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Learning from Las Vegas, Revised Edition

0002/ERevised | Paperback
Venturi, Robert 저자(글)
MIT Press · 1977년 06월 15일
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Steven Izenour (1940-2001) was coauthor of Learning from Las Vegas (MIT Press, 1977) and a principal in the Philadelphia firm Venturi, Scott Brown and Associates, Inc (VSBA). His most noted projects at VSBA include Philadelphia's Basco showroom, the George D. Widener Memorial Treehouse at the Philadelphia Zoo, the Camden Children's Garden, and the house he designed for his parents in Stony Creek, Connecticut.
Learning from Las Vegascreated a healthy controversy on its appearance in 1972, calling for architects to be more receptive to the tastes and values of "common" people and less immodest in their erections of "heroic," self-aggrandizing monuments. This revision includes the full texts of Part I of the original, on the Las Vegas strip, and Part II, "Ugly and Ordinary Architecture, or the Decorated Shed," a generalization from the findings of the first part on symbolism in architecture and the iconography of urban sprawl. (The final part of the first edition, on the architectural work of the firm Venturi and Rauch, is not included in the revision.) The new paperback edition has a smaller format, fewer pictures, and a considerably lower price than the original. There are an added preface by Scott Brown and a bibliography of writings by the members of Venturi and Rauch and about the firm's work.
"...professionally informed, competitively astute, and perversely brilliant..." -- The Yale Review
"...a brilliant document of the times...a work which uses history knowledgeably, skillfully, and creatively: a rarity." Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians
"...professionally informed, competitively astute, and perversely brilliant..." The Yale Review
"...these studies are brilliant...the kind of art history and theory that is rarely produced." The New York Times Ada Louis Huxtable
"...a brilliant document of the times...a work which uses history knowledgeably, skillfully, and creatively: a rarity." - Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians
"...professionally informed, competitively astute, and perversely brilliant..." - The Yale Review
"...these studies are brilliant...the kind of art history and theory that is rarely produced." - The New York Times, Ada Louis Huxtable

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1972년에 발행된 본 저는 1966년도에 벤투리가 집필한 [건축의 복합성과 대립성]과 함께 전 콜럼비아 대학원장인 마크 위글리가 선정한 '건축역사상 가장 큰 영향을 끼친 4권의 책'에 꼽힌다. [라스베이거스의 교훈]은 아무도 주목하지 않았던 라스베이거스의 상업 가로를 일종의 건축 전형과 사회적 현상으로 분석, 언론과 건축계의 수많은 갈채와 비평을 동시에 받았고, 그 이후 모더니즘의 논리에 갇혀있던 건축이 틀을 벗어나 새로운 가능성을 향해 뻗어나가는 기폭제가 되었다. 미국에서는 현대 건축학의 필독서로 읽히는 이 중요한 책이 벤투리와 스콧 브라운의 제자 스티븐 송과 SCAAA의 박효영의 2년여에 걸친 철저한 감수를 통해 첫 발행 이후 45 년 만에 처음으로 한국에서 정식 번역본으로 발간된다.


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로버트 벤투리 외 2명
10% 15,300


저자(글) Venturi, Robert

Robert Venturi is an award-winning architect and an influential writer, teacher, artist, and designer. His work includes includes the Sainsbury Wing of London's National Galler; renovation of the Museum of Contemporary Art, San Diego; dozens of major academic projects; and the groundbreaking Vanna Venturi House.
Denise Scott Brown is an architect, writer, and planner. She and Robert Venturi are founding principals of the influential architectural firm Venturi, Scott Brown, and Associates (VSBA), whose work and ideas have influenced generations of architects and planners.
Steven Izenour (1940-2001) was coauthor of Learning from Las Vegas (MIT Press, 1977) and a principal in the Philadelphia firm Venturi, Scott Brown and Associates, Inc (VSBA). His most noted projects at VSBA include Philadelphia's Basco showroom, the George D. Widener Memorial Treehouse at the Philadelphia Zoo, the Camden Children's Garden, and the house he designed for his parents in Stony Creek, Connecticut.


