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Letters from a Stoic (Capstone Classics)

The Ancient Classic | 양장본 Hardcover
Seneca , Donald Robertson 저자(글)
Capstone · 2021년 03월 08일
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    Letters from a Stoic (Capstone Classics) 대표 이미지
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    Letters from a Stoic (Capstone Classics) 사이즈 비교 137x201
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Since Roman antiquity, Lucius Annaeus Seneca’s Letters have been one of the greatest expressions of Stoic philosophy. In a highly accessible and timeless way, Seneca reveals the importance of cultivating virtue and the fleeting nature of time, and how being clear sighted about death allows us to live a life of meaning and contentment.

Letters from a Stoic continues to fascinate and inspire new generations of readers, including those interested in mindfulness and psychological techniques for well-being.

This deluxe hardback selected edition includes Seneca’s first 65 letters from the Richard M. Gummere translation. An insightful introduction by Donald Robertson traces Seneca’s busy life at the centre of Roman power, explores how he reconciled his Stoic outlook with vast personal wealth, and highlights Seneca’s relevance for the modern reader.


저자(글) Seneca

David R. Slavitt, poet, novelist, critic, and journalist, has published more than fifty books. His translations include the "Metamorphoses" of Ovid, "The Fables of Avianus," the "& quot; Eclogues& quot; and & quot; Georgics& quot; of Virgil," and "Seneca: The Tragedies, Vols. 1 and 2," all available from Johns Hopkins.

저자(글) Donald Robertson


  • An Introduction ix

    About Donald Robertson xxxiii

    About Tom Butler-Bowdon xxxiv

    Chapter One On the Use of Time 1

    Chapter Two On Discursiveness in Reading 5

    Chapter Three On True and False Friendship 9

    Chapter Four On the Terrors of Death 13

    Chapter Five On the Philosopher's Mean 19

    Chapter Six On Sharing Knowledge 23

    Chapter Seven On Crowds 27

    Chapter Eight On the Philosopher's Seclusion 33

    Chapter Nine On Philosophy and Friendship 39

    Chapter Ten On Living to Oneself 49

    Chapter Eleven On the Blush of Modesty 53

    Chapter Twelve On Old Age 57

    Chapter Thirteen On Groundless Fears 63

    Chapter Fourteen On the Reasons for Withdrawing from the World 71

    Chapter Fifteen On Brawn and Brains 79

    Chapter Sixteen On Philosophy, the Guide of Life 85

    Chapter Seventeen On Philosophy and Riches 91

    Chapter Eighteen On Festivals and Fasting 97

    Chapter Nineteen On Worldliness and Retirement 105

    Chapter Twenty On Practising What You Preach 113

    Chapter Twenty One On the Renown Which My Writings May Bring You 119

    Chapter Twenty Two On the Futility of Half-Way Measures 125

    Chapter Twenty Three On the True Joy Which Comes from Philosophy 133

    Chapter Twenty Four On Despising Death 139

    Chapter Twenty Five On Reformation 151

    Chapter Twenty Six On Old Age and Death 155

    Chapter Twenty Seven On the Good Which Abides 161

    Chapter Twenty Eight On Travel as a Cure for Discontent 167

    Chapter Twenty Nine On the Critical Condition of Marcellinus 171

    Chapter Thirty On Conquering the Conqueror 177

    Chapter Thirty One On Siren Songs 185

    Chapter Thirty Two On Progress 191

    Chapter Thirty Three On the Futility of Learning Maxims 195

    Chapter Thirty Four On a Promising Pupil 201

    Chapter Thirty Five On the Friendship of Kindred Minds 203

    Chapter Thirty Six On the Value of Retirement 207

    Chapter Thirty Seven On Allegiance to Virtue 213

    Chapter Thirty Eight On Quiet Conversation 217

    Chapter Thirty Nine On Noble Aspirations 219

    Chapter Forty On the Proper Style for a Philosopher's Discourse 223

    Chapter Forty One On the God Within Us 231

    Chapter Forty Two On Values 237

    Chapter Forty Three On the Relativity of Fame 241

    Chapter Forty Four On Philosophy and Pedigrees 243

    Chapter Forty Five On Sophistical Argumentation 247

    Chapter Forty Six On a New Book by Lucilius 253

    Chapter Forty Seven On Master and Slave 255

    Chapter Forty Eight On Quibbling as Unworthy of the Philosopher 265

    Chapter Forty Nine On the Shortness of Life 273

    Chapter Fifty On Our Blindness and Its Cure 279

    Chapter Fifty One On Baiae and Morals 283

    Chapter Fifty Two On Choosing Our Teachers 289

    Chapter Fifty Three On the Faults of the Spirit 297

    Chapter Fifty Four On Asthma and Death 303

    Chapter Fifty Five On Vatia's Villa 307

    Chapter Fifty Six On Quiet and Study 313

    Chapter Fifty Seven On the Trials of Travel 321

    Chapter Fifty Eight On Being 325

    Chapter Fifty Nine On Pleasure and Joy 341

    Chapter Sixty On Harmful Prayers 351

    Chapter Sixty One On Meeting Death Cheerfully 353

    Chapter Sixty Two On Good Company 355

    Chapter Sixty Three On Grief for Lost Friends 357

    Chapter Sixty Four On the Philosopher's Task 365

    Chapter Sixty Five On the First Cause 371


상품정보 테이블로 ISBN, 발행(출시)일자 , 쪽수, 크기, 총권수, 언어을(를) 나타낸 표입니다.
ISBN 9781119751359 ( 1119751357 )
발행(출시)일자 2021년 03월 08일
쪽수 416쪽
137 * 201 * 41 mm / 522 g
총권수 1권
언어 영어


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    마이룸 > 주문관리 > 주문/배송내역 > 주문조회 > 반품/교환 신청, [1:1 상담 > 반품/교환/환불] 또는 고객센터 (1544-1900)
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