Kelly Wearstler is the author of "Modern Glamour" and the founder of the Los Angeles architectural interior design firm kwid (Kelly Wearstler Interior Design). Her designs for the trendsetting Viceroy resorts from California to the Caribbean; such taste-making hotels as Maison 140 and Avalon; unique office, retail, and leisure spaces, including BG restaurant and lounge in Manhattan's Bergdorf Goodman; and upscale residences such as the Trousdale Estate have been profiled in House and Garden, House Beautiful, Interior Design, Elle Decor, Vogue, and W. Wearstler is also designer of her own kwid line of furnishings and accessories. She lives in Beverly Hills with her husband, hotelier Brad Korzen, and their sons.
Steve Crist has edited and created numerous art and photography books including The Polaroid Book, Marilyn by Andre de Dienes, Jazzlife and Steve McQueen by William Claxton, and The Curse of Lono by Hunter S. Thompson and Ralph Steadman. In 2006, he created and published the internationally successful Gonzo by Hunter S. Thompson. Steve is the Publisher of AMMO Books, and is currently in production with Todd Oldham on Charley Harper - An Illustrated Life, and Lulu by Lulu de Kwiatkowski. He lives in Los Angeles.
Kelly Wearstler is the founder of the Los Angeles-based interior design firm, Kelly Wearstler, Inc. She is the namesake and creator of several product lines as well as a regular contributor on "living with style" to such fashion bibles as Harper's Bazaar, Elle, and W. Wearstler also served as a judge on Bravo's Top Design.
Kelly Wearstler is the ultimate trendsetter in interior design. Hueby Kelly Wearstler builds upon the success of her first monograph, Modern Glamour, and includes recent, unpublished projects, including her home in Beverly Hills, celebrity residential projects, as well as some of her latest hotel projects. Huecelebrates the power of color in Kelly's work and the possibilities of color in interior design and decorating. A must-have for amateurs and professionals seeking design inspiration from America's top interior designer.
"In her new book, 'Hue,' Los Angeles interior designer Kelly Wearstler doesn't shy away from bold decor. Try her tips to give your home a color boost." -Family Circle "Wearstler's gotten credit for aiding the return of the Hollywood Regency style and that of the swinging seventies and eighties, and she's acquired a reputation for boldly going where other designers don't in her use of color, texture and pattern and in her juxtaposition of high and low, classic and modern-a Roman bust, for instance, impudently paired with a white shag rug." -Town & Country Magazine "In her new book, 'Hue,' from AMMO Books, Hollywood glamour, neoclassical ornamentation, pattern and texture prove to be Wearstler signatures, but color, she writes 'is everything. Color evokes emotion, color is strong, sensual, luxurious and dramatic.'" -Los Angeles Times "No other designer's work can be mistaken for Wearstler's fanciful wild-child interiors, which, in addition to private homes, include such influential hotels as the Viceroy Santa Monica and the Tides South Beach and the BG Restaurant at Bergdorf Goodman in Manhattan. Brash, graphic, theatrical, and skillfully layered, her rooms blend echoes of everything from 1970s funk to '40s Hollywood into head-spinning, high-energy chic." -Elle D?or
ISBN | 9781934429723 ( 1934429724 ) |
발행(출시)일자 | 2012년 12월 17일 |
쪽수 | 288쪽 |
크기 |
185 * 236
* 33
/ 1116 g
총권수 | 1권 |
언어 | 영어 |
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