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Engaging Autism

Using the Floortime Approach to Help Children Relate, Communicate, and Think | Paperback
Merloyd Lawrence Book
Da Capo Lifelong Books · 2009년 02월 10일
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Grateful parents and professionals worldwide have welcomed this essential guide to the highly recommended Floortime approach for treating children with any of the autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Now available in paperback,Engaging Autismincludes new, exciting information on neuroscience research into the effects of this approach, plus guidance for parents navigating the controversies surrounding the treatment of autism.

Unlike approaches that focus on changing specific behavior, Greenspan’s program promotes the building blocks of healthy emotional and behavioral development. He shows that, remarkably, children with ASD do not have a fixed, limited potential, and may often join their peers to lead full, psychologically healthy lives. The Floortime approach can also be applied at any age-including early infancy, when the first signs of risk for ASD may appear-so that preventing the full development of autism becomes a real possibility.


Stanley I. Greenspan, MD, was a Clinical Professor of Psychiatry and Pediatrics at George Washington University Medical School. His books include The Growth of the Mind, The Challenging Child, and The Child with Special Needs. He died in 2010.
Serena Wieder, PhD, is the Clinical Director and a founding member of the Profectum Foundation and the cofounder of the Interdisciplinary Council on Development and Learning Disorders.


  • Chapter Page
    Introduction: We Can Do Better xi
    Part I Improving the Prognosis of Asid: Myths, Facts, Early Signs, and a New Framework
    Chapter 1 Redefining Autism and the Way we Treat It 3
    Chapter 2 Myths and Misdiagnoses of ASD, Including Asperger's Syndrome 12
    Chapter 3 Early and Ongoing Sign's of ASD Identifying and Helping Babies and Children at Risk 28
    Chapter 4 New Goals Children with ASD: The DIR/Floortime Model 36
    Part II How Families Can Use the DIR Model to Promote Relating, Communicating, and Thinking
    Chapter 5 The Family First Inititive 57
    Chapter 6 Fostering Attention and Engagement: Bringing Your Child into a Shared World 65
    Chapter 7 Encouraging Two-Way Communication and Social Problem-Solving 78
    Chapter 8 Symbols, Ideas, and Words 91
    Chapter 9 Logical Thinking and the Real World 105
    Chapter 10 Higher Levels of Abstract and Reflective Thinking 115
    Chapter 11 Unique Biologies, 1: Experencing the World Through the Senses 130
    Chapter 12 Unique Biologies, II: Visual and Auditory Challenges 149
    Part III Floortime
    Chapter 13 Floortime as a Family Approach 163
    Chapter 14 Floortime: What It Is and What It Isn't 177
    Chapter 15 Floortime: All the Time Everywhere: Creating Learning Environments 186
    Chapter 16 The Hardest Part of Floortime: Following the Child's Lead and Challenging the Child at the Same Time 202
    Chapter 17 Working with Older Children, Adolescents, and Adults with ASD, I: A Lifetime of Learning, written with Henry Mann, M.D. 212
    Chapter 18 Working with Older Children, Adolescents, and Adults with ASD, II: Creating Learning Communities 229
    Part IV Assessment and Intervention: The DIR Model
    Chapter 19 Assessment: The DIR/Floortime Approach 241
    Chapter 20 A Comprehensive Intervention Program Using the DIR/Floortime Approach 251
    Chapter 21 Educational Approaches That Promote Thinking, Communicating, and Academic Progress 274
    Part V Overcoming Difficult Symptoms
    Chapter 22 Scripting and Echolalia 301
    Chapter 23 Self-Stimulation, Sensation Craving, Overactivity, and Avoidant Behavior 310
    Chapter 24 Meal time, Toilet Training, Getting Dresses, and Coping with New Challenges 322
    Chapter 25 Behavior Problems 334
    Chapter 26 Coping with Feelings 348
    Chapter 27 Meltdowns and Regressions 361
    Chapter 28 Developing Social Skills 369
    Appendix A Outcome Studies of the DIR Model 379
    Appendix B How Autism Develops: The DIR Theory 395
    Appendix C Neurodevelopmental Disorders of Relating and Communicating 409
    References 417
    About the Authors 423
    Index 425


상품정보 테이블로 ISBN, 발행(출시)일자 , 쪽수, 크기, 총권수, 언어, 시리즈명을(를) 나타낸 표입니다.
ISBN 9780738210940 ( 0738210943 )
발행(출시)일자 2009년 02월 10일
쪽수 434쪽
152 * 227 * 31 mm / 517 g
총권수 1권
언어 영어
Merloyd Lawrence Book

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