Meriam's Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics
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정확하고 명쾌하고 신뢰할 수 있다고 알려진 이 동역학 책은 60년 이상 역학 원리의 탄탄한 기초를 제공해왔다. 학생들이 공학설계와 관련된 폭넓고 다양한 실전문제들을 푸는 기술을 개발하는 데 계속해서 도움을 주기 위해 제9판에서도 새로운 연습문제와 예제가 추가되었다. 이 책은 역학 문제를 풀이하는 데 필요한 가장 중요한 기술 중 하나인 자유물체도 그리기를 매우 강조하고 있으며, 이는 학생들에게 필요한 구상화와 문제 풀이 기술을 익히는 데 도움이 될 것이다.
저자(글) James L. Meriam
Dr. James L. Meriam has contributed to the field of engineering mechanics as one of the premier engineering educators during the second half of the twentieth century. Dr. Meriam earned his B.E., M. Eng., and Ph.D. degrees from Yale University. He had early industrial experience with Pratt and Whitney Aircraft and the General Electric Company. During the Second World War, he served in the U.S. Coast Guard. He was a member of the faculty of the University of California-Berkeley, Dean of Engineering at Duke University, a faculty member at the California Polytechnic State University, and visiting professor at the University of California-Santa Barbara. He retired in 1990. Professor Meriam always placed great emphasis on teaching, and this trait was recognized by his students wherever he taught. At Berkeley in 1963, he was the first recipient of the Outstanding Faculty Award of Tau Beta Pi, given primarily for excellence in teaching. In 1978, he received the Distinguished Educator Award for Outstanding Service to Engineering Mechanics Education from the American Society for Engineering Education, and in 1992 was the Society's recipient of the Benjamin Garver Lamme Award, which is ASEE's highest annual national award.
저자(글) L. G. Kraige
Dr. L. G. Kraige, coauthor of the Engineering Mechanics series since the early 1980s, has also made significant contributions to mechanics education. Dr. Kraige earned his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees at the University of Virginia, principally in aerospace engineering, and he currently serves as Professor of Engineering Science and Mechanics at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. In addition to his widely recognized research and publications in the field of spacecraft dynamics. Professor Kraige has devoted his attention to the teaching of mechanics at both introductory and advanced levels. His outstanding teaching has been widely recognized and has earned him teaching awards at the departmental, college, university, state, regional, and national levels.
저자(글) J. N. Bolton
버지니아폴리테크닉주립대학교 기계공학과에서 학사, 석사 및 박사학위를 받았으며, 블루필드주립대학 기계과에 재직하고 있다. 관심 분야는 6자유도를 갖는 로터의 자동 균형에 대한 것이다. 2010년에 학생들이 선출하는 Sporn Teaching Award를 수상하였고, 2014년에는 블루필드주립대학에서 주는 우수 교수상을 받았다.
