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Europe in the High Middle Ages

Reprint | Paperback
Penguin Books · 2004년 02월 24일
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The author presents this period of economic, social, political, cultural, religious and military change as a lost age that had risen up from the remains of the Roman Empire and ended with the great plagues and famines.
William Chester Jordan is professor of history and director of the Program in Medieval Studies at Princeton University.
William Chester Jordan, former director of the Shelby Cullom Davis Center for Historical Studies, is professor of history and director of the Program in Medieval Studies at Princeton University. His previous book, The Great Famine, won the Haskins Medal of the Medieval Academy in 2000.
The years from AD 1000 to the beginning of the fourteenth century were the most formative period in European history: a time of intense social, political, cultural and religious change. In this definitive work William Chester Jordan, one of the world's leading medievalists, explores a confident, dynamic age, far removed from our own. The society that emerged at the beginning of the second millennium was a fervently Christian and ambitious one, where the power of the church and nation-states expanded and learning flourished. From the Mediterranean to Scandinavia, Professor Jordan brings to life the values and achievements of the High Medieval period: the religious crusades, the epic literature, the great universities of England, France and Italy, and the momentous achievements of Gothic architecture. He also brilliantly examines how the 'fire break' of the fourteenth century -- famines, plagues and wars -- was to bring this world dramatically to an end. Book jacket.
With a lucid and clear narrative style William Chester Jordan has turned has considerable talents to composing a standard textbook of the opening centuries of the second millennium in Europe. He brings this period of dramatic social, political, economic, cultural, religious and military change, alive to the general reader. Jordan presents the early Medieval period as a lost world, far removed from our current age, which had risen from the smoking rubble of the Roman Empire, but from which we are cut off by the great plagues and famines that ended it. Broad in scope, punctuated with impressive detail, and highly accessible, Jordan's book is set to occupy a central place in university courses of the medieval period.
With a lucid and clear narrative style William Chester Jordan has turned his considerable talents to composing a standard textbook of the opening centuries of the second millennium in Europe. He brings this period of dramatic social, political, economic, cultural, religious and military change, alive to the general reader. Jordan presents the early Medieval period as a lost world, far removed from our current age, which had risen from the smoking rubble of the Roman Empire, but from which we are cut off by the great plagues and famines that ended it. Broad in scope, punctuated with impressive detail, and highly accessible, Jordan's book is set to occupy a central place in university courses of the medieval period.
"Jordan marvelously weaves the many and various events of the years 1000--1350 into a splendid historical tapestry. That this is the inaugural volume in the Penguin History of Europe augurs very well for the series." ( Publishers Weekly) "A splendid start to Penguin#146;s History of Europe series . . . [Jordan] writes elegantly and ironically, giving the reader a broad, but not dumbed down view of medieval society and its complexities." ( Kirkus Reviews, starred review)"
Jordan marvelously weaves the many and various events of the years 1000?350 into a splendid historical tapestry. That this is the inaugural volume in the Penguin History of Europe augurs very well for the series.?(Publishers Weekly) A splendid start to Penguin? History of Europe series . . . [Jordan] writes elegantly and ironically, giving the reader a broad, but not dumbed down view of medieval society and its complexities.?(Kirkus Reviews, starred review)
??ordan marvelously weaves the many and various events of the years 1000??350 into a splendid historical tapestry. That this is the inaugural volume in the Penguin History of Europe augurs very well for the series.??( Publishers Weekly) ?? splendid start to Penguin?? History of Europe series . . . [Jordan] writes elegantly and ironically, giving the reader a broad, but not dumbed down view of medieval society and its complexities.??( Kirkus Reviews, starred review)
Jordan marvelously weaves the many and various events of the years 1000?350 into a splendid historical tapestry. That this is the inaugural volume in the Penguin History of Europe augurs very well for the series.?(Publishers Weekly) A splendid start to Penguin? History of Europe series . . . [Jordan] writes elegantly and ironically, giving the reader a broad, but not dumbed down view of medieval society and its complexities.?(Kirkus Reviews, starred review)
A brilliant portrait of Europe in the full flower of the Middle Ages.

원서번역서 내용 엿보기



저자(글) Jordan, William Chester


  • List of Illustrationsp. vii
    List of Mapsp. ix
    Acknowledgementsp. x
    Notes on Namesp. xi
    Prologuep. 1
    Europe in the Eleventh Century
    Christendom in the Year 1000p. 5
    Mediterranean Europep. 20
    Northmen, Celts and Anglo-Saxonsp. 38
    Francia/Francep. 52
    Central Europep. 66
    The Renaissance of the Twelfth Century
    The Investiture Controversyp. 85
    The First Crusadep. 100
    The World of Learningp. 113
    Cultural Innovations of the Twelfth Century: Vernacular Literature and Architecturep. 129
    Political Power and Its Contextsp. 143
    Political Power and Its Contexts IIp. 161
    The Thirteenth Century
    Social Structuresp. 181
    The Pontificate of Innocent III and the Fourth Lateran Councilp. 194
    Learningp. 213
    The Kingdoms of the Northp. 226
    Baltic and Central Europep. 243
    The Gothic Worldp. 259
    Southern Europep. 271
    Christendom in the Early Fourteenth Century
    Famine and Plaguep. 289
    Political and Social Violencep. 302
    The Church in Crisisp. 314
    Epiloguep. 327
    Genealogical Tablesp. 329
    Referencesp. 344
    Suggested Readingp. 348
    Indexp. 355
    Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.


상품정보 테이블로 ISBN, 발행(출시)일자 , 쪽수, 크기, 총권수, 언어을(를) 나타낸 표입니다.
ISBN 9780140166644 ( 0140166645 )
발행(출시)일자 2004년 02월 24일
쪽수 382쪽
130 * 196 * 28 mm / 317 g
총권수 1권
언어 영어


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