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The Millionaire Fastlane

Crack the Code to Wealth and Live Rich for a Lifetime! | 0002/EAnniversary /E | Paperback
DeMarco, M J 저자(글)
Viperion Publishing · 2011년 12월 04일
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The Millionaire Fastlane 상세 이미지
Escape Financial Mediocrity, Fire that 9-5 and Slash 40 Years Off The Road to Wealth!
A chance encounter with a stranger in a Lamborghini cracked the code: Wealth has a Fastlane and it DOESN'T REQUIRE 50 years of soul-stripping jobs, 50 years of coupon-clipping frugality, 50 years of sacrificial saving, and 50 years of hope-n-pray for 8% stock market returns.

You can get wealthy young, live rich, and retire decades early by driving wealth's blazing fast shortcut--a shortcut cleverly camouflaged by a legion of hypocritical gurus and financial experts who pitch, preach, and peddle financial mediocrity, a dream-stealing dogma known as "Get Rich Slow."

Their plan devours a lifetime and delivers wealth in a wheelchair. Stop selling your soul for the paycheck of a weekend and the distant promise of wealth in life's twilight. Make a course correction and merge onto the expressway to extraordinary wealth... The Millionaire Fastlane.

Why jobs, 401(k)s, mutual funds, mindless frugality and other "guru-speak" strategies will never make you rich young.
Why a financial plan that promises "riches" by age 65 is pure insanity.
The Law of Attraction is BS: The real law of massive wealth and how you can use it to explode your income into the stratosphere.
The leading cause of poorness--start here and you change everything.
Why your business plan needs to be ripped apart and tossed in the garbage. What to do instead.
Why the guru nonsense of "do what you love" is likely a dead-end road to wealth!
The 5 Fastlane Commandments--DO NOT start a business until you know what these are.
Why most "get rich" books have failed you and why this one will not.
And over 250 poverty-busting, wealth-accelerating distinctions!

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저자(글) DeMarco, M J

Former founder and CEO of Limos.com, multimillionaire entrepreneur, author, and the revolutionary "get rich slow" anti-guru, MJ DeMarco not long ago lived with his mother, mopped floors, and sought the dream like so many others-the dream to live free from bosses, free from 9-to-5 jobs and alarm clocks, and free from a life of mediocrity. Through rigorous years of self-study, countless errors and failures, MJ cracked the code to wealth and shockingly discovered that it had nothing to do with jobs, 401(k)s, mutual funds, or penny-pinching your life away for forty years. By rejecting society's preordained "settle-for-less" financial roadmap, MJ was able to retire young-in his thirties-without sacrificing lifestyle. (Yes, he drinks Starbucks coffee, drives exotic cars, and hasn't canceled the movie channels.) He lives in beautiful Phoenix, Arizona, and enjoys traveling, dining, writing, softball, fitness, working out, and obviously has a fanatical passion for the Lamborghini marquee.


  • Introductionp. ix
    Wealth in a Wheelchair: "Get Rich Slow" is Get Rich Oldp. 1
    The Great Deceptionp. 3
    How I Screwed "Get Rich Slow"p. 7
    Wealth is Not a Road, But a Road Tripip. 19
    The Road Trip to Wealthp. 21
    The Roadmaps to Wealthp. 26
    Poorness: The Sidewalk Roadmapp. 31
    The Road Most Traveled: The Sidewalkp. 33
    Has Your Wealth Been Toxified?p. 41
    Misuse Money and Money Will Misuse Youp. 45
    Lucky Bastards Play the Gamep. 51
    Wealth Demands Accountabilityp. 55
    Mediocrity: The Slowlane Roadmapp. 61
    The Lie You've Been Sold: The Slowlanep. 63
    The Criminal Trade: Your Jobp. 73
    The Slowlane: Why You Aren't Richp. 78
    The Futile Fight: Educationp. 87
    The Hypocrisy of the Gurusp. 90
    Slowlane Victory ... A Gamble of Hopep. 95
    Wealth: The Fastlane Roadmapp. 105
    Wealth's Shortcut: The Fastlanep. 107
    Switch Teams and Playbooksp. 116
    How the Rich Really Get Richp. 120
    Divorce Wealth from Timep. 128
    Recruit Your Army of Freedom Fightersp. 136
    The Real Law of Wealthp. 143
    Your Vehicle to Wealth: Youp. 149
    Own Yourself Firstp. 151
    Life's Steering Wheelp. 155
    Wipe Your Windshield Cleanp. 163
    Deodorize Flatulent Headwindsp. 174
    Your Primordial Fuel: Timep. 179
    Change That Dirty, Stale Oilp. 186
    Hit the Redlinep. 195
    The Roads to Wealthp. 203
    The Right Road Routes to Wealthp. 205
    The Commandment of Needp. 207
    The Commandment of Entryp. 219
    The Commandment of Controlp. 224
    The Commandment of Scalep. 232
    The Commandment of Timep. 239
    Rapid Wealth: The Interstatesp. 242
    Find Your Open Roadp. 250
    Give Your Road a Destinationp. 255
    Your Speed: Accelerate Wealthp. 263
    The Speed of Successp. 265
    Burn the Business Plan, Ignite Executionp. 270
    Pedestrians Will Make You Rich!p. 274
    Throw Hijackers to the Curb!p. 284
    Be Someone's Saviorp. 290
    Build Brands, Not Businessesp. 294
    Choose Monogamy Over Polygamyp. 306
    Put It Together: Supercharge Your Wealth Plan!p. 309
    Reader Reflectionsp. 315
    The 40 Fastlane Lifestyle Guidelinesp. 321
    Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

책 속으로


The Millionaire Fastlane is the echo of a chance encounter I had long ago when I was a pudgy teenager. It was a Fastlane ignition of consciousness, a resurrection triggered by a stranger driving a mythic car--a Lamborghini Countach. The Fastlane was born, and with it the resolution and belief that creating wealth need not take 50 years of financial mediocrity devoured by decades of work, decades of saving, decades of mindless frugality, and decades of 8% stock market returns.

