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DNA Structures, Part A, Synthesis and Physical Analysis of DNA

양장본 Hardcover
Academic Press · 1992년 08월 04일
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  • DNA Structures, Part A, Synthesis and Physical Analysis of DNA 대표 이미지
    DNA Structures, Part A, Synthesis and Physical Analysis of DNA 대표 이미지
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    사이즈 비교
    DNA Structures, Part A, Synthesis and Physical Analysis of DNA 사이즈 비교 152x229
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책 소개

이 책이 속한 분야

To understand the structures and dynamics of DNA and its interactions with ligands, a complete analysis of its confirmational flexibility is required. This volume and its companion, Volume 212 of Methods in Enzymology, collate in one source all the methods and approaches needed to achieve this goal.
Praise for the Series "The Methods in Enzymologylt;/b> series represents the gold-standard." --NEUROSCIENCE "Incomparably useful." --ANALYTICAL BIOCHEMISTRY "It is a true 'methods' series, including almost every detail from basic theory to sources of equipment and reagents, with timely documentation provided on each page." --BIO/TECHNOLOGY "The series has been following the growing, changing and creation of new areas of science. It should be on the shelves of all libraries in the world as a whole collection." --CHEMISTRY IN INDUSTRY "The appearance of another volume in that excellent series, Methods in Enzymologylt;/b>, is always a cause for appreciation for those who wish to successfully carry out a particular technique or prepare an enzyme or metabolic intermediate without the tiresome prospect of searching through unfamiliar literature and perhaps selecting an unproven method which is not easily reproduced." --AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MICROBIOLOGY NEWS "If we had some way to find the work most often consulted in the laboratory, it could well be Colowick and Kaplan's multi-volume series Methods in Enzymologylt;/b>...a great work." --ENZYMOLOGIA "A series that has established itself as a definitive reference for biochemists." --JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY
Chemical Synthesis of DNA: M.H. Caruthers, G. Beaton, J.V. Wu, and W. Wiesler, Chemical Synthesis of Deoxyoligonucleotides and Deoxyoligonucleotide Analogs. T. Brown and D.J.S. Brown, Purification of Synthetic DNA. B.A. Connolly, Synthetic Oligodeoxynucleotides Containing Modified Bases. P.S. Miller, Preparation of Psoralen-Derivatized Oligodeoxyribonucleodise Methylphosphonates. Nonstandard DNA Structures and Their Analysis: R.E. Dickerson, DNA Structure from A to Z. V.I. Ivanov and D.Y. Krylov, A-DNA in Solution as Studied by Diverse Approaches. B.H. Johnston, Generation and Detection of Z-DNA. A.H. Murchie and D.M.J. Lilley, Supercoiled DNA and Cruciform Structures. M.D. Frank-Kamenetskii, Protonated DNA Structures. D. Sen and W. Gilbert, Guanine Quartet Structures. K. Rippe and T.M. Jovin, Parallel-Stranded Duplex DNA. W.N. Hunter, Crystallographic Studies of DNA Containing Mismatches, Modified, and Unpaired Bases. Spectroscopic Methods for Analysis of DNA: J. Feigon, V. Sklenar, E. Wang, D.E. Gilbert, R.F. Macaya, and P. Schultze, 1H NMR Spectroscopy of DNA. D.G. Gorenstein, 31P NMR of DNA. J.Van Wijk, B.D. Huckriede, J.H. Ippel, and C. Altona, Furanose Sugar Conformations in DNA from NMR Coupling Constants. E. Taillandier and J. Liquier, Infrared Spectroscopy of DNA. W.L. Peticolas and E. Evertsz, Conformation of DNA in Vitro and in Vivo from Laser Raman Scattering. R.M. Clegg, Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer and Nucleic Acids. D.M. Gray, R.L. Ratliff, and M.R. Vaughan, Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy of DNA. Structural Methods of DNA Analysis: Y. Timsit and D. Moras, Crystallization of DNA. J. Langowski, W. Kremer, and U. Kapp, Dynamic Light Scattering for Study of Solution Conformation and Dynamics of Superhelical DNA. E. von Kitzing, Modeling DNA Structures: Molecular Mechanics and Molecular Dynamics. A.V. Vologodskii and M.D. Frank-Kamenetskii, Modeling Supercoiled DNA. R. Thresher and J. Griffith, Electron Microscopic Visualization of DNA and DNA-Protein Complexes as Adjunct to Biochemical Studies. P.G. Arscott and V.A. Bloomfield, Scanning Tunneling Microscopy of Nucleic Acids. J. Dubochet, M. Adrian, I. Dustin, P. Furrer, and A. Stasiak, Cryoelectron Microscopy of DNA Molecules in Solution. J. Torbet, Solution Behavior of DNA Studied with Magnetically Induced Birefringence. K.J. Breslauer, E. Freire, and M. Straume, Calorimetry: A Tool for DNA and Ligand-DNA Studies. Author Index. Subject Index.



  • Chemical Synthesis of DNA
    Chemical Synthesis of Deoxyoligonucleotides and Deoxyoligonucleotide Analogs
    Purification of Synthetic DNA
    Synthetic Oligodeoxynucleotides Containing Modified Bases
    Preparation of Psoralen-Derivatized Oligodeoxyribonucleodise Methylphosphonates
    Nonstandard DNA Structures and Their Analysis
    DNA Structure from A to Z
    A-DNA in Solution as Studied by Diverse Approaches
    Generation and Detection of Z-DNA
    Supercoiled DNA and Cruciform Structures
    Protonated DNA Structures
    Guanine Quartet Structures
    Parallel-Stranded Duplex DNA
    Crystallographic Studies of DNA Containing Mismatches
    Modified, and Unpaired Bases
    Spectroscopic Methods for Analysis of DNA
    1H NMR Spectroscopy of DNA
    31P NMR of DNA
    Furanose Sugar Conformations in DNA from NMR Coupling Constants
    Infrared Spectroscopy of DNA
    Conformation of DNA in Vitro and in Vivo from Laser Raman Scattering
    Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer and Nucleic Acids
    Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy of DNA
    Structural Methods of DNA Analysis
    Crystallization of DNA
    Dynamic Light Scattering for Study of Solution Conformation and Dynamics of Superhelical DNA
    Modeling DNA Structures: Molecular Mechanics and Molecular Dynamics
    Modeling Supercoiled DNA
    Electron Microscopic Visualization of DNA and DNA-Protein Complexes as Adjunct to Biochemical Studies
    Scanning Tunneling Microscopy of Nucleic Acids
    Cryoelectron Microscopy of DNA Molecules in Solution
    Solution Behavior of DNA Studied with Magnetically Induced Birefringence
    Calorimetry: A Tool for DNA and Ligand-DNA Studies
    Author Index
    Subject Index
    Table of Contents provided by Publisher. All Rights Reserved.


상품정보 테이블로 ISBN, 발행(출시)일자 , 쪽수, 크기, 총권수, 언어을(를) 나타낸 표입니다.
ISBN 9780121821128 ( 0121821129 )
발행(출시)일자 1992년 08월 04일
쪽수 619쪽
152 * 229 * 35 mm / 1034 g
총권수 1권
언어 영어


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