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Reprint | Paperback
Cannon, Janell 저자(글)
Clarion Books · 2005년 05월 01일
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Janell Cannon's picture books have won many awards and are beloved around the world. Before she became a full-time creator of books for children, she designed and produced summer reading programs at her local public library. Born and raised in Minnesota, Ms. Cannon now lives in Southern California.
Crickwing never set out to be a bully--he wanted only to create his art in peace. But the little cockroach is an easy target for the bigger creatures in the forest. In his frustration he decides to even the score by bullying the leafcutter ants. They're just so easy to pick on. Big mistake. Nobody angers the leafcutter queen and gets away with it.
Crickwing never set out to be a bully--he wanted only to create his art in peace. But the little cockroach is an easy target for the bigger creatures in the forest. In his frustration he decides to even the score by bullying the leafcutter ants. They're just so easy to pick on. Big mistake. Nobodyangers the leafcutter queen and gets away with it.
Crickwing never set out to be a bully--he wanted only to create his art in peace. But the little cockroach is an easy target for the bigger creatures in the forest. In his frustration he decides to even the score by bullying the leafcutter ants. They're just so easy to pick on.Big mistake. Nobody angers the leafcutter queen and gets away with it.
Janell Cannon, best-known for her award-winning picture books Stellaluna and Verdi, departs from the world of bats and snakes and turns her attention to... cockroaches. None of these are particularly cuddly creatures, but seen through Cannon's anthropomorphizing glasses, they are ones we can sympathize with. Crickwing, cruelly named for his twisted wing, is a lonely food stylist. He builds sculptures out of roots, leaves, and petals... and then eats them. But artistic serenity is not possible in the dangerous forest. The melancholy insect is constantly faced with cockroach-eating lizards, ocelots, and worse, food-stealing monkeys: "'Another masterpiece--ruined!' Crickwing panted. 'I'm starving and my wing aches. I don't know if I can take this much longer.'" Bemoaning his fate as a "mere exoskeleton," Crickwing wakes up with thoughts of vengeance. As he watches thousands of leaf-cutting ants busy at work, he wonders, "Why isn't anyone bothering these little twerps?" He sticks his spiny leg out to trip one of them, and delights in taunting them further. Of course, the ants don't take this well. They swarm him, drag him into the dark corridors of their anthill, and bury him up to his neck--all the while whispering about how his mother must be heartbroken to have produced such an awful menace. Just as they are about to fork him over as their annual peace offering to the army ants, they have a crisis of conscience. "Nobody deserves that, not even this big bully," says one of the ants, and, risking the wrath of their queen, they release him and flee. Now it's Crickwing's turn to have a conscience. He races after the leafcutters with his creative plan to keep the warring army ants at bay. The story ends in a festive explosion of flower confetti, and a valuable lesson in compassion. The concluding "Cockroach Notes" and "Ant Notes" crawl with fascinating facts about our six-legged friends. (Ages 5 to 8)
"Text and illustrations are beautifully matched as readers follow Crickwing's positive transformation."-- The Boston Globe "Cannon's illustrations skillfully blur the line between fact and fancy, and add a feather to her well-decorated cap."-- Publishers Weekly "Crickwing is not only a hero, but an elegant, graceful beauty as well."-- Kirkus Reviews
"Text and illustrations are beautifully matched as readers follow Crickwing's positive transformation."--The Boston Globe "Cannon's illustrations skillfully blur the line between fact and fancy, and add a feather to her well-decorated cap."--Publishers Weekly "Crickwing is not only a hero, but an elegant, graceful beauty as well."--Kirkus Reviews
Tired of being bullied, an artistic cockroach with a crooked wing and a penchant for culinary sculpture ("I just like to play with my food") begins picking on creatures even smaller than himselfAleafcutter antsAand is taken prisoner by the colony. Crickwing is sentenced to be served up as a peace offering to the army ants, but a few brave rebels have a change of heart and set him free. The grateful (and penitent) cockroach repays their kindness and saves the colony by scaring off the army ants with his best sculpture everAa giant green anteater made of leaves. The tale ends with Crickwing joining the leafcutters as their chef; the celebration that follows includes flower confetti and dancing (the "six-step," naturally). Cannon (Verdi) works her picture book magic once again, producing an amusing tale lightly rooted in natural history (notes on cockroaches and ants follow the story). Reeling in her audience with saucy characters and an engaging plotline, she hooks them with her vibrant visuals. Whether depicting Crickwing creating an edible mouse from a root, leaves and berries, an ocelot peering at him as he hides under a stone or a herd of leafcutter ants falling into one his traps, Cannon's illustrations skillfully blur the line between fact and fancy, and add another feather to her well-decorated cap. Ages 6-9. (Sept.)
An Oddball Artist's Epic Adventure
An Oddball Artist's Epic Adventure
An Oddball Artist's Epic Adventure
An Oddball Artist's Epic Adventure
Crickwing never set out to be a bully--he wanted only to create his art in peace. But the little cockroach is an easy target for the bigger creatures in the forest. In his frustration he decides to even the score by bullying the leafcutter ants. They're just so easy to pick on. Big mistake. Nobody angers the leafcutter queen and gets away with it.
This Children's Book-of-the-Month Club Main Selection--now in paperback--tells the story of a lonely cockroach who has a creative idea that saves the day for the leafcutter ants when their fierce forest enemies attack them. Full color.


저자(글) Cannon, Janell


상품정보 테이블로 ISBN, 발행(출시)일자 , 쪽수, 크기, 총권수, 언어을(를) 나타낸 표입니다.
ISBN 9780152050610 ( 0152050612 )
발행(출시)일자 2005년 05월 01일
쪽수 48쪽
261 * 251 * 4 mm / 231 g
총권수 1권
언어 영어

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