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저자(글) Brockman, John
- Evolution by means of natural selection / Susan Blackmore --
Life is a digital code / Matt Ridley --
Redundancy reduction and pattern recognition / Richard Dawkins --
The power of absurdity / Scott Atran --
How apparent finality can emerge / Carlo Rovelli --
The overdue demise of monogamy / Aubrey de Grey --
Boltzmann's explanation of the second law of thermodynamics / Leonard Susskind --
The dark matter of the mind / Joel Gold --
"There are more things in heaven and earth...than are dreamt of in your philosophy." / Alda Alda --
An unresolved (and therefore unbeautiful) reaction to the edge question / Rebecca Newberger Goldstein --
Ptolemy's universe / James J. O'Donnell --
Quasi-elegance / Paul Steinhardt --
Mathematical object or natural object? / Shing-Tung Yau --
Simplicity / Frank Wilczek --
Simplicity itself / Thomas Metzinger --
Einstein explains why gravity is universal / Sean Carroll --
Evolutionary genetics and the conflicts of human social life / Steven Pinker --
The Faurie-Raymond hypothesis / Jonathan Gottschall --
Group polarization / David G. Myers --
The price equation / Armand Marie Leroi --
Unconscious inferences / Gerd Gigerenzer --
Snowflakes and the multiverse / Martin J. Rees --
Einstein's photons / Anton Seilinger --
Go small / Jeremy Bernstein --
Why is our world comprehensible? / Andrei Linde --
Alfve?n's cosmos / George Dyson --
Our universe grew like a baby / Max Tegmark --
Kepler et al. and the nonexistent problem / Gino Segre? --
How incompatible worldviews can coexist / Freeman Dyson --
Impossible inexactness / Satyajit Das --
The next level of fundamental matter? / Haim Harari --
Observers observing / Robert Provine --
Genes, claustrum, and consciousness / V.S. Ramachandran --
Overlapping solutions / David M. Eagleman --
Our bounded rationality / Mahzarin Banaji --
Swarm intelligence / Robert Sapolsky --
Language and natural selection / Keith Devlin --
Commitment / Richard H. Thaler --
Tit for tat / Jennifer Jacquet --
True or false : beauty is truth / Judith Rich Harris --
Eratosthenes and the modular mind / Dan Sperber --
Dan Sperber's explanation of culture / Clay Shirky --
Metarepresentations explain human uniqueness / Hugo Mercier --
Why the human mind may seem to have an elegant explanation even if it doesn't / Nicholas Humphrey --
Fitness landscapes / Stewart Brand --
On oceans and airport security / Kevin P. Hand --
Plate tectonics elegantly validates continental drift / Paul Saffo --
Why some sea turtles migrate / Daniel C. Dennett --
A hot young earth : unquestionably beautiful and stunningly wrong / Carl Zimmer --
Sexual-conflict theory / David M. Buss --
The seeds of historical dominance / David Pizarro --
The importance of individuals / Howard Gardner --
Subjective environment / Andrian Kreye --
My favorite annoying elegant explanation : quantum theory / Raphael Bousso --
Einstein's revenge : the new geometric quantum / Eric R. Weinstein --
What time is it? / Dave Winer --
Realism and other metaphysical half-truths / Tania Lombrozo --
All we need is help / Seirian Sumner --
In the beginning is the theory / Helena Cronin --
Thompson on development / Paul Bloom --
How do you get from a lobster to a cat? / John McWhorter --
Germs cause disease / Gregory Cochran --
Dirt is matter out of place / Christine Finn --
Information is the resolution of uncertainty / Andrew Lih --
Everything is the way it is because it got that way / PZ Myers --
The idea of emergence / David Christian --
Frames of reference / Dimitar D. Sasselov --
the missing link / Helen Fisher --
Flocking behavior in birds / John Naughton --
Lemons are fast / Barry C. Smith --
Falling into place : entropy and the desperate ingenuity of life / John Tooby --
Why things happen / Peter Atkins --
Why we feel pressed for time / Elizabeth Dunn --
Why the sun still shines / Bart Kosko --
Boscovich's explanation of atomic forces / Charles Simonyi --
Birds are the direct descendants of dinosaurs / Gregory S. Paul --
