Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law
- 1.Preface; G. Tanja. Abbreviations.
2.Articles: International Humanitarian Law and United Nations Military Operations; C. Greenwood. Implementing Legislation for the Application of the Law on the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia and Criteria for its Evaluation; I. Josipovic.
3. Interface, Correspondence and Convergence of Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law; R.E. Vinuesa.
4.Current Developments: The Year in Review; A. McDonald.
5.The End of a Culture of Impunity in Rwanda? Prosecution of Genocide and War Crimes before Rwandan Courts and the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda; C.
6. Cisse. The Pragmatics of Prosecuting the Khmer Rouge; B. Rajagopal. The Freeing of Ntakirutimana in the United States and Extradition to the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda; J.J. Paust.
4.Duress as a Defence to War Crimes after Erdemovic: A Laboratory for a Permanent Court? P. Rowe.
5.A Note on the Judgement of the Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia on the Issuance of Subpoenae Duces Tecum in the Blaskic Case; P. Malanczuk. National Implementation Measures of International Humanitarian Law: Some Practical Aspects; M.T. Dutli.
6. A Colombian View on Protocol II; F. Kalshoven.
7.The Ottawa Process and the 1997 Mine Ban Treaty; S.D. Goose.
8.The 'Sandline Affair': Papua New Guinea Resorts to Mercenarism to End the Bougainville Conflict; T. McCormack. The Fall of Srebrenica and the Attitude of Dutchbat from an International Legal Perspective; R.C.R. Siekmann.
9.The Review Process of the 1954 Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict and its Impact on International Humanitarian Law; J. Hladik.
10.The Italian Law for the Ban of Anti-Personnel Landmines; P. Gargiulo. Commentary on Protocol IV on Blinding Laser Weapons; M.C. Zockler.
11.The Case of Erich Priebke: (a) The Priebke Extradition Case before the Argentine Supreme Court; J.A. Consigli. (b) The Priebke Case before the Italian Military Tribunals: A Reaffirmation of the Principle of Non-Applicability of Statutory Limitations to War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity; S. Marchisio. (c) The Defences of Reprisals, Superior Orders and Duress in the Priebke Case before the Italian Military Tribunal; F. Martines. Canadian and Italian Forces in Somalia: (a) IHL and Peace Operations: Sharing Canada's Lessons Learned From Somalia; R.M. Young, M. Molina. (b) Brocklebank: A Questionable Decision of the Court Martial Appeal Court of Canada; K. Boustany. (c) Report by the Enquiry Commission on the Behaviour of Italian Peacekeeping troops in Somalia; N. Lupi.
12.Some Aspect of German State Practice Concerning IHL; H. Fischer. Correspondents' Reports: Documentation.
13.Table of Cases.
ISBN | 9789067041072 ( 9067041076 ) |
발행(출시)일자 | 1999년 02월 01일 |
쪽수 | 준비중 |
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