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Brooklyn Rose

Reprint | Paperback
Rinaldi, Ann 저자(글)
Houghton Mifflin · 2011년 08월 16일
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Lexile 지수 710
영어로 쓰여진 지문에 대한 해석 및 총체적인 이해 능력을 측정하는 도구로 미국 21개 주에서 공식적인 영어 읽기 능력 평가로 인정받고 있습니다. 레벨은 BR(Beginning Reader) 에서 2000L 까지 수치로 제공합니다.
ANN RINALDI is an award-winning author best known for bringing history vividly to life. A self-made writer and newspaper columnist for twenty-one years, Ms. Rinaldi attributes her interest in history to her son, who enlisted her to take part in historical reenactments up and down the East Coast. She lives with her husband in central New Jersey.
ANN RINALDIis an award-winning author best known for bringing history vividly to life. She lives in central New Jersey.
December 16, 1899 MY BIRTHDAY. Why does one feel so special on her birthday, as if something is about to happen? I received many lovely presents, including this gilt-edged journal book from Daddy. The pages are creamy white and just waiting for my words. They even smell nice, as if they are scented. I'm so excited about it. More excited than I am over the new Gibson Girl shirtwaist Mama gave me or the hair ribbons from my sister. I'm writing in my new journal this very moment. What shall I say? What could possibly be good enough about my silly old dull life to put down in here? It is a cold, drizzly day with rain. Some workers are ginning cotton and others are killing the last of the beef. Daddy sold a pair of turkeys to old Mrs. Lewis for a dollar and fifty cents. Oh, this is all so ordinary! But Mama says everything is worth setting down, that someday my granddaughter may read this. Ho! Me with a granddaughter! Imagine! Here is something worth noting. The Gullah people who live and work around here believe that when you die your soul goes to God but your spirit stays on earth and takes part in all the activities of your people. I like that part of their belief. If I died of a sudden, I'd like my spirit to stay here. Well, I'm not dying, at least I don't plan to yet, but Daddy talks constantly these days about sending me to school in the North, where I would get a proper American education. Imagine that! Yankee land. And his own uncle Sumner killed at Chancellorsville! "North is the only place you have chances," Daddy says. "The chances are all done around here." Chances for what? I want to ask. But I know he'd say, "To marry the right person." He wants me to wed somebody with money. "Even though that person is a Yankee?" I'd ask. To which he'd say, "The only ones who have money are the Yankees." This family has had such a problem with money since the war ended thirty-five years ago. I know one thing. I'm not ever going north. I'm staying right here on Saint Helena's Island. Why, Daddy was only able to buy the house back the year I was born. I know he spent most of his money restoring it to what it was before the war and hasn't got much to dower me with. But I've only just turned fifteen, and he's doing well with the cotton and the horses. We have the best horse farm in the county. And how could I leave here, anyway? I know another thing, too. If I ever do go away, I'm going to leave my spirit here to help my family. Like the Gullah people do when they die. ~ MAYBE I OUGHT to get things down right, if I'm going to keep this as a proper journal. The house I sit in, the very room I sit in, is on Saint Helena's Island, off the coast of South Carolina. I'm so used to this place I think everyone should know of it. Certainly they should, upon second thought. Wouldn't it be wonderful if everyone lived in a house made of a strong tabby foundation with a double piazza held up by great pillars and a front yard that sloped down to the water? If everyone could hear the wind in the palmetto trees and taste the sand in their mouths when the wind blew? And what about the tides that flow toward land twice each day, then back out again? To say nothing of the wild ducks and the swampy lands and the cypress trees, the longleaf pine. And the sea oats on the sand dunes that keep the sand from being washed away. This house I sit in was built years ago by my great-grandfather. My grandparents lost it when General Sherman came through and burned a lot of the homes around here. The white owners were driven away. But General Sherman left this house and a few others standing so the Negroes could live in them and work the land. Then Yankee agents went from plantation to plantation and took the cotton and shipped it north. My Grandfather Frampton had to go to work as a teacher in the Freedman's School here on the island becaus
