The House of the Scorpion

책 소개
이 책이 속한 분야
*Newbery Honor Book
*Michael L. Printz Honor Book
*ALA Notable Book
*BBYA Top Ten
This modern classic takes on an iron-fisted drug lord, clones bred for their organs, and what it means to be human. Winner of the National Book Award as well as Newbery and Printz Honors.
Matteo Alacran was not born; he was harvested. His DNA came from El Patron, lord of a country called Opium-a strip of poppy fields lying between the United States and what was once called Mexico. Matt’s first cell split and divided inside a petri dish. Then he was placed in the womb of a cow, where he continued the miraculous journey from embryo to fetus to baby. He is a boy now, but most consider him a monster-except for El Patron. El Patr?n loves Matt as he loves himself, because Matt is himself.
As Matt struggles to understand his existence, he is threatened by a sinister cast of characters, including El Patr?n’s power-hungry family, and he is surrounded by a dangerous army of bodyguards. Escape is the only chance Matt has to survive. But escape from the Alacr?n Estate is no guarantee of freedom, because Matt is marked by his difference in ways he doesn’t even suspect.
The House of the Scorpion
By Nancy Farmer
Matt is a clone of El Patron, a powerful drug lord of the land of Opium, which is located between the United States and Mexico. For six years, he has lived in a tiny cottage in the poppy fields with Celia, a kind and deeply religious servant woman who is charged with his care and safety. He knows little about his existence until he is discovered by a group of children playing in the fields and wonders why he isn't like them. Though Matt has been spared the fate of most clones, who have their intelligence destroyed at birth, the evil inhabitants of El Patron's empire consider him a "beast" and an "eejit." When El Patr?n dies at the age of 146, fourteen-year-old Matt escapes Opium with the help of Celia and Tam Lin, his devoted bodyguard who wants to right his own wrongs. After a near misadventure in his escape, Matt makes his way back home and begins to rid the country of its evils.
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뉴베리 상 수상작!
다른 사람에게 여분의 장기를 공급하기 위해 만들어진 클론 소년이 자라며 겪는 에피소드를 그린 낸시 파머 장편소설. 복제 인간의 존엄성과 마약의 폐해에 관한 문제를 미래 소설로 담아낸 작품으로, 뉴베리 상을 수상하였다.
다른 클론들과 다르게 '마약 왕국'에서 정상적인 아이로 자라난 클론 '마트'는 어느 날, 엘 파트론이 심장마비를 일으켜 쓰러지면서, 자신이 단지 그에게 심장을 제공하기 위해 만들어진 도구라는 것을 깨닫게 된다. 이때 셀리나와 탬 린이 자신들을 희생하여 마트를 알라크란 가문에서 탈출 시키고, 멕시코의 국경 수비대에 의해 고아원으로 마트는 그곳에서 마약 왕국을 지나 미국으로 도망치려다 부모가 잡혀가 버린 아이들을 만나게 되는데….
저자(글) Farmer, Nancy
Nancy Farmer is one of the most compelling voices in young adult literature. She received Newbery Honor awards for her books The Ear, the Eye, and the Arm; A Girl Named Disaster; and The House of the Scorpion, which also won the National Book Award and received a Printz Honor. Ms. Farmer grew up in Yuma, Arizona, where her parents ran a hotel near an abandoned prison. She spent her early adult life as a scientist, first with the Peace Corps teaching chemistry and biology in southern India; then seventeen more working in Mozambique and Zimbabwe, where she met her husband. Ms. Farmer turned to writing after the birth of her son and has drawn upon her rich background. While she does not call herself a science fiction writer, Ms. Farmer explains, "Science fiction allows you to approach a lot of social issues you can't get to directly. If you wrote a book about how cloning is horrible, it would read like a sermon and no one would pay attention to it." Her latest novel, The Sea of Trolls, was published in fall 2004 and has received an impressive five starred reviews.
책 속으로
Prereading activity
Ask students to write down their definition of science fiction. Then have them discuss the meaning of cloning. Have them debate whether a novel about cloning is by their definition considered science fiction.
Discussion questions
-Matteo Alacran is the clone of El Patron, the lord of the country called Opium, and lives in isolation until children playing in the poppy fields discover him. Why is he so eager to talk to the children, after he is warned against it? Why is Maria especially attracted to Matt?
-Describe Matt's relationship with Celia. Why is she the servant chosen to care for Matt? Celia snaps at Matt when he calls her mama. Then she says to him, "I love you more than anything in the world. Never forget that. But you were only loaned to me, mi vida." Why doesn't she explain the term loaned to Matt? Celia really believes that she is protecting Matt by keeping him locked in her cottage and ignorant about his identity. Debate whether this type of protection is indeed dangerous for him. How does Celia continue to protect Matt throughout his life on the Alacran Estate?
-After the children discover Matt, he is taken from Celia and imprisoned in a stall for six months with only straw for a bed. How might prison be considered a metaphor for his entire life? Who is the warden of his prison? Discuss the role of Maria, Celia, and Tam Lin in helping him escape his prison.
-Rosa describes El Patron as a bandit. How has El Patron stolen the lives of all those living on his estate? Which characters are his partners in evil? Debate whether they support him for the sake of their own survival. Explain what Tam Lin is trying to tell Matt when he says, "If you are kind and decent, you grow into a kind and decent man. If you're like El Patron...just think about it." Considering that Matt is the clone of El Patron, debate whether environment influences evil more than genetics.
-El Patr?n celebrates his 143rd birthday with a large party. Though Matt was "harvested," and doesn't really have a birthday, the celebration is for him as well, since he is El Patr?n's clone. How does Matt imitate El Patr?n's power when he demands a birthday kiss from Mari?? Discuss how El Patron encourages Matt's uncharacteristic behavior. Why is Maria so humiliated by Matt's demand? How does Matt feel the crowd's disapproval?
-El Viejo, El Patron's grandson and the father of Mr. Alacr?n, is a senile old man because he refused the fetal brain implants based on religious and moral grounds. Debate his position. Why does El Patr?n consider Mr. Alacran rude when he mentions El Viejo's religious beliefs? Celia is also a deeply religious person. How is this demonstrated throughout the novel?
-At what point does Matt realize that Tom is dangerous? He remembers what Tam Lin had told him, "If you didn't know Tom well, you'd think he is an angel bringing you the keys to the pearly gates." How does Tom mislead Mari?? Discuss why Tom takes