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The Monarchy of Fear

A Philosopher Looks at Our Political Crisis | Reprint /E | Paperback
Nussbaum, Martha C. 저자(글)
Simon & Schuster · 2019년 07월 30일
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From one of the world’s most celebrated moral philosophers comes a thorough examination of the current political crisis and recommendations for how to mend our divided country.
For decades Martha C. Nussbaum has been an acclaimed scholar and humanist, earning dozens of honors for her books and essays. In The Monarchy of Fear she turns her attention to the current political crisis that has polarized American since the 2016 election.

Although today’s atmosphere is marked by partisanship, divisive rhetoric, and the inability of two halves of the country to communicate with one another, Nussbaum focuses on what so many pollsters and pundits have overlooked. She sees a simple truth at the heart of the problem: the political is always emotional. Globalization has produced feelings of powerlessness in millions of people in the West. That sense of powerlessness bubbles into resentment and blame. Blame of immigrants. Blame of Muslims. Blame of other races. Blame of cultural elites. While this politics of blame is exemplified by the election of Donald Trump and the vote for Brexit, Nussbaum argues it can be found on all sides of the political spectrum, left or right.

Drawing on a mix of historical and contemporary examples, from classical Athens to the musical Hamilton, The Monarchy of Fear untangles this web of feelings and provides a roadmap of where to go next.

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타인에 대한 인류의 두려움을 탐구하는 세계적 석학의 지혜로운 시선

현대 사회, 고속 성장의 시대는 끝났다. 아메리칸 드림의 종말과 노동자 계급의 절망, 최근 전 세계를 뒤덮은 코로나19의 공포 앞에서 민주주의는 과연 후퇴하고 있는가, 전진하고 있는가. 미래에 대한 희망을 잃은 시민들은 불확실한 삶 앞에서 쉽사리 두려움이란 감정에 잠식당한다. 이러한 두려움은 종종 타인(기득권 또는 소수 집단)에 대한 혐오, 분노, 비난과 뒤섞인다. 이성적 사고와 건설적 협력 대신 손쉬운 타자화 전략을 선택해 나와 타인의 날선 경계를 짓게 한다.

성별, 종교, 직업, 나이, 장애, 성적 지향 등 다양한 사회적 편 가르기의 근본에는 인간의 내밀한 감정이 배어 있다. 계급 계층 간 갈등, 여성 혐오, 진보와 보수의 대립 등 이러한 정치적 감정들은 늘 이면의 권력자들에 의해 교묘히 조종되어왔다. 세계적 석학이자 정치철학자인 저자 마사 누스바움은 2016년 11월, 트럼프 대통령이 당선되던 날 밤 느꼈던 통렬한 무력감을 기반으로 이 책, 『타인에 대한 연민(원제: The Monarchy of Fear)』을 써내려갔다.

저자는 두려움이 어떻게 시기와 분노라는 유독한 감정들로 번져 가는지, 대중들의 공포심을 자극하는 포퓰리즘 정치가 현대 민주주의를 좀먹는 과정을 냉철하게 진단한다. 이 책에서는 미국의 인종 차별, 여성 혐오, 동성애 혐오, 무슬림 혐오 등의 사례들이 나열된다. 이는 미국의 이야기지만 극심한 기시감을 준다. 지금 우리가 살아가고 있는 대한민국은 과연, 이와 얼마나 다른 얼굴을 하고 있는가. 두려움, 분노, 혐오가 쌓아 올린 ‘트럼프주의’로부터 우리는 완전히 자유롭다고 말할 수 있는가.


타인에 대한 연민

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저자(글) Nussbaum, Martha C.

Nussbaum, Martha C.

Martha C. Nussbaum is the Ernst Freund Distinguished Service Professor of Law and Ethics, appointed in the Philosophy Department and the Law School of the University of Chicago. She gave the 2016 Jefferson Lecture for the National Endowment for the Humanities and won the 2016 Kyoto Prize in Arts and Philosophy. The 2018 Berggruen Prize in Philosophy and Culture, and the 2020 Holberg Prize. These three prizes are regarded as the most prestigious awards available in fields not eligible for a Nobel. She has written more than twenty-two books, including Upheavals of Thought: The Intelligence of Emotions; Anger and Forgiveness: Resentment, Generosity, Justice; Not for Profit: Why Democracy Needs the Humanities; and The Monarchy of Fear.

출판사 서평

“An elegant and precise stylist, Nussbaum…writes about gut feelings like envy and disgust with an air of serene lucidity...one of the virtues of this slender volume is how gradually and scrupulously it moves, as Nussbaum pushes you to slow down, think harder and revisit your knee-jerk assumptions. [Nussbaum is] a skillful rhetorician…she wants to show how the feeling of fear is primal and therefore universal, reminding us that we were all helpless infants once, dependent on the kindness and mercy of others.” —New York Times Book Review

"An engaging and inviting study of humanity's long-standing fear of the other." —Kirkus, starred review

"Noted philosopher, prolific author and University of Chicago professor Martha Nussbaum assesses our current political crisis, which she argues is essentially a politics of blame and fear. From classical thought to the hit musical Hamilton, she uses a variety of examples to illustrate what brought us to this fraught place and how we can move forward." —Chicago Tribune

"Nussbaum’s erudite but very readable investigation engages figures from Aristotle to Donald Trump in lucid and engaging prose...Nussbaum offers fresh, worthwhile insights into the animosities that roil contemporary public life." —Publishers Weekly

"One of America’s leading philosophers here probes this dangerous fusion of emotions, explaining Trump’s twenty-first-century ascendance as part of a distressing human dynamic manifested through history and around the globe...even readers skeptical about Nussbaum’s political orientation will welcome this call for an emotionally healthier public life. — Bryce Christensen, Booklist

“Nussbaum is an elegant and lyrical writer, and she movingly describes the pain of recognizing one’s vulnerability…” —Rachel Aviv, The New Yorker

“Nussbaum is one of the most accomplished political and moral philosophers of our time…there is almost no domain of political and moral life and thought that her work and apparently endless curiosity have not explored.” —William Adams, chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts


상품정보 테이블로 ISBN, 발행(출시)일자 , 쪽수, 크기, 총권수, 언어을(를) 나타낸 표입니다.
ISBN 9781501172519 ( 1501172514 )
발행(출시)일자 2019년 07월 30일
쪽수 272쪽
127 * 201 * 18 mm / 181 g
총권수 1권
언어 영어

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