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100 Years of All-American Toy Ads | 양장본 Hardcover
Taschen · 2020년 09월 15일
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  • Toys 대표 이미지
    Toys 대표 이미지
  • A4
    사이즈 비교
    Toys 사이즈 비교 165x240
    단위 : mm
01 / 02
무료배송 소득공제 정가제Free
3% 46,500 47,940


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  • 3만원 이상 구매 시, 등급별 2~4% 추가 최대 1,400P
  • 리뷰 작성 시, e교환권 추가 최대 300원

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Toys 상세 이미지
Up until the 20th century, children’s play was not a subject that demanded much attention. While objects that entertained children have been present from ancient history, it was only with industrial mass production―and a developing urban middle class―that toys appeared more frequently. As playthings began to display a robust economic performance, an industry rose to provide this new market with the objects of their desire. European manufacturers dominated the toy market, with Germany, in particular, supplying the American market with the bulk of both singular and mass-produced products. World War I ended its dominance, and by the 1920s, bolstered by American ingenuity and an ever-growing consumer culture supported by the media empires of newspapers, radio, and television, American toys became ubiquitous in the consumer market.

Ranging from the simple to the complex, children were inundated with a commodity to be wished for and sold to by the millions. From frilly dolls to science sets, children were marketed to with gusto, first through magazines and comic books and later through television. Toys fell along familiar gender lines all while being developed with the unspoken subtext of stimulating developing minds and being vehicles of problem solving with educational value.

If the first part of the 20th century represented the rise of toys in America, the postwar period signaled a market unleashed by the baby boom. That one event gained traction for the toy industry and propelled it to its current state. Unforeseen was the next chapter in the industry―the advancement of the technical revolution―which would create another dimension of toy products that would captivate both children and adults as one century blended into the next.

In the world of toy production, the multimillion dollar industry took the advertising of its product seriously, and toy manufacturers inundated customers with their latest product via trade journals. In New York City, the hub of the toy industry for most of the 20th century, annual trade shows introduced a deluge of new playthings to the buying public. Frisbees, board games, baseball mitts, Hula-Hoops, air rifles, video games, dolls, and miniature trains were all served up to generations of children, cementing forever the memories of playtime.

Filled with a Santa’s sack full of surprises, Toys. 100 Years of All-American Toy Ads takes us down the aisles of America’s toy stores delivering the favorites and forgotten memories of toys that were hugged and hoarded, saved and disposed of, and now finally brought back in their pristine glory. Once again it’s Christmas, your birthday, and a reward for a job well-done.


저자(글) Heller, Steven

Steven Heller has produced over 200 books on visual communication and published countless articles in international design magazines. Currently he is cofounder and cochair of the MFA Design program at the School of Visual Arts, New York.

Jim Heimann is the Executive Editor for TASCHEN America. A cultural anthropologist, historian, and an avid collector, he has authored numerous titles on architecture, pop culture, and the history of Los Angeles and Hollywood, including TASCHEN’s Surfing, Los Angeles. Portrait of a City, California Crazy, and the All-American Ads series.

출판사 서평

“The ads do more than advertise products―they provide a record of American everyday life of a bygone era in a way that nothing else can.” ― Associated Press

“…a commentary on the psychology of consumerism and the power of compelling visual design, a record of the American toy industry and a window into American life over the last century.” ― wallpaper.com

“A delightful companion of toy ads in America in the last century.” ― monocle.com

“…takes readers down both memory lane, and the aisles of American history’s vast toy store." ― wallpaper.com

“A mesmerizing time capsule… the book delivers one jolt of nostalgia after another.“ ― WSJ


상품정보 테이블로 ISBN, 발행(출시)일자 , 쪽수, 크기, 총권수, 언어을(를) 나타낸 표입니다.
ISBN 9783836566551 ( 3836566559 )
발행(출시)일자 2020년 09월 15일
쪽수 528쪽
165 * 240 * 45 mm / 1557 g
총권수 1권
언어 독일어

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