The Hidden Reality
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The bestselling author of The Elegant Universe and The Fabric of the Cosmos tackles perhaps the most mind-bending question in modern physics and cosmology: Is our universe the only universe?
There was a time when "universe" meant all there is. Everything. Yet, a number of theories are converging on the possibility that our universe may be but one among many parallel universes populating a vast multiverse. Here, Briane Greene, one of our foremost physicists and science writers, takes us on a breathtaking journey to a multiverse comprising an endless series of big bangs, a multiverse with duplicates of every one of us, a multiverse populated by vast sheets of spacetime, a multiverse in which all we consider real are holographic illusions, and even a multiverse made purely of math--and reveals the reality hidden within each.
Using his trademark wit and precision, Greene presents a thrilling survey of cutting-edge physics and confronts the inevitable question: How can fundamental science progress if great swaths of reality lie beyond our reach? The Hidden Reality is a remarkable adventure through a world more vast and strange than anything we could have imagined.
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우주의 숨겨진 실체를 낱낱이 밝히는『멀티 유니버스』. ‘다중우주의 존재’를 물리학적 통찰과 수학적 논리로 규명하는 책이다. 차원 우주, 카오스 우주, 브레인 다중 우주, 멀티버스, 시뮬레이션 우주까지 거대 패러다임의 전환 속에 빠진 최첨단 우주를 생생하고도 흥미진진하게 살펴본다. 단일우주와 다중우주, 또는 그 외의 다른 이론들 중 어느 것이 과연 진정한 실체인지 고민해보며, 암흑과 침묵에 싸여 춥고 위험하게만 느껴졌던 우주를 더욱 가깝게 느낄 수 있도록 했다. 수학과 물리학에 익숙하지 않은 독자들을 위해 특수 및 일반상대성이론과 양자역학을 생략하고, 책의 내용을 이해하는 데 반드시 필요한 기본지식을 골라 소개했으며, 가능한 많은 비유와 역사적 사례를 담아 넓은 층의 독자들이 내용을 이해하는데 도움을 준다.
저자(글) Greene, Brian
Brian Greene received his undergraduate degree from Harvard University and his doctorate from Oxford University, where he was a Rhodes Scholar. He joined the physics faculty of Cornell University in 1990, was appointed to a full professorship in 1995, and in 1996 joined Columbia University, where he is professor of physics and mathematics. He has lectured at both a general and a technical level in more than thirty countries, and on all seven continents, and is widely regarded for a number of groundbreaking discoveries in superstring theory. His first book, The Elegant Universe, was a national best seller and a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize. His most recent book, The Fabric of the Cosmos, was also a best seller. He lives in Andes, New York, and New York City.
Preface p. vii The Bounds of Reality: On Parallel Worlds p. 3 Endless Doppelg?gers: The Quilted Multiverse p. 11 Eternity and Infinity: The Inflationary Multiverse p. 43 Unifying Nature's Laws: On the Road to String Theory p. 83 Hovering Universes in Nearby Dimensions: The Brane and Cyclic Multiverses p. 119 New Thinking About an Old Constant: The Landscape Multiverse p. 146 Science and the Multiverse: On Inference, Explanation, and Prediction p. 188 The Many Worlds of Quantum Measurement: The Quantum Multiverse p. 217 Black Holes and Holograms: The Holographic Multiverse p. 272 Universes, Computers, and Mathematical Reality: The Simulated and Ultimate Multiverses p. 314 The Limits of Inquiry: Multiverses and the Future p. 353 Notes p. 371 Suggestions for Further Reading p. 417 Index p. 421 Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.
ISBN | 9780307278128 ( 0307278123 ) |
발행(출시)일자 | 2011년 11월 01일 |
쪽수 | 464쪽 |
크기 |
134 * 204
* 24
/ 431 g
총권수 | 1권 |
언어 | 영어 |
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