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Engineering Mathematics

A Foundation for Electronic, Electrical, Communications and Systems Engineers | Paperback
Pearson · 2020년 02월 01일
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  • Engineering Mathematics 대표 이미지
    Engineering Mathematics 대표 이미지
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    사이즈 비교
    Engineering Mathematics 사이즈 비교 189x245
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Engineering Mathematics is the unparalleled undergraduate textbook for students of electrical, electronic, communications and systems engineering. Tried and tested over many years, this widely used textbook is now in its 5th edition, having been fully updated and revised. This new edition includes an even greater emphasis on the application of mathematics within a range of engineering contexts. It features detailed explanation of why a technique is important to engineers. In addition, it provides essential guidance in how to use mathematics to solve engineering problems. This approach ensures a deep and practical understanding of the role of mathematics in modern engineering.

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저자(글) Anthony Croft

Anthony Croft is Professor of Mathematics Education at Loughborough University.

저자(글) Robert Davison

Robert Davison was formerly Head of Quality at the Faculty of Technology, De Montfort University.

저자(글) Martin Hargreaves

Martin Hargreaves is a Chartered Physicist.

저자(글) James Flint

James Flint is Reader in Wireless Systems Engineering at Loughborough University.


  • Chapter 1 Review of algebraic techniques
    Chapter 2 Engineering functions
    Chapter 3 The trigonometric functions
    Chapter 4 Coordinate systems
    Chapter 5 Discrete mathematics
    Chapter 6 Sequences and series
    Chapter 7 Vectors
    Chapter 8 Matrix algebra
    Chapter 9 Complex numbers
    Chapter 10 Dierentiation
    Chapter 11 Techniques of dierentiation
    Chapter 12 Applications of dierentiation
    Chapter 13 Integration
    Chapter 14 Techniques of integration
    Chapter 15 Applications of integration
    Chapter 16 Further topics in integration
    Chapter 17 Numerical integration
    Chapter 18 Taylor polynomials, Taylor series and Maclaurin series
    Chapter 19 Ordinary dierential equations I
    Chapter 20 Ordinary dierential equations II
    Chapter 21 The Laplace transform
    Chapter 22 Di erence equations and the z transform
    Chapter 23 Fourier series
    Chapter 24 The Fourier transform
    Chapter 25 Functions of several variables
    Chapter 26 Vector calculus
    Chapter 27 Line integrals and multiple integrals
    Chapter 28 Probability
    Chapter 29 Statistics and probability distributions
    Appendix I Representing a continuous function and a sequence as a sum of weighted impulses
    Appendix II The Greek alphabet
    Appendix III SI units and prefixes
    Appendix IV The binomial expansion of (n N)/nn


상품정보 테이블로 ISBN, 발행(출시)일자 , 쪽수, 크기, 총권수, 언어을(를) 나타낸 표입니다.
ISBN 9781292146652 ( 1292146656 )
발행(출시)일자 2020년 02월 01일
쪽수 1004쪽
189 * 245 * 42 mm / 1673 g
총권수 1권
언어 영어


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