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Monuments and Memory, Made and Unmade

New | 양장본 Hardcover
University of Chicago Press · 2004년 01월 01일
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Examining how monuments preserve memory, these essays demonstrate how phenomena as diverse as ancient drum towers in China and ritual whale killings in the Pacific Northwest serve to represent and negotiate time.
Robert S. Nelsonis a Distinguished Service Professor of Art History and the History of Culture, and chair of the Committee on the History of Culture at the University of Chicago. He is the editor of Visuality before and beyond the Renaissance: Seeing as Others Sawand coeditor of Critical Terms for Art History, second edition, the latter published by the University of Chicago Press. Margaret Olinis a professor of art history, theory, and criticism, and Visual and Critical Studies at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. She is the author of The Nation without Art: Examining Modern Discourses on Jewish Art.
How do some monuments become so socially powerful that people seek to destroy them? After ignoring monuments for years, why must we now commemorate public trauma, but not triumph, with a monument? To explore these and other questions, Robert S. Nelson and Margaret Olin assembled essays from leading scholars about how monuments have functioned throughout the world and how globalization has challenged Western notions of the "monument." Examining how monuments preserve memory, these essays demonstrate how phenomena as diverse as ancient drum towers in China and ritual whale-killings in the Pacific Northwest serve to represent and negotiate time. Connecting that history to the present with an epilogue on the World Trade Center, Monuments and Memory, Made and Unmade is pertinent not only for art historians but for anyone interested in the turbulent history of monuments--a history that is still very much with us today. Contributors: Stephen Bann, Jonathan Bordo, Julia Bryan-Wilson, Jas Elsner, Tapati Guha-Thakurta, Robert S. Nelson, Margaret Olin, Ruth B. Phillips, Mitchell Schwarzer, Lillian Lan-ying Tseng, Richard Wittman, Wu Hung
How do some monuments become so socially powerful that people seek to destroy them? After ignoring monuments for years, why must we now commemorate public trauma, but not triumph, with a monument? To explore these and other questions, Robert S. Nelson and Margaret Olin assembled essays from leading scholars about how monuments have functioned throughout the world and how globalization has challenged Western notions of the "monument." Examining how monuments preserve memory, these essays demonstrate how phenomena as diverse as ancient drum towers in China and ritual whale-killings in the Pacific Northwest serve to represent and negotiate time. Connecting that history to the present with an epilogue on the World Trade Center, Monuments and Memory, Made and Unmadeis pertinent not only for art historians but for anyone interested in the turbulent history of monumentsa history that is still very much with us today. Contributors: Stephen Bann, Jonathan Bordo, Julia Bryan-Wilson, Jas Elsner, Tapati Guha-Thakurta, Robert S. Nelson, Margaret Olin, Ruth B. Phillips, Mitchell Schwarzer, Lillian Lan-ying Tseng, Richard Wittman, Wu Hung
" Monuments and Memory, Made and Unmadeis a provocative collection of essays that explore the social meaning and cultural function of images. As many of the authors testify, monuments do not reflect their past so much as they work to create memory in the present. Particularly valuable and timely is Nelson's and Olin's inclusion of studies that analyze the significance of monuments, sometimes destroyed, in different cultures."
"Monuments and Memory, Made and Unmade is a provocative collection of essays that explore the social meaning and cultural function of images. As many of the authors testify, monuments do not reflect their past so much as they work to create memory in the present. Particularly valuable and timely is Nelson's and Olin's inclusion of studies that analyze the significance of monuments, sometimes destroyed, in different cultures."
"Nelson and Olin have brought together a rich group of essays of exceedingly high quality. There are many books on monuments and memory, but no other book probes the notion of the monument in the exhaustive way this book does. None has a comparable chronological, global, and imaginative range, or its intellectual and methodological diversity."
"Nelson and Olin have collected an extraordinarily eclectic range of papers-on everything from early modern travel journals to the markers of nuclear waste sites, from nationalist conflicts in India to Rola.nd Barthes and the temporality of photography."
"Nelson and Olin have collected an extraordinarily eclectic range of paperson everything from early modern travel journals to the markers of nuclear waste sites, from nationalist conflicts in India to Roland Barthes and the temporality of photography."
"Nelson and Olin have collected an extraordinarily eclectic range of paperson everything from early modern travel journals to the markers of nuclear waste sites, from nationalist conflicts in India to Roland Barthes and the temporality of photography."Charles Barbour, Canadian Literature
"Nelson and Olin have collected an extraordinarily eclectic range of paperson everything from early modern travel journals to the markers of nuclear waste sites, from nationalist conflicts in India to Roland Barthes and the temporality of photography."Charles Barbour,Canadian Literature
Introduction I - Travel 1. Scaling the Cathedral: Bourges in John Bargrave's Travel Journal for 1645 Stephen Bann 2. Retrieving the Past, Inventing the Memorable: Huang Yi's Visit to the Song-Luo Monuments Lillian Lan-ying Tseng 3. Tourists, Terrorists, and Metaphysical Theater at Hagia Sophia Robert S. Nelson 4. The Moving Landscape Mitchell Schwarzer II - Time 5. Monumentality of Time: Giant Clocks, the Drum Tower, the Clock Tower Wu Hung 6. The Winter Garden and Virtual Heaven Margaret Olin 7. The Keeping Place (Arising from an Incident on the Land) Jonathan Bordo 8. Building a Marker of Nuclear Warning Julia Bryan-Wilson III Destruction - Reconstruction 9. Iconoclasm and the Preservation of Memory Jas Elsner 10. Archaeology and the Monument: An Embattled Site of History and Memory in Contemporary India Tapati Guha-Thakurta 11. Local Memory and National Aesthetics: Jean Pagegrave;s's Early-Eighteenth-Century Description of the "Incomparable" Cathedral of Amiens Richard K. Wittman 12. Settler Monuments, Indigenous Memory: Dis-membering and Re-membering Canadian Art History Ruth B. Phillips Epilogue. The Rhetoric of Monuments: The World Trade Center List of Contributors Index

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  • Introduction I: Travel
    Scaling the Cathedral: Bourges in
    Retrieving the Past, Inventing the Memorable
    Tourists, Terrorists, and Metaphysical Theater at Hagia Sophia
    The Moving Landscape
    Monumentality of Time: Giant Clocks, the Drum Tower, the Clock Tower
    The Winter Garden and Virtual Heaven
    The Keeping Place Arising from an Incident on the Land
    Building a Marker of Nuclear Warning
    Iconoclasm and the Preservation of Memory
    Archaeology and the Monument: An Embattled Site of History and Memory in Contemporary India Tapati
    Local Memory and National Aesthetics: Jean Pagegrave;s's Early-Eighteenth-Century Description of the "Incomparable" Cathedral of Amiens
    Settler Monuments, Indigenous Memory: Dis-membering and Re-membering Canadian Art History
    The Rhetoric of Monuments: The World Trade Center
    List of Contributors
    Table of Contents provided by Publisher. All Rights Reserved.


상품정보 테이블로 ISBN, 발행(출시)일자 , 쪽수, 크기, 총권수, 언어을(를) 나타낸 표입니다.
ISBN 9780226571577 ( 0226571572 )
발행(출시)일자 2004년 01월 01일
쪽수 353쪽
162 * 234 * 25 mm / 603 g
총권수 1권
언어 영어


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