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Come Juneteenth

Reprint | Paperback
Rinaldi, Ann 저자(글)
Clarion Books · 2009년 05월 01일
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AR 지수 4.3
도서에 사용된 문장의 평균 길이, 단어 길이, 어휘 수준, 단어 수를 종합하여 판단한 북 레벨지수로 ATOS 지수 라고 하며, 미국 6만개 이상의 학교에서 활용되고 있습니다.
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ANN RINALDI is an award-winning author best known for bringing history vividly to life. A self-made writer and newspaper columnist for twenty-one years, Ms. Rinaldi attributes her interest in history to her son, who enlisted her to take part in historical reenactments up and down the East Coast. She lives with her husband in central New Jersey.
ANN RINALDIis an award-winning author best known for her ability to bring history vividly to life. She lives in central New Jersey. www.annrinaldi.net
Chapter One I was in the pumpkin patch, counting the ones that were good enough for Old Pepper Apron, our cook, to make into bread. I recollect that Pa was happy that he'd gotten one or two cents more on the pound from the cotton Granville had shipped out of Bagdad. And that the fields were being sown with winter oats and rye. I looked up and saw Sis Goose standing by the gate, a frown on her lovely face. It was all like some Dutch still life I was learning about from my tutor. Sis twisted her apron in her hands. She always wore a snow-white apron, like I did, even though we had no real household chores. "Luli, there's an old negro man in our barn," she said. For a moment I did not understand. The place was full of negro men: field hands, household help. But the look on her face told me something was amiss. "Who is he?" "Says he comes from Virginny. Says . . ." and her voice broke. "Says what?" "Says the negroes are free. That Abraham Lincoln freed them in January of '63." That rumor again. But with the war there was a different rumor every week. I swallowed. Something on Sis Goose's face bespoke her distress. "Go and get Gabe," I told her. "He'll know what to do." Gabe was in the house, helping Mama decide whether the one hundred bushels of corn she wanted to trade for three pounds of sugar was worth it. I went to the horse barn, but I didn't go in until Gabe and Sis Goose came back. "Where'd you come from, Uncle?" Gabe asked the man, who looked old enough to be somebody's grandfather. "Virginny. I comes from Virginny," came the answer. "From Applegate I come. On the advice of Miz Heather." Applegate was my Virginia grandmother's plantation. Gabe scowled and ran his hands over the back of the man's mule. It had usa branded on its back. "This is a fine-looking animal. Where'd you get it?"

How could the state of Texas keep the news of the Emancipation Proclamation from reaching slaves? In this riveting historical drama, Rinaldi sheds light on the events that led to the creation of Juneteenth, a celebration of freedom that continues today.
Luli loves her "almost sister" Sis Goose, but now there's a wedge between them. President Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation freed the slaves in 1863, but here it is 1865 and Luli's family, like other Texas slaveholders, has yet to tell their slaves that they are free. Luli is troubled by this secret: although Sis Goose is legally a slave, she's treated as part of the family...so does their keeping it a secret really matter?In June of 1865, Yankee soldiers come to occupy their farm and Sis Goose is devastated to learn from the soldiers that she is free and her family--the people she has loved and trusted--have kept this huge secret from her. Armed with this terrible hurt, Sis Goose runs away...and sets in motion a series of events that will change all of their lives forever.
Sis Goose is a beloved member of Luli's family, despite the fact that she was born a slave. But the family is harboring a terrible secret. And when Union soldiers arrive on their Texas plantation to announce that slaves have been declared free for nearly two years, Sis Goose is horrified to learn that the people she called family have lied to her for so long. She runs away--but her newly found freedom has tragic consequences. Includes an author's note.
Sis Goose is a beloved member of Luli's family, despite the fact that she was born a slave. But the family is harboring a terrible secret. And when Union soldiers arrive on their Texas plantation to announce that slaves have been declared free for nearly two years, Sis Goose is horrified to learn that the people she called family have lied to her for so long. She runs away--but her newly found freedom has tragic consequences. Includes an author's note.
"Believable characters with human strengths and weaknesses, lively writing, and plenty of action and suspense make this book a real page-turner for lovers of historical fiction."
"Believable characters with human strengths and weaknesses, lively writing, and plenty of action and suspense make this book a real page-turner for lovers of historical fiction."-- School Library Journal
"Believable characters with human strengths and weaknesses, lively writing, and plenty of action and suspense make this book a real page-turner for lovers of historical fiction."--School Library Journal
Tragedy strikes a Texas family when they fail to tell their slaves that they have been freed by Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation.


저자(글) Rinaldi, Ann

ANN RINALDI is an award-winning author best known for bringing history vividly to life. A self-made writer and newspaper columnist for twenty-one years, Ms. Rinaldi attributes her interest in history to her son, who enlisted her to take part in historical reenactments up and down the East Coast. She lives with her husband in central New Jersey.


상품정보 테이블로 ISBN, 발행(출시)일자 , 쪽수, 크기, 총권수, 언어을(를) 나타낸 표입니다.
ISBN 9780152063924 ( 0152063927 )
발행(출시)일자 2009년 05월 01일
쪽수 256쪽
109 * 174 * 16 mm / 163 g
총권수 1권
언어 영어

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