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저자(글) Krugman, Paul

1953년 뉴욕 출생. 1974년 예일 대학을 졸업하고, 1977년 MIT에서 노벨 경제학상 수상자인 로버트 솔로(Robert Solow) 교수의 지도하에 경제학 박사 학위를 받았다. 1982-83년 백악관 경제자문위원회 위원을 역임하였으며, 예일 대학과 스탠퍼드 대학, 매사추세츠 공과대학(MIT) 교수를 거쳐 프린스턴 대학 경제학과 교수로 재직했다. 2008년 노벨경제학상을 수상하였고, 뉴욕시립대학교 대학원 교수로 룩셈브루크소득연구소(LIS)와 연계하여 전 세계 소득불평등을 추적하고 분석한다. 국제 무역론과 국제 금융론 및 산업 정책 분야에서 독보적인 연구 업적을 쌓은 그는 1991년 미국 경제학회가 '가장 탁월한 소장 경제학자'에게 2년마다 수여하는 '존 베이츠 클라크 메달(John Bates Clark Medal)'을 받았으며, 최근 경제학자로서는 처음으로 '뉴욕 타임스' 고정 칼럼니스트로 위촉되었다.
저자(글) Wells, Robin
Robin Wells was a lecturer and researcher in Economics at Princeton University, where she has taught undergraduate courses. She received her BA from the University of Chicago and her PhD from the University of California, Berkeley; she then did her postdoctoral work at MIT. She has taught at the University of Michigan, the University of Southhampton (United Kingdom), Stanford, and MIT. Her teaching and research focus on the theory of organizations and incentives.
- Part 1: What Is Economics?
Introduction An Engine for Growth and Discovery
Chapter 1 First Principles
Chapter 2 Economic Models: Trade-offs and Trade
Appendix: Graphs in Economics
Part 2: Supply and Demand
Chapter 3 Supply and Demand
Chapter 4 Consumer and Producer Surplus
Chapter 5 Price Controls and Quotas: Meddling with Markets
Chapter 6 Elasticity
Part 3: Individuals and Markets
Chapter 7 Taxes
Chapter 8 International Trade
Part 4: Economics and Decision Making
Chapter 9 Decision Making by Individuals and Firms
Appendix: Toward a Fuller Understanding of Present Value
Part 5: The Consumer
Chapter 10 The Rational Consumer
Appendix: Consumer Preferences and Consumer Choice
Part 6: The Production Decision
Chapter 11 Behind the Supply Curve: Inputs and Costs
Chapter 12 Perfect Competition and the Supply Curve
Part 7: Market Structure: Beyond Perfect Competition
Chapter 13 Monopoly
Chapter 14 Oligopoly
Chapter 15 Monopolistic Competition and Product Differentiation
Part 8: Microeconomics and Public Policy
Chapter 16 Externalities
Chapter 17 Public Goods and Common Resources
Chapter 18 The Economics of the Welfare State
Part 9: Factor Markets and Risk
Chapter 19 Factor Markets and the Distribution of Income
Appendix Indifference Curve Analysis of Labor Supply
Chapter 20 Uncertainty, Risk, and Private Information
Part 10: Introduction to Macroeconomics
Chapter 21 Macroeconomics: The Big Picture
Chapter 22 GDP and the CPI: Tracking the Macroeconomy
Chapter 23 Unemployment and Inflation
Part 11: Long-Run Economic Growth
Chapter 24 Long-Run Economic Growth
Chapter 25 Savings, Investment Spending, and the Financial System
Part 12: Short-Run Economic Fluctuations
Chapter 26 Income and Expenditure
Appendix Deriving the Multiplier Algebraically
Chapter 27 Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply
Part 13 Stabilization Policy
Chapter 28 Fiscal Policy
Appendix Taxes and the Multiplier
Chapter 29 Money, Banking, and the Federal Reserve System
Chapter 30 Monetary Policy
Appendix Reconciling the Two Models of the Interest Rate
Chapter 31 Inflation, Disinflation, and Deflation
Part 14 Events and Ideas
Chapter 32 Macroeconomics: Events and Ideas
Part 15 The Open Economy
Chapter 33 International Macroeconomics.
ISBN | 9781319383527 ( 1319383521 ) |
발행(출시)일자 | 2021년 03월 01일 |
쪽수 | 1030쪽 |
크기 |
216 * 275
* 36
/ 2028 g
총권수 | 1권 |
언어 | 영어 |
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