"Wouldn't it be wonderful if everyone lived in a house made of a strong Tabby foundation with a double piazza held up by great pillars and a front yard that sloped down to the water? If everyone cold hear the wind in the palmetto trees and taste the sand in their mouths when the wind blew? And what about the tides that flow toward land twice each day, then back out again?" It's 1900--the dawn of a new century--and never in her wildest dreams did fifteen-year-old Rose Frampton ever think she'd leave behind her family and home on the peaceful shores of her island plantation in South Carolina...especially not to live with a new husband in the land of Yankees. But she is doing just that. Rose's new life with her handsome and wealthy husband in Brooklyn, New York is both scary and exciting. As mistress of the large Victorian estate on Dorchester Road, she must learn to make decisions, establish her independence, and run an efficient household. These tasks are difficult enough without the added complication that she and her new husband barely know one another. As romance blossoms and Rose begins to find her place, she discovers that strength of character does not come easily but is essential for happiness. Told in diary form, Ann Rinaldi paints a sensual picture of time and place as readers are given an intimate glimpse into the heart of a child as she grows to become a woman.
"Wouldn't it be wonderful if everyone lived in a house made of a strong Tabby foundation with a double piazza held up by great pillars and a front yard that sloped down to the water? If everyone cold hear the wind in the palmetto trees and taste the sand in their mouths when the wind blew? And what about the tides that flow toward land twice each day, then back out again?" It's 1900--the dawn of a new century--and never in her wildest dreams did fifteen-year-old Rose Frampton ever think she'd leave behind her family and home on the peaceful shores of her island plantation in South Carolina...especially not to live with a new husband in the land of Yankees. But she is doing just that. Rose's new life with her handsome and wealthy husband in Brooklyn, New York is both scary and exciting. As mistress of the large Victorian estate on Dorchester Road, she must learn to make decisions, establish her independence, and run an efficient household. These tasks are difficult enough without the added complication that she and her new husband barely know one another. As romance blossoms and Rose begins to find her place, she discovers that strength of character does not come easily but is essential for happiness. Told in diary form, Ann Rinaldi paints a sensual picture of time and place as readers are given an intimate glimpse into the heart of a child as she grows to become a woman.
It's 1900, the dawn of a new century, and fifteen-year-old Rose Frampton is beginning a new life. She's left her family in South Carolina to live with her handsome and wealthy husband in Brooklyn, New York--a move that is both scary and exciting. As mistress of the large Victorian estate on Dorchester Road, she must learn to make decisions, establish her independence, and run an efficient household. These tasks are difficult enough without the added complication of barely knowing her husband. As romance blossoms and Rose begins to find her place, she discovers that strength of character does not come easily but is essential for happiness. Writing in diary form, Ann Rinaldi paints a sensual picture of time and place--and gives readers an intimate glimpse into the heart of a child as she becomes a woman. "Includes a reader's guide."
It's 1900, the dawn of a new century, and fifteen-year-old Rose Frampton is beginning a new life. She's left her family in South Carolina to live with her handsome and wealthy husband in Brooklyn, New York--a move that is both scary and exciting. As mistress of the large Victorian estate on Dorchester Road, she must learn to make decisions, establish her independence, and run an efficient household. These tasks are difficult enough without the added complication of barely knowing her husband. As romance blossoms and Rose begins to find her place, she discovers that strength of character does not come easily but is essential for happiness. Writing in diary form, Ann Rinaldi paints a sensual picture of time and place--and gives readers an intimate glimpse into the heart of a child as she becomes a woman. Includes a reader's guide.
The joys, heartaches, fears, and struggles of a young Southern woman trying to make a place for herself in the land of Yankees.
"Rinaldi describes the teen's first year of marriage with grace, tact, and sensitivity."-- School Library Journal "Fans of romance will be swept up."-- Publishers Weekly
"Rinaldi describes the teen's first year of marriage with grace, tact, and sensitivity."--School Library Journal "Fans of romance will be swept up."--Publishers Weekly
The joys, heartaches, fears, and struggles of 15-year-old Rose Frampton, who is in transition from child to woman in 1900 Brooklyn, are expressed in diary form as she tries to make a place for herself far from her family and familiar environment.
The joys, heartaches, fears, and struggles of a young Southern woman trying to make a place for herself in the land of Yankees.

원서번역서 내용 엿보기



저자(글) Rinaldi, Ann


상품정보 테이블로 ISBN, 발행(출시)일자 , 쪽수, 크기, 총권수, 언어을(를) 나타낸 표입니다.
ISBN 9780152055387 ( 015205538X )
발행(출시)일자 2011년 08월 16일
쪽수 240쪽
127 * 201 * 20 mm / 249 g
총권수 1권
언어 영어


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