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Long-Distance Nationalism : Diasporas, Homelands and Identities (Research in Migration and Ethnic Re

Skrbis, Zlatko 저자(글)
Ashgate · 1999년 11월 01일
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  • Long-Distance Nationalism : Diasporas, Homelands and Identities (Research in Migration and Ethnic Re 대표 이미지
    Long-Distance Nationalism : Diasporas, Homelands and Identities (Research in Migration and Ethnic Re 대표 이미지
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저자(글) Skrbis, Zlatko


  • Figures and tablesp. ix
    Acknowledgementsp. xi
    Prefacep. xiii
    List of abbreviationsp. xv
    Introductionp. 1
    The relativisation of distancep. 2
    Long-distance nationalismp. 5
    Methodology and research designp. 10
    Historical notep. 10
    Sample characteristicsp. 11
    The size and representativeness of the research settingp. 13
    Fieldwork updatep. 14
    The war and its impact on the outcome of this researchp. 18
    Plan of the bookp. 23
    Notesp. 26
    History, homeland, nostalgiap. 28
    The European post-Second World War refugee problemp. 29
    Slovenians in Argentinap. 32
    Memory...p. 33
    Innocence...p. 34
    Political migrants and their contribution to the formation of a distinct diaspora identity in Australiap. 35
    Homeland, nostalgia and the myth of returnp. 38
    The elusive concept of homelandp. 38
    The ethnic homeland: the questions of time and spacep. 39
    Nostalgiap. 41
    Ideas about homelandp. 42
    Romanticism - second generation respondentsp. 43
    Parents' romanticism through their children's eyesp. 45
    The second generation's critical attitudes towards the ethnic homelandp. 47
    The myth of returnp. 48
    Second generation Croatian respondents' reflections on first generation Australian-Croatians: returning homep. 50
    Second generation Slovenian respondents' reflections on first generation Slovenians: returning homep. 52
    Second generation Croatians and Slovenians - returning homep. 54
    Notesp. 56
    Diasporas and community sentimentsp. 58
    Some limitations of the prevalent discourses on ethnic communitiesp. 60
    Ethnic community boundaries and the segmentation of ethnic community spacep. 62
    Politics, otherness and diasporasp. 64
    Conforming to norms and standards in diaspora organisationsp. 67
    From antagonism to schismp. 72
    Diaspora cohesion and the question of generationsp. 74
    Concerns about the future of diaspora organisationsp. 77
    The problem of representation in ethnic communitiesp. 78
    Whither communityp. 80
    Notesp. 81
    The distant viewp. 83
    Mediation of information about the homelandp. 83
    'Tabloid' political culture as mainstream culturep. 87
    Invention, manipulation and legitimationp. 91
    The mapsp. 91
    The 'Tesla case'p. 93
    Myths of originp. 95
    Diaspora and party politics: the case of Australian-Croatiansp. 97
    The contrast: the case of Australian-Sloveniansp. 107
    The power of symbolsp. 108
    Religious...p. 108
    ...and historicalp. 111
    Notesp. 113
    Constructing the Otherp. 115
    Slovenian respondents on other ethnic groups from the former Yugoslavia: Southerners - the generalised Otherp. 118
    Croatian respondents on Sloveniansp. 128
    Croatians on the 'practical identity' of Yugoslavsp. 129
    Croatian respondents on the Other: the Serbsp. 136
    Croatian respondents on Bosnian Muslims: search for 'true' ethnicityp. 147
    From 'public' to 'private'p. 151
    Notesp. 152
    Marriage choicesp. 154
    The key factors which impact on in(ter)marriage in diaspora settingsp. 155
    'Pragmatism' in the functioning of intimacyp. 162
    The construction of marriage marketsp. 167
    Privileged marriage marketp. 169
    Privileged marriage sub-marketp. 170
    Deprivileged marriage marketp. 171
    Anathema market and factors which influence its performancep. 172
    The future of marriage choicep. 178
    Notesp. 181
    Conclusionp. 183
    Post scriptump. 186
    Bibliographyp. 188
    Table of Contents provided by Syndetics. All Rights Reserved.


상품정보 테이블로 ISBN, 발행(출시)일자 , 쪽수을(를) 나타낸 표입니다.
ISBN 9781859726723 ( 1859726720 )
발행(출시)일자 1999년 11월 01일
쪽수 준비중

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