Complexity out of simplicity / Bruce Hood --
Russell's theory of descriptions / A.C. Grayling --
Feynman's lifeguard / Timo Hannay --
The limits of intuition / Brian Eno --
The Higgs mechanism / Lisa Randall --
The mind thinks in embodied metaphors / Simone Schnall --
Metaphors are in the mind / Benjamin K. Bergen --
The pigeonhole principle / Jon Kleinberg --
Why programs have bugs / Marti Hearst --
Cagepatterns / Hans-Ulrich Obrist --
The true rotational symmetry of space / Seth LLoyd --
The pigeonhole principle revisited / Charles Seife --
Moore's Law / Rodney A. Brooks --
Cosmic complexity / John C. Mather --
The Gaia hypothesis / Scott Sampson --
The continuity equations / Laurence C. Smith --
Pascal's wager / Tim O'Reilly --
Evolutionarily stable strategies / S. Abbas Raza --
The Collingridge dilemma / Evgeny Morozov --
Trusting trust / Ernst Po?ppel --
It just is? / Bruce Parker --
Subverting biology / Patrick Bateson --
Sex at your fingertips / Simon Baron-Cohen --
Why do movies move? / Alvy Ray Smith --
Would you like blue cheese with it? / Albert-La?szlo? Baraba?si --
Mother nature's laws / Stuart Pimm --
The Oklo pyramid / Karl Sabbagh --
Kitty Genovese and group apathy / Adam Alter --
The wizard of I / Gerald Smallberg --
One coincidence; two de?ja? vus / Douglas Coupland --
Occam's razor / Katinka Matson --
Deep time / Alun Anderson --
Placing psychotherapy on a scientific basis : five easy lessons / Eric R. Kandel --
Transitional objects / Sherry Turkel --
Natural selection is simple but the systems it shapes are unimaginably complex / Randolph Nesse --
How to have a good idea / Marcel Kinsbourne --
Out of the mouths of babes / Nicholas A. Christakis --
The beauty in a sunrise / Philip Campbell --
The origin of money / Dylan Evans --
The precession of the simulacra / Douglas Rushkoff --
Time perspective theory / Philip Zimbardo --
Developmental timing explains the woes of adolescence / Alison Gopnik --
Implications of Ivan Pavlov's great discovery / Stephen M. Kossly and Robin Rosenberg --
Nature is cleverer than we are / Terrence J. Sejnowski --
Imposing randomness / Michael I. Norton --
The unification of electricity and magnetism / Lawrence M. Krauss --
Furry rubber bands / Neil Gershenfeld --
The principle of inertia / Lee Smolin --
Seeing is believing : from placebos to movies in our brain / Eric J. Topol --
The discontinuity of science and culture / Gerald Holton --
Hormesis is redundancy / Nassim Nicholas Taleb --
The beautiful law of unintended consequences / Robert Kurzban --
We are what we do / Timothy D. Wilson --
Personality differences : the importance of chance / Samuel Barondes --
Metabolic syndrome : cell energy adaptations in a toxic world? / Beatrice Golomb --
Death is the final repayment / Emanuel Derman --
Denumerable infinities and mental states / David Gelernter --
Inverse power laws / Rudy Rucker --
How the leopard got his spots / Samuel Arbesman --
The universal algorithm for human decision making / Stanislas Dehaene --
Lord Acton's dilemma / Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi --
Fact, fiction, and our probabilitic world / Victoria Stodden --
Elegance=complex / George Church --
Tinbergen's questions / Irene Pepperberg --
The universal turing machine / Gloria Origgi --
A matter of poetics / Richard Foreman --
The origins of biological electricity / Jared Diamond --
Why the Greeks painted red people on black pots / Timothy Taylor --
Language as an adaptive system / Andy Clark --
The mechanism of mediocrity / Nicholas J. Carr --
The principle of empiricism, or see for yourself / Michael Shermer --
We are stardust / Kevin Kelly.
ISBN | 9780062230171 ( 0062230174 ) |
발행(출시)일자 | 2013년 01월 22일 |
쪽수 | 432쪽 |
크기 |
137 * 204
* 26
/ 313 g
총권수 | 1권 |
언어 | 영어 |
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기분 좋은 발견
이 분야의 베스트
해외주문 서양도서 베스트
이 분야의 신간
Advanced Neural Artificial Intelligent406,982 원
Advances in Hyper-Heuristics332,982 원
Data Science and Applications462,482 원
Data Science and Applications462,482 원