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Listening Library · 2005년 04월 12일
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  • Tuck Everlasting (Audio CD) 대표 이미지
    Tuck Everlasting (Audio CD) 대표 이미지
  • A4
    사이즈 비교
    Tuck Everlasting (Audio CD) 사이즈 비교 127x152
    단위 : mm
01 / 02
무료배송 소득공제 정가제Free
20% 17,250 21,560


3% 적립 520P


  • 5만원 이상 구매 시 추가 2,000P
  • 3만원 이상 구매 시, 등급별 2~4% 추가 최대 520P
  • 리뷰 작성 시, e교환권 추가 최대 300원

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<b>Natalie Babbitt</b>

<img src="http://media.us.macmillan.com/authors/258H/572802.jpg" align=left> A gifted artist and writer, Natalie Babbitt’s novels are inspired by a brilliance and imagination that is completely original. She began her career in 1966 with the publication of a picture book, The Forty-Ninth Magician, a collaboration with her husband, Samuel Fisher Babbitt. Her first novel, The Search for Delicious, established her gift for writing magical tales with a more profound meaning embedded within them. Kneeknock Rise earned her a Newbery Honor Medal, but it is Tuck Everlasting which has insured Babbitt’s place in the history of children’s literature. This modern classic, which has also been made recently into a major motion picture starring Alexis Bledel, William Hurt, and Sissy Spacek, asks an enduring and powerful question: If we could live forever, would we want to? Babbitt has written six more novels including The Eyes of the Amaryllis and Goody Hall?each one presenting her unique vision of an enchanted world. Her latest novel, Jack Plank Tells Tales, was published in Spring 2007. Natalie Babbitt lives in Providence, Rhode Island, and is a grandmother of three. When asked what she wants readers to remember about her books, she replied, “the questions without answers.”


상품정보 테이블로 ISBN, 발행(출시)일자 , 쪽수, 크기, 언어을(를) 나타낸 표입니다.
ISBN 9781400099108 ( 1400099102 )
발행(출시)일자 2005년 04월 12일
쪽수 3쪽
127 * 152 mm
언어 영어


구매 후 리뷰 작성 시, e교환권 200원 적립

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