Big Bang
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A half century ago, a shocking Washington Post headline claimed that the world began in five cataclysmic minutes rather than having existed for all time; a skeptical scientist dubbed the maverick theory the Big Bang. In this amazingly comprehensible history of the universe, Simon Singh decodes the mystery behind the Big Bang theory, lading us through the development of one of the most extraordinary, important, and awe-inspiring theories in science.
"(Singh) is a gifted expositor, ready to venture to places other science popularisers don't even try to reach."
"A clear, lively, and comprehensive view of the way science arrived at the leading theory of how everything began."-
"An absorbing tale of codemaking and codebreaking over the centuries."
"An excellent account of one of the most dramatic and moving events of the century."
"An expert but friendly guide to help you decode the mysteries [of the universe] with crisp, clear running commentary."
"Brings together...the geniuses who have secured communications, saved lives, and influenced the fate of nations. A pleasure to read."
"Entertaining and satisfying. . . . Offers a fascinating glimpse into the mostly secret competition between codemakers and codebreakers."
"Enthralling...commendably lucid...[Singh's] book provides a timely and entertaining summary of the subject."
"Fascinating.Simon Singh loves storytelling and has a knack for digging up underappreciated characters."
"Highly readable. Singh brings the colourful protagonists in his story to life."
"Inimitable. . . . There's no better account of the big bang theory."
"It's hard to imagine a grander, more thrilling entertaining.Big Bang is, quite literally, cosmic."
"Singh is a gifted writer.a good storyteller.and [he] knows how to describe and explain complex and esoteric subjects."
"Singh is one of the best science journalists writing today...Impressive."
"Singh spins tales of cryptic intrigue in every chapter."
"Singh's unerring eye for picturesque anecdotes and his capacity for simplifying complex scientific ideas is a winning formula."
"The history of mathematics comes alive even for those who dread balancing their checkbooks."
"This book is a blast...who knew that the Big Bang could be so much fun?"
'?Singh) is a gifted expositor, ready to venture to places other science popularisers don't even try to reach.'?9780007162215
'? clear, lively, and comprehensive view of the way science arrived at the leading theory of how everything began.'?
'?n absorbing tale of codemaking and codebreaking over the centuries.'?9780007162215
'?n excellent account of one of the most dramatic and moving events of the century.'?9780007162215
'?n expert but friendly guide to help you decode the mysteries [of the universe] with crisp, clear running commentary.'?9780007162215
'?rings together...the geniuses who have secured communications, saved lives, and influenced the fate of nations. A pleasure to read.'?9780007162215
'?ntertaining and satisfying. . . . Offers a fascinating glimpse into the mostly secret competition between codemakers and codebreakers.'?9780007162215
'?nthralling...commendably lucid...[Singh's] book provides a timely and entertaining summary of the subject.'?9780007162215
'?ascinating'?imon Singh loves storytelling and has a knack for digging up underappreciated characters.'?9780007162215
'?ighly readable'?Singh brings the colourful protagonists in his story to life.'?9780007162215
'?nimitable. . . . There's no better account of the big bang theory.'?9780007162215
'?t's hard to imagine a grander, more thrilling story'?ast-paced'?ugely entertaining'?ig Bang is, quite literally, cosmic.'?9780007162215
'?ingh is a gifted writer'? good storyteller'?nd [he] knows how to describe and explain complex and esoteric subjects.'?9780007162215
'?ingh is one of the best science journalists writing today...Impressive.'?9780007162215
'?ingh spins tales of cryptic intrigue in every chapter.'?9780007162215
'?ingh's unerring eye for picturesque anecdotes and his capacity for simplifying complex scientific ideas is a winning formula.'?9780007162215
'?he history of mathematics comes alive even for those who dread balancing their checkbooks.'?9780007162215
'?his book is a blast...who knew that the Big Bang could be so much fun?'?9780007162215
저자(글) Singh, Simon
In the Beginning: From mythology to cosmology, from prehistory to 1900 p. 1 Theories of the Universe: How Einstein's theory of gravity hinted at a moment of creation p. 85 The Great Debate: How observations of the universe implied a cosmic expansion p. 165 Mavericks of the Cosmos: How theory and observation came together to form the Big Bang model p. 265 The Paradigm Shift: The battle between rival cosmological theories is finally resolved p. 357 Epilogue: What are the outstanding questions for the Big Bang model? p. 467 What Is Science? p. 495 Glossary p. 499 Further Reading p. 509 Acknowledgements p. 517 Picture Credits p. 521 Index p. 523 Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.
ISBN | 9780007162215 ( 0007162219 ) |
발행(출시)일자 | 2005년 11월 01일 |
쪽수 | 560쪽 |
크기 |
135 * 201
* 43
/ 522 g
총권수 | 1권 |
언어 | 영어 |
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