The Unexpected Adventure
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When we seize opportunities to talk with others about Jesus, days that start out dull and tedious can quickly blossom into exciting escapades. Written for today's multigenerational, multicultural world, The Unexpected Adventure helps readers take easy steps into a natural evangelistic lifestyle that will energize their own faith while making an eternal difference in the lives of people they encounter. Using a devotional-style format, bestselling authors Lee Strobel and Mark Mittelberg tell dramatic and sometimes funny stories from their own lives and then draw out practical applications backed by Scripture. Readers will be inspired with fresh compassion for their spiritually confused friends and equipped with practical strategies for influencing others for Christ. Entire churches will be rejuvenated as congregations discover that evangelism can be the adventure of a lifetime - starting today.
Lee Strobel is an award-winning legal editor of The Chicago Tribune and a New York Times bestselling author. After years of nonfiction bestsellers, he is publishing his debut fiction novel, a legal thriller. Lee is a Yale Law School graduate, accomplished journalist, and world-renowned speaker. SPANISH BIO: Lee Strobel tiene una licenciatura en periodismo de la Universidad de Missouri y una maestria en estudio de leyes de la Universidad Yale. Fue el galardonado editor legal del periodico Chicago Tribune y esceptico espiritual hasta el ano 1981. Es autor de exitos de ventas del New York Times de casi veinte libros y ha sido entrevistado por numerosos programas nacionales de television, incluyendo 20/20 de la cadena ABC, Fox News y CNN. Cuatro de sus libros han ganado el premio Medalla de oro y uno de ellos fue el ganador del premio Libro cristiano del ano 2005 (el cual escribio junto a Garry Poole). Lee sirvio como pastor de ensenanza en las Iglesias Willow Creek y Saddleback. Ademas, contribuye como editor y columnista de la revista 'Outreach'. el y su esposa, Leslie, residen en Colorado. Para mas informacion, visite:
Mark Mittelberg (MA, Trinity Evangelical Theological School) is an author, speaker, and evangelism strategist. He is coauthor with Bill Hybels of Becoming a Contagious Christian and coauthor with Bill Hybels and Lee Strobel of the Becoming a Contagious Christian curriculum. He previously served as evangelism leader for the Willow Creek Association. SPANISH BIO: Mark Mittelberbg es autor, conferencista y estratega de evangelismo. Es coautor con Bill Hybels de Conviertase en un cristiano contagioso y con Lee Strobel de Aventura Inesperada. Junto a Bill Hybels y Lee Strobel es coautor del programa de estudio Conviertase en un cristiano contagioso. Anteriormente sirvio como lider de evangelismo para Willow Creek Association.
42 Real-Life Stories to Inspire Your Own Spiritual Adventures
Bestselling authors Strobel and Mittelberg use compelling and humorous stories from their own lives in a devotional-style work that paints an irresistible picture of what personal evangelism can be--the fulfilling adventure of a lifetime.
Are you missing one of the most exhilarating and rewarding dimensions of the Christian life? Bestselling authors Lee Strobel and Mark Mittelberg use compelling and humorous stories from their own lives in a devotional-style book that paints an irresistible picture of what personal evangelism can be-the fulfilling adventure of a lifetime!
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『다음 세대를 위한 관계 전도법』은 일상에서 예수님 이야기를 꺼내는 불편한 순간이 흥미진진한 모험으로 바뀌는 42가지 생생한 사례를 통해 전도하고 싶어 하는 사람, 전도를 부담스러워하는 사람 모두에게 실제적인 지침을 제공하고 전도에 대한 열정을 불러일으킨다. ‘전도’라는 말이 무거운 부담에서 가슴 뛰는 설렘으로 바뀌는 진귀한 경험을 하게 하고, 평범하게 시작된 하루가 누군가의 삶을 변화시킬 뜻깊은 만남으로 이어질 거라는 기대감을 갖게 한다.
Introduction When Eternity Holds Its Breath p. 9 Adventure Enrolling in the Adventure p. 19 Adventure When You Just Don't Know p. 25 Adventure Being Your Own Eccentric Self p. 31 Adventure Those Imperfect Opportunities p. 37 Adventure Embarrassed for God p. 43 Adventure Breaking the Pact p. 49 Adventure Spur-of-the-Moment Friendship p. 55 Adventure Putting Love into Action p. 61 Adventure Inviting Adventure p. 67 Adventure Emerging from the Cocoon p. 73 Adventure Stumbling into Action p. 79 Adventure Faith Like a Child p. 85 Adventure Divine Interruptions p. 91 Adventure The Influence of a Story p. 97 Adventure Mountaintop Experience p. 103 Adventure Linking Together p. 109 Adventure The Cowboy Who Almost Shot Me p. 115 Adventure An Unfair Advantage p. 121 Adventure Prayers of Desperation p. 127 Adventure Representing Jesus p. 133 Adventure Unlikely Candidate p. 141 Adventure Praying Persistently p. 147 Adventure Roadside Redemption p. 153 Adventure Seeing Through Smokescreens p. 159 Adventure Potential in Partnering p. 167 Adventure In the Nick of Time p. 173 Adventure Making Room for Questions p. 179 Adventure The Big Oops p. 185 Adventure The Impact of Evidence p. 191 Adventure Ordinary Life, Extraordinary Impact p. 197 Adventure Worship with Class p. 203 Adventure Ready to Make a Difference p. 209 Adventure Spiritual Backup p. 215 Adventure Passion for People p. 221 Adventure The Unseen Side of the Journey p. 227 Adventure Outrageous Grace p. 233 Adventure Power of the Gospel p. 239 Adventure Those Old Coincidences p. 245 Adventure A Time for Urgency p. 251 Adventure Hang Time p. 257 Adventure Ripple Effects p. 265 Adventure Addicted to Life Change p. 271 Conclusion Risks and Rewards p. 279 Meet the Authors p. 285 Sources p. 287 Recommended Resources p. 289 Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.
ISBN | 9780310283928 ( 0310283922 ) |
발행(출시)일자 | 2009년 04월 29일 |
쪽수 | 304쪽 |
크기 |
140 * 213
* 25
/ 317 g
총권수 | 1권 |
언어 | 영어 |
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