- Part I Dynamics of Particles 1
1 Introduction to Dynamics 3
1/1 History and Modern Applications 3
1/2 Basic Concepts 4
1/3 Newton’s Laws 5
1/4 Units 6
1/5 Gravitation 7
1/6 Dimensions 10
1/7 Solving Problems in Dynamics 11
1/8 Chapter Review 13
2 Kinematics of Particles 16
2/1 Introduction 16
2/2 Rectilinear Motion 17
2/3 Plane Curvilinear Motion 25
2/4 Rectangular Coordinates (x-y) 27
2/5 Normal and Tangential Coordinates (n-t) 32
2/6 Polar Coordinates (r-?) 37
2/7 Space Curvilinear Motion 42
2/8 Relative Motion (Translating Axes) 47
2/9 Constrained Motion of Connected Particles 51
2/10 Chapter Review 54
3 Kinetics of Particles 56
3/1 Introduction 56
Section A Force, Mass, and Acceleration 57
3/2 Newton’s Second Law 57
3/3 Equation of Motion and Solution of Problems 60
3/4 Rectilinear Motion 62
3/5 Curvilinear Motion 67
Section B Work and Energy 71
3/6 Work and Kinetic Energy 71
3/7 Potential Energy 81
Section C Impulse and Momentum 87
3/8 Introduction 87
3/9 Linear Impulse and Linear Momentum 87
3/10 Angular Impulse and Angular Momentum 93
Section D Special Applications 99
3/11 Introduction 99
3/12 Impact 99
3/13 Central-Force Motion 105
3/14 Relative Motion 112
3/15 Chapter Review 118
4 Kinetics of Systems of Particles 119
4/1 Introduction 119
4/2 Generalized Newton’s Second Law 120
4/3 Work-Energy 121
4/4 Impulse-Momentum 122
4/5 Conservation of Energy and Momentum 126
4/6 Steady Mass Flow 132
4/7 Variable Mass 138
4/8 Chapter Review 144
Part II Dynamics of Rigid Bodies 145
5 Plane Kinematics of Rigid Bodies 147
5/1 Introduction 147
5/2 Rotation 149
5/3 Absolute Motion 154
5/4 Relative Velocity 158
5/5 Instantaneous Center of Zero Velocity 165
5/6 Relative Acceleration 168
5/7 Motion Relative to Rotating Axes 173
5/8 Chapter Review 183
6 Plane Kinetics of Rigid Bodies 184
6/1 Introduction 184
Section A Force, Mass, and Acceleration 186
6/2 General Equations of Motion 186
6/3 Translation 192
6/4 Fixed-Axis Rotation 196
6/5 General Plane Motion 199
Section B Work and Energy 205
6/6 Work-Energy Relations 205
6/7 Acceleration from Work-Energy; Virtual Work 213
Section C Impulse and Momentum 217
6/8 Impulse-Momentum Equations 217
6/9 Chapter Review 225
7 Introduction to Three-Dimensional Dynamics of Rigid Bodies 226
7/1 Introduction 226
Section A Kinematics 227
7/2 Translation 227
7/3 Fixed-Axis Rotation 227
7/4 Parallel-Plane Motion 228
7/5 Rotation about a Fixed Point 228
7/6 General Motion 234
Section B Kinetics 240
7/7 Angular Momentum 240
7/8 Kinetic Energy 243
7/9 Momentum and Energy Equations of Motion 246
7/10 Parallel-Plane Motion 248
7/11 Gyroscopic Motion: Steady Precession 250
7/12 Chapter Review 259
8 Vibration and Time Response 260
8/1 Introduction 260
8/2 Free Vibration of Particles 261
8/3 Forced Vibration of Particles 270
8/4 Vibration of Rigid Bodies 278
8/5 Energy Methods 282
8/6 Chapter Review 286
Appendix A Area Moments of Inertia 287
Appendix B Mass Moments of Inertia 288
B/1 Mass Moments of Inertia about an Axis 288
B/2 Products of Inertia 296
Appendix C Selected Topics of Mathematics 302
C/1 Introduction 302
C/2 Plane Geometry 302
C/3 Solid Geometry 303
C/4 Algebra 303
C/5 Analytic Geometry 304
C/6 Trigonometry 304
C/7 Vector Operations 305
C/8 Series 308
C/9 Derivatives 308
C/10 Integrals 309
C/11 Newton’s Method for Solving Intractable Equations 312
C/12 Selected Techniques for Numerical Integration 314
Appendix D Useful Tables 317
Table D/1 Physical Properties 317
Table D/2 Solar System Constants 318
Table D/3 Properties of Plane Figures 319
Table D/4 Properties of Homogeneous Solids 321
Table D/5 Conversion Factors; SI Units 325
Problems P-1
Index I-1
Problem Answers PA-1
ISBN | 9781119665281 ( 1119665280 ) |
발행(출시)일자 | 2020년 07월 28일 |
쪽수 | 624쪽 |
크기 |
220 * 200
* 25
/ 1058 g
총권수 | 1권 |
언어 | 영어 |
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