The Berenstain Bears Say Their Prayers
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15,000원 미만 시 2,500원 배송비 부과
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Mike Berenstain grew up watching his parents, Stan and Jan, working together to write and draw these lovable bears. Eventually he started drawing and writing about them too.
Stan and Jan Berenstain introduced the first Berenstain Bear books in 1962.
Stan and Jan Berenstain were already successful cartoonists for magazines and adult humor books when they began writing children's books. The first story starring the bear family,The Big Honey Hunt, appeared in 1962. Since then, more than 250 Berenstain Bears books have been published, and more than 260 million copies have been sold. What began as an idea sparked by their young sons' interest in children's books has become over the years arguably the best-selling children's book series ever.Since their inception, the Berenstain Bears stories have expanded to include picture books, beginning readers, and chapter books?even a hit TV show on PBS. Writing and illustrating the books has become a Berenstain family affair. Mike joined with his parents as a creative team in the late 1980s. The Bear family has expanded over the years as well. Sister Bear arrived in 1974, and baby Honey joined the family in 2000.Since Stan's death at age eighty-two in 2005, Jan and Mike have continued to write and illustrate wonderful new adventures for Mama, Papa, Brother, Sister, and Honey Bear. They live in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, which looks a lot like Bear Country.
When Brother sees his cousin Fred praying before their baseball game, he decides to give it a try, but he is disappointed when he strikes out anyway.
The Berenstain Bear series helps children learn how God wants them to live every day. When the Bear family practices going to church, praying, and being kind, plus remembering how much God loves them, their lives are much more joyful.In The Berenstain Bears Say Their Prayers. Brother Bear discovers that God answers every prayer?n his own way and time.Children will learn, along with Brother Bear, that praying isn? just for bedtime.
'A classic in children's literature for nearly half a century, The Berenstain Bears are back with four all-new books that teach children how God wants them to live. These picture books focus on doing the right thing, saying prayers and going to Sunday school-all through the silly antics and delightful humor of the bear family.' - Focus on the Family Clubhouse Jr
'A classic in children's literature for nearly half a century, The Berenstain Bears are back with four all-new books that teach children how God wants them to live. These picture books focus on doing the right thing, saying prayers and going to Sunday school-all through the silly antics and delightful humor of the bear family.' -- Focus on the Family Clubhouse Jr
"A classic in children's literature for nearly half a century, The Berenstain Bears are back with four all-new books that teach children how God wants them to live. These picture books focus on doing the right thing, saying prayers and going to Sunday school-all through the silly antics and delightful humor of the bear family." - Focus on the Family Clubhouse Jr
?A classic in children? literature for nearly half a century, The Berenstain Bears are back with four all-new books that teach children how God wants them to live. These picture books focus on doing the right thing, saying prayers and going to Sunday school-all through the silly antics and delightful humor of the bear family.?--Focus on the Family Clubhouse Jr ()
? classic in children? literature for nearly half a century, The Berenstain Bears are back with four all-new books that teach children how God wants them to live. These picture books focus on doing the right thing, saying prayers and going to Sunday school-all through the silly antics and delightful humor of the bear family.?Focus on the Family Clubhouse Jr ()
'Kids ages 4 to 7 will love these.' - Homelife
'Kids ages 4 to 7 will love these.' -- Homelife
"Kids ages 4 to 7 will love these." - Homelife
'Michael's enthusiasm about his work is contagious. He is not only committed to creating sound, edifying instructional literature for young children, but he is energized by his continuing opportunity to challenge children and their parents to think seriously about significant life issues and practices such as giving thanks, loving near-and-far neighbors, applying the rules of good sportsmanship and nurturing relationships with each other and with God.' - Homecoming
'Michael's enthusiasm about his work is contagious. He is not only committed to creating sound, edifying instructional literature for young children, but he is energized by his continuing opportunity to challenge children and their parents to think seriously about significant life issues and practices such as giving thanks, loving near-and-far neighbors, applying the rules of good sportsmanship and nurturing relationships with each other and with God.' -- Homecoming
"Michael's enthusiasm about his work is contagious. He is not only committed to creating sound, edifying instructional literature for young children, but he is energized by his continuing opportunity to challenge children and their parents to think seriously about significant life issues and practices such as giving thanks, loving near-and-far neighbors, applying the rules of good sportsmanship and nurturing relationships with each other and with God." - Homecoming
'Preschoolers will love exploring classic Bear Country with the familiar Berenstain Bears in their newly released faith-based series' - Children's Ministry
'Preschoolers will love exploring classic Bear Country with the familiar Berenstain Bears in their newly released faith-based series' -- Children's Ministry
"Preschoolers will love exploring classic Bear Country with the familiar Berenstain Bears in their newly released faith-based series" - Children's Ministry
Although saying bedtime prayers is a habit in the Bear household, Brother Bear isn't sure why they do it. But when he sees a friend on his baseball team praying at the game, he decides to try it himself. Things don't work out as he expects though, and Brother Bear learns that although prayers are always answered, they aren't always answered as we expect.
ISBN | 9780310712466 ( 0310712467 ) |
발행(출시)일자 | 2008년 09월 28일 |
쪽수 | 32쪽 |
크기 |
196 * 198
* 5
/ 91 g
총권수 | 1권 |
언어 | 영어 |
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* 오픈마켓, 해외배송 주문, 기프트 주문시 [1:1 상담>반품/교환/환불] 또는 고객센터 (1544-1900) -
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(1) 해외주문도서 : 이용자의 요청에 의한 개인주문상품으로 단순변심 및 착오로 인한 취소/교환/반품 시 ‘해외주문 반품/취소 수수료’ 고객 부담 (해외주문 반품/취소 수수료 : ①서양도서-판매정가의 12%, ②일본도서-판매정가의 7%를 적용) -
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