  • Preface to the First Editionp. xi
    Preface to the Revised Editionp. xv
    A Significance for A&P Parking Lots, or Learning from Las Vegas
    A Significance for A&P Parking Lots, or Learning from Las Vegasp. 3
    Commercial Values and Commercial Methodsp. 3
    Billboards Are Almost All Rightp. 6
    Architecture as Spacep. 6
    Architecture as Symbolp. 7
    Symbol in Space before Form in Space: Las Vegas as a Communication Systemp. 8
    The Architecture of Persuasionp. 9
    Vast Space in the Historical Tradition and at the A&Pp. 13
    From Rome to Las Vegasp. 18
    Maps of Las Vegasp. 19
    Main Street and the Stripp. 19
    System and Order on the Stripp. 20
    Change and Permanence on the Stripp. 34
    The Architecture of the Stripp. 34
    The Interior Oasisp. 49
    Las Vegas Lightingp. 49
    Architectural Monumentality and the Big Low Spacep. 50
    Las Vegas Stylesp. 50
    Las Vegas Signsp. 51
    Inclusion and the Difficult Orderp. 52
    Image of Las Vegas: Inclusion and Allusion in Architecturep. 53
    Studio Notesp. 73
    Ugly and Ordinary Architecture, or the Decorated Shed
    Some Definitions Using The Comparative Methodp. 87
    The Duck and the Decorated Shedp. 88
    Decoration on the Shedp. 89
    Explicit and Implicit Associationsp. 90
    Heroic and Original, or Ugly and Ordinaryp. 91
    Ornament: Signs and Symbols, Denotation and Connotation, Heraldry and Physiognomy, Meaning and Expressionp. 92
    Is Boring Architecture Interesting?p. 93
    Historical And Other Precedents: Towards An Old Architecturep. 104
    Historical Symbolism and Modern Architecturep. 104
    The Cathedral as Duck and Shedp. 105
    Symbolic Evolution in Las Vegasp. 106
    The Renaissance and the Decorated Shedp. 106
    Nineteenth-Century Eclecticismp. 107
    Modern Ornamentp. 114
    Ornament and Interior Spacep. 115
    The Las Vegas Stripp. 116
    Urban Sprawl and the Megastructurep. 117
    Theories Of Ugly And Ordinary And Related And Contrary Theoriesp. 128
    Origins and Further Definition of Ugly and Ordinaryp. 128
    Ugly and Ordinary as Symbol and Stylep. 129
    Against Ducks, or Ugly and Ordinary over Heroic and Original, or Think Littlep. 130
    Theories of Symbolism and Association in Architecturep. 131
    Firmness + Commodity Does Not Equal Delight: Modern Architecture and the Industrial Vernacularp. 134
    Industrial Iconographyp. 135
    Industrial Styling and the Cubist Modelp. 136
    Symbolism Unadmittedp. 137
    Form La Tourette to Neiman-Marcusp. 138
    Slavish Formalism and Articulated Expressionismp. 138
    Articulation as Ornamentp. 139
    Space as Godp. 148
    Megastructures and Design Controlp. 148
    Misplaced Technological Zealp. 150
    Which Technological Revolution?p. 151
    Preindustrial Imagery for a Postindustrial Erap. 151
    From La Tourette to Levittownp. 152
    Silent-White-Majority Architecturep. 154
    Social Architecture and Symbolismp. 155
    High-Design Architecturep. 161
    Summaryp. 162
    Appendix: On Design Review Boards And Fine Arts Commissionsp. 164
    Bibliographyp. 167
    Creditsp. 190
    Table of Contents provided by Publisher. All Rights Reserved.


상품정보 테이블로 ISBN, 발행(출시)일자 , 쪽수, 크기, 총권수, 언어을(를) 나타낸 표입니다.
ISBN 9780262720069 ( 026272006X )
발행(출시)일자 1977년 06월 15일
쪽수 208쪽
154 * 227 * 13 mm / 345 g
총권수 1권
언어 영어

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