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More Than You Know

Updated | 양장본 Hardcover
Columbia University Press · 2007년 10월 18일
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    More Than You Know 사이즈 비교 162x236
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A blend of practical advice and theory which offers invaluable tools to better understand the concepts of choice and risk in the field of investment.

원서번역서 내용 엿보기




  • Be the House: Process and Outcome in Investingp. 9
    Investing - Profession or Business? Thoughts on Beating the Market Indexp. 15
    The Babe Ruth Effect: Frequency Versus Magnitude in Expected Valuep. 23
    Sound Theory for the Attribute Weary: The Importance of Circumstance-Based Categorizationp. 29
    Risky Business: Risk, Uncertainty, and Prediction in Investingp. 35
    Are You an Expert? Experts and Marketsp. 40
    The Hot Hand in Investing: What Streaks Tell Us About Perception, Probability, and Skillp. 46
    Time Is on My Side: Myopic Loss Aversion and Portfolio Turnoverp. 52
    The Low Down on the Top Brass: Management Evaluation and the Investment Processp. 60
    Good Morning, Let the Stress Begin: Linking Stress to Suboptimal Portfolio Managementp. 71
    All I Really Need to Know I Learned at a Tupperware Party: What Tupperware Parties Teach You About Investing and Lifep. 77
    All Systems Go: Emotion and Intuition in Decision Makingp. 83
    Guppy Love: The Role of Imitation in Marketsp. 89
    Beware of Behavioral Finance: Misuse of Behavioral Finance Can Lead to Bad Thinkingp. 94
    Raising Keynes: Long-Term Expectations, the El Farol Bar, and Kidding Yourselfp. 99
    Right from the Gut: Investing with Naturalistic Decision Makingp. 104
    Weighted Watcher: What Did You Learn from the Last Survey?p. 110
    The Wright Stuff: Why Innovation Is Inevitablep. 121
    Pruned for Performance: What Brain Development Teaches Us About Innovationp. 130
    Staying Ahead of the Curve: Linking Creative Destruction and Expectationsp. 137
    Is There a Fly in Your Portfolio? What an Accelerating Rate of Industry Change Means for Investorsp. 143
    All the Right Moves: How to Balance the Long Term with the Short Termp. 148
    Survival of the Fittest: Fitness Landscapes and Competitive Advantagep. 153
    You'll Meet a Bad Fate If You Extrapolate: The Folly of Using Average P/Esp. 159
    I've Fallen and I Can't Get Up: Mean Reversion and Turnaroundsp. 165
    Trench Cooperation: Considering Cooperation and Competition Through Game Theoryp. 171
    Great (Growth) Expectations: On the Limits of Corporate Growthp. 176
    Diversify Your Mind: Thoughts on Organizing for Investing Successp. 187
    From Honey to Money: The Wisdom and Whims of the Collectivep. 193
    Vox Populi: Using the Collective to Find, Solve, and Predictp. 198
    A Tail of Two Worlds: Fat Tails and Investingp. 203
    Integrating the Outliers: Two Lessons from the St. Petersburg Paradoxp. 209
    The Janitor's Dream: Why Listening to Individuals Can Be Hazardous to Your Wealthp. 216
    Chasing Laplace's Demon: The Role of Cause and Effect in Marketsp. 221
    More Power to You: Power Laws and What They Mean for Investorsp. 229
    The Pyramid of Numbers: Firm Size, Growth Rates, and Valuationp. 235
    Turn Tale: Exploring the Market's Mood Swingsp. 243
    Stairway to Shareholder Heaven: Exploring Self-Affinity in Return on Investmentp. 249
    Conclusion: The Future of Consilience in Investingp. 255
    Table of Contents provided by Blackwell. All Rights Reserved.


상품정보 테이블로 ISBN, 발행(출시)일자 , 쪽수, 크기, 총권수, 언어을(를) 나타낸 표입니다.
ISBN 9780231143721 ( 0231143729 )
발행(출시)일자 2007년 10월 18일
쪽수 320쪽
162 * 236 * 29 mm / 594 g
총권수 1권
언어 영어


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