Often, this book references the Lamborghini brand, and it isn't to brag when I say I've owned a few. The Lamborghini icon represents the fulfillment of a prophecy in my life. It innocently
started when I saw my first Lamborghini and it kicked my ass out of my comfort zone. I
confronted its young owner and asked a simple question: "How can you afford such an awesome car?"

The answer I received, unveiled in chapter 2, was short and powerful, but I wish I had more. I
wish that man had taken a minute, an hour, a day, or a week to talk to me. I wish that young
stranger would have mentored me on how to get what I thought the Lamborghini represented:
wealth. I wish that man had reached into his car and given me a book.

Fast-forward to today.

As I endanger the streets in my Lamborghini, I relive that same moment except in role reversal. To celebrate my Fastlane success, I bought one of these legendary beasts, a Lamborghini Diablo. If you've never had the opportunity to drive a car that costs more than most people's homes, let me tell you how it works...

You can't be shy.

People chase you in traffic. They tailgate you, rubberneck, and cause accidents. Getting gas is an event: people snap photos, enraged environmentalists give you the evil eye, and haters insinuate about the length of your penis--as if owning a Hyundai implies being well endowed.

Mostly, people ask questions.

The most frequent questions come from leering and inquisitive teenagers, as I was many years
ago: "Wow, how can you afford one of these?" or "What do you do?" People associate a
Lamborghini with wealth, and while I soon learned that that's more an illusion than anything
(any dimwit can finance a Lamborghini), it's indicative of a dream lifestyle that most people
conceive as incomprehensible.

Now when I hear the same question I asked decades ago, I have the power to gift a book and
perhaps, to gift a dream.

This book is my official answer.

출판사 서평

"This is by far the best book ever written on the subject, better than Rich Dad Poor Dad, better than Think and Grow Rich, better than any book by Donald Trump..."
~ Amazon reader review

"You'll learn more in 2 days from this book than you will in 2 years of business college courses..."
~ Amazon reader review

"There are moments in your life where a light bulb just seems to turn on, a switch just seems to flip. If you're looking to induce one of these, look no further than this book."
~ Amazon reader review

"I can promise you that there is a clarity that comes with reading this book that no other book on the market will ever give you."
~ Amazon reader review

"The best book on acquiring wealth ever written..."
~ Amazon reader review

"I loved this book. It is dripping in authenticity and real-world experience. From the first, authentic page I was hooked. MJ DeMarco not only has created a book that motivates like nothing else I have read, he also provides the most important thing: a true framework for evaluating business decisions. It's safe to say that had I absorbed this book 10 years ago, I would be at least $100k-$200k richer today."
~ Amazon reader review

"...this book delivers much wisdom about business, money, and the creation of wealth. I have already had my first "liquidation event" and what this author says about how to get there is rock-solid truth."
~ Amazon reader review

"Not since Think and Grow Rich have I been as impressed with a book on the subject of wealth and success. Mr. DeMarco writes from a common, no-nonsense approach on how to become wealthy."
~ Amazon reader review

"Although the title and cover of the book make you think "infomercial for suckers", it's actually THE single best book I have read on this subject so far (and I've read plenty). I don't typically write reviews on books I purchase here on Amazon, but this one was so good that it compelled me to actually get off my lazy butt and post up a review. "
~ Amazon reader review

"If you want to get "rich" while you're young enough to enjoy it, read this book ...it short-circuits you though a lot of the BS."
~ Amazon reader review

"This is an honest to goodness "Get Rich Quick" book. Most "Get Rich Quick" books or programs scam people into believing there is a method to "Get Rich Easy". MJ DeMarco does an extremely good job of telling the truth about what it takes to really achieve wealth. "
~ Amazon reader review

"I wholeheartedly recommend this book. I have read many finance books (Rich Dad, Cramer, Dave Ramsey, etc) and after reading The Millionaire Fastlane, I kept saying to myself "finally, someone who tells it like it is and isn't feeding me BS!"
~ Amazon reader review

"In life, there are people who get it, and people who don't get it. When it comes to building wealth, MJ DeMarco gets it. What really made my jaw drop about this book, however, was his brutal honesty. He exposes many of the misconceptions of the common wealth building 'gurus'..."
~ Amazon reader review

--Amazon Reader Reviews


상품정보 테이블로 ISBN, 발행(출시)일자 , 쪽수, 크기, 총권수, 언어을(를) 나타낸 표입니다.
ISBN 9780984358106 ( 0984358102 )
발행(출시)일자 2011년 12월 04일
쪽수 322쪽
152 * 226 * 23 mm / 517 g
총권수 1권
언어 영어


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