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Noel, Alyson 저자(글)
Griffin · 2009년 02월 03일
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책 소개

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AR 지수 5.8
도서에 사용된 문장의 평균 길이, 단어 길이, 어휘 수준, 단어 수를 종합하여 판단한 북 레벨지수로 ATOS 지수 라고 하며, 미국 6만개 이상의 학교에서 활용되고 있습니다.
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Lexile 지수 940
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Alyson Noel is an Orange County, CA, native. She moved to the Greek island of Mykonos after high school and later moved to New York City. She now lives with her husband in Laguna Beach, CA, and also keeps an apartment in New York City.
Since the car accident that claimed the lives of her family, sixteen-year-old Ever can see auras and hear people's thoughts, and she goes out of her way to hide from other people until she meets Damen, another psychic teenager who is hiding even more mysteries.
Since a horrible accident claimed the lives of her family, sixteen-year-old Ever can see auras, hear people's thoughts, and know a person's life story by touch. Going out of her way to shield herself from human contact to suppress her abilities has branded her as a freak at her new high school &- but everything changes when she meets Damen Auguste... Ever sees Damen and feels an instant recognition.He is gorgeous, exotic and wealthy, and he holds many secrets. Damen is able to make things appear and disappear, he always seems to know what she's thinking &- and he's the only one who can silence the noise and the random energy in her head. She doesn't know who he really is &- or what he is. Damen equal parts light and darkness, and he belongs to an enchanted new world where no one ever dies.
The first book in Nol's exciting new Immortals series. Since the accident that claimed her family, 16-year-old Ever can see auras, hear people's thoughts, and know a person's entire history through one touch. She's been branded a freak at her new high school, but everything changes when Ever meets the mysterious Damen August.
"Evermoreis addictive. When I wasn't reading, I was thinking about how I could sneak away to read some more. I couldn't put it down. I dreamt abuot this book. And when I was finished, I couldn't get it out of my head. This book was simply breathtaking." --Teens Read Too "Teen angst and the paranormal make a combustible mix as Noel utilizes typical themes and gives them a dangerous and eerie twist. Getting hooked on this new series,The Immortals, is guaranteed."--4 stars! Romantic Times Magazine "Readers who enjoy the works of PC Cast and Stephenie Meyer will love this outstanding paranormal teen-lit thriller." -Midwest Book Review "Get ready for a wild ride that is filled with twisting paths and mystery, love and fantasy. . . The writing style, story, and characters are a bit like Meyer and Marr's popular books, but written with a new twist and voice. And after reading the book, you too will probably want your own Damen, even if it means making the ultimate sacrifice." --5/5 stars!The Book Queen "I found myself unwilling to put the book down, even though I had to at some points, because I wanted to know what was going to happen...Ever was so real and her emotions were so believable that it was a little creepy. It's like Alyson Noel is actually a grieving, lovestruck teenager. She got Ever completely perfect. And by perfect, I mean delightfully flawed and deep." --The Frenetic Reader "Evermore is a wonderful book that I believe would be a lovely addition to any library . . .Definitely a book that fans of Stephenie Meyer and Melissa Marr should add to their collections. Definitely engaging and will catch your attention the minute you open to the first page!" -Mind of a Bibliophile "Alyson Noel creates a great picture of each and every character in the book. I am a fan of theTwlightseries and I recommend this book to those who like the series as well. It is a very quick read, with all the interesting twist and turns." -Flamingnet Book Reviews "I loved this book. It really keeps your attention though out the story, because the puzzle gets pieced together bit by bit, but you don't know exactly what happened until the end. The only thing that disappoints me is that the second book won't be published for a while. I would definitely recommend this to my friends." --Portsmouth Teen Book Review "This is the first installment ofThe Immortalsseries. Ms. Noel pens a well-detailed story that makes it easy for the reader to visualize both the characters and the world around them.Evermorehas a familiar theme that attracts readers, but inside this book you'll find that the author has added some unique details that sets it apart." --Darque Reviews "Evermore's suspense, eerie mystery, and strange magic were interestingly entertaining...I found Ever to be a character I could really respect...Recommended." -The Bookworm "Beautiful main characters, tense budding romance, a dark secret, mysterious immortals--what more could you ask from this modern gothic romance?" -Justine Magazine "Evermorewas a great way to lighten my reading load this winter and provided me with a creative, magical story that I really enjoyed. This is the first in a series for Noel and I think she may have a hit on her hands . . .Evermorehas good and evil, likable characters, vivid descriptions and a good story."-Planet Books "I fell into it easily, and loved the world Noel created . . . The fact that Ever had psychic powers was truly interesting. The
Since a horrible accident claimed the lives of her family, sixteen-year-old Ever can see auras, hear people's thoughts, and know a person's life story by touch. Going out of her way to shield herself from human contact to suppress her abilities has branded her as a freak at her new high school but everything changes when she meets Damen Auguste . . . Ever sees Damen and feels an instant recognition. He is gorgeous, exotic and wealthy, and he holds many secrets. Damen is able to make things appear and disappear, he always seems to know what she's thinking and he's the only one who can silence the noise and the random energy in her head. She doesn't know who he really is or what he is. Damen equal parts light and darkness, and he belongs to an enchanted new world where no one ever dies.

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저자(글) Noel, Alyson

Noel, Alyson

12월 3일 미국 캘리포니아 주 오렌지카운티에서 자랐다. 고등학교를 졸업하면서 넓은 세상을 보고 싶어 유럽으로 떠났다가, 한동안 그리스에서 살았다. 이후 항공기 승무원으로 근무하면서 다시 미국으로 돌아왔고, 이 무렵부터 소설을 쓰기 시작했다. 지금까지 10여 권의 소설을 썼으며 '내셔널 리더스 초이스 상'을 비롯해 많은 상을 받았다. 지금은 캘리포니아 주의 라구나 비치에서 자상한 남편과 함께 살고 있다.


상품정보 테이블로 ISBN, 발행(출시)일자 , 쪽수, 크기, 총권수, 언어을(를) 나타낸 표입니다.
ISBN 9780312532758 ( 031253275X )
발행(출시)일자 2009년 02월 03일
쪽수 306쪽
138 * 210 * 22 mm / 286 g
총권수 1권
언어 영어


구매 후 리뷰 작성 시, e교환권 200원 적립

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