Big History
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저자(글) McGraw-Hill
DAVID CHRISTIAN (DPhil, Oxford University) is by training a historian of Russia and the Soviet Union. He has spent most of his career at Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia, apart from an eight-year period teaching at San Diego State University from 2001 to 2008. Christian has published histories of modern Russia and also a study of the role of the trade in vodka in nineteenth-century Russia. In 1998, he published "A History of Russia, Central Asia and Mongolia," the first volume in the Blackwell History of the World Series. He began teaching courses on big history in 1989 at Macquarie University. He first used the phrase "big history" for such courses in an article published in the Journal of World History in 1991 titled "The Case for 'Big History.' " In 2010, with Bill Gates, he founded the "Big History Project," which is building a free online high school course in big history due for release in late 2013. Christian is a member of the Australian Academy of Humanities and the Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities. He is the founding president of the International Big History Association.
CYNTHIA STOKES BROWN (PhD, Johns Hopkins University) spent most of her career directing the secondary teaching credential program at Dominican University of California. She taught selected courses in the history department and wrote books about civil rights history and teachers, Brown's book "Big History: From the Big Bang to the Present" was published in 2007. Since then her interests have been consulting with the big history program at Dominican, serving on the board of the International Big History Association since its inception, and writing big history essays for high school students through the Big History Project funded by Bill Gates.
CRAIG BENJAMIN (PhD, Macquarie University) is an associate professor of history in the Meijer Honors College at Grand Valley State University in Michigan. Like both his co-authors, Benjamin is a frequent presenter of lectures at conferences worldwide, and the author of numerous publications including books, chapters, and essays on ancient Central Asian history, big history, and world history. In addition, Benjamin has recorded lectures for the History Channel, The Teaching Company, and the Big History Project. He is currently a member of both the Advanced Placement and SAT World History Test Development Committees, vice president (president elect) of the World History Association, and has been treasurer of the International Big History Association since its inception in January 2011.
Introduction: What Is Big History and How Do We Study It?
Seeing the Big Picture
Seeing the Whole of the Past
What Is Big History?
The Basic Shape of the Story: Increasing Complexity
A Framework: Eight Major Thresholds of Big History
A Note on Chronological Systems and Dates
Chapter 1 The First Three Thresholds: The Universe, Stars, and New Chemical Elements
Seeing the Big Picture
Threshold 1: Big Bang Cosmology and the Origin of the Universe
Threshold 2: The Origin of Galaxies and Stars
Threshold 3: The Creation of New Chemical Elements
Chapter 2 The Fourth Threshold: The Emergence of the Sun, the Solar System, and the Earth
Threshold 4: The Emergence of the Sun and Solar System
The Early Earth-a Short History
Shaping of Earth's Surface
Chapter 3 The Fifth Threshold: The Emergence of Life
Seeing the Big Picture
How Life Changes through Natural Selection
Threshold 5: The Emergence of Life on Earth
A Brief History of Life on Earth
Chapter 4 The Sixth Threshold: Hominines, Humans, and the Paleolithic Era
Seeing the Big Picture
Hominine Evolution: 8 Million to 200,000 Years Ago
Threshold 6: The Appearance of Homo sapiens
The Paleolithic Era: 200,000 to 10,000 Years Ago
Chapter 5 The Seventh Threshold: Origins of Agriculture and the Early Agrarian Era
Seeing the Big Picture
Threshold 7: Agriculture
Explaining the Agricultural Revolution
The Early Agrarian Era
The Emergence of Consensual Power
Chapter 6 Mini-Threshold: The Appearance of Cities, States, and Agrarian Civilizations
Seeing the Big Picture
Defining Cities, States, and Agrarian Civilizations
The Buildup of Resources and Collective Learning
Uruk, the First City, in Sumer, the First State
Cities and States in Other Regions
Chapter 7 Afro-Eurasia during the Era of Agrarian Civilizations: Part 1
Seeing the Big Picture
Introduction to the Agrarian Later Era
The Era of Agrarian Civilizations
First Trend: The Expansion, Power, and Effectiveness of Agrarian Civilizations and Their Administrations
Chapter 8 Afro-Eurasia during the Era of Agrarian Civilizations: Part 2
Seeing the Big Picture
Second Trend: The Establishment of Significant Networks of Exchange among Agrarian Civilizations of Afro-Eurasia
Third Trend: Evolving Social and Gender Complexity
Fourth Trend: The Generally Slow Pace of Change and Growth
Chapter 9 Other World Zones during the Era of Agrarian Civilizations
Seeing the Big Picture
Agrarian Civilizations of the American Zone
The Pacific and Australasian World Zones
Chapter 10 On the Brink of a Threshold: Toward the Modern Revolution
Seeing the Big Picture
The Approach of the Modern Revolution
Why Rates of Innovation Increased: Drivers of Innovation
The World in 1000 CE
The Postclassical Malthusian Cycle: Before 1350 CE
The Early Modern Malthusian Cycle: 1350 to 1700 CE
The World in 1700 CE
Chapter 11 Crossing the Eighth Threshold: Breakthrough to Modernity
Seeing the Big Picture
Threshold 8: The Modern World/Anthropocene
Social, Agricultural, and Industrial Revolution in Great Britain
The Spread of the Industrial Revolution
Political Revolution: The Rise of the Modern State
The Emergence of Two Worlds-Developed and Developing
Other Consequences of the Industrial Revolution
Chapter 12 The Anthropocene: Globalization, Growth, and Sustainability
Seeing the Big Picture
Part 1: Political and Military Changes
Part 2: Growth-More Humans Consuming More
Part 3: The Impact of Growth and Industrialization on Lifeways and Societies
Part 4: The Anthropocene and the Human Impact on the
Biosphere-Is Growth Sustainable?
Chapter 13 The History of the Future
Seeing the Big Picture
Future 1: The Near Future
Future 2: The Next Few Thousand Years
Future 3: The Remote Future
Conclusion-The End of the Story: Humans in the Cosmos
ISBN | 9780073385617 ( 0073385611 ) |
발행(출시)일자 | 2013년 08월 09일 |
쪽수 | 352쪽 |
크기 |
213 * 274
* 10
/ 703 g
총권수 | 1권 |
언어 | 영어 |
구매 후 리뷰 작성 시, e교환권 200원 적립
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