음반/DVD/비디오, 소프트웨어, 만화책, 잡지, 영상 화보집
    4) 소비자의 요청에 따라 개별적으로 주문 제작되는 상품의 경우 ((1)해외주문도서)
    5) 디지털 컨텐츠인 ebook, 오디오북 등을 1회이상 ‘다운로드’를 받았거나 '바로보기'로 열람한 경우
    6) 시간의 경과에 의해 재판매가 곤란한 정도로 가치가 현저히 감소한 경우
    7) 전자상거래 등에서의 소비자보호에 관한 법률이 정하는 소비자 청약철회 제한 내용에 해당되는 경우
    (1) 해외주문도서 : 이용자의 요청에 의한 개인주문상품으로 단순변심 및 착오로 인한 취소/교환/반품 시 ‘해외주문 반품/취소 수수료’ 고객 부담 (해외주문 반품/취소 수수료 : ①서양도서-판매정가의 12%, ②일본도서-판매정가의 7%를 적용)
  • 상품 품절

    공급사(출판사) 재고 사정에 의해 품절/지연될 수 있으며, 품절 시 관련 사항에 대해서는 이메일과 문자로 안내드리겠습니다.
  • 소비자 피해보상 환불 지연에 따른 배상

    1) 상품의 불량에 의한 교환, A/S, 환불, 품질보증 및 피해보상 등에 관한 사항은 소비자분쟁 해결 기준 (공정거래위원회 고시)에 준하여 처리됨
    2) 대금 환불 및 환불지연에 따른 배상금 지급 조건, 절차 등은 전자상거래 등에서의 소비자 보호에 관한 법률에 따라 처리함

상품 설명에 반품/교환 관련한 안내가 있는 경우 그 내용을 우선으로 합니다. (업체 사정에 따라 달라질 수 있습니다.)

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