Progress in Chemistry and Biochemistry : Kinetics, Thermodynamics, Synthesis, Properties and Applica
저자(글) Pearce, Eli M.
Preface Gennady Efremovich Zaikov: More Than Half a Century in Science The nanoadhesion influence on structure and properties of particulate-filled polymer nanocomposites Polymeric nanocomposites based on the organomodified layered silicates: structure, manufacture and properties Kinitic model of copolymerization at linear chain termination The reaction cessation in polycondensation process: fractal analysis Hybrid antioxidants (E.B. Burlakova, E.M. Molochkina, G.A. Nikiforov) Mechanism of action and effectiveness of ester thiols as thermal stabilizers for poly(vinyl chloride Kinetics and molecular modeling of 1-hydroxycyclohexyl hydroperoxide decomposition activated by Alk4NBr Incidence of the aggressive atmospheric agents from the Cuban climate on polymeric articles and materials Interfacial Adhesion between Poly(ethylene terephthalate) Fabric and a Thermoplastic Polyurethane Matrix Recycling of sugarcane bagasse for producing cellulose acetate Development of a reliable, efficient and automated method for measuring nanofiber diameter in electrospun webs Trends and achievements in new generation of intelligent garments Achievements in application of recycled polyamide fibres and expanded polystyrene beads in concrete Geosynthetics and lightweight plastic aggregate in concrete Convective drying of textiles: a detailed review on theoretical and experimental aspects Microwave heating of textiles: theoretical and experimental aspects Biodegradation of oil products in polluted soil by using the mixture of the polymer complex [chitosan - lactoserum protein]-active silt Transport properties in drying of woods: a review on theoretical approaches Stable radicals as possible mediators of the "Living" radical polymerization Use of the effect of thermal expansion of polymer-graphite compositions for synthesizing low-density materials with conduction and sorption properties Spatial-energy parameter as a materialised analogue of wave function Energy criterions of photosynthesis NMR-investigation of rats after severe epileptic convulsions Index Table of Contents provided by Publisher. All Rights Reserved.
ISBN | 9781606923443 ( 1606923447 ) |
발행(출시)일자 | 2021년 01월 01일 |
쪽수 | 준비중 |
언어 | 영어 |
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기분 좋은 발견
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이 분야의 신간
Physical Chemistry for the Life Sciences20% 278,850 원
Flame-Retardant Polymeric Materials81,080 원
Flame - Retardant Polymeric Materials162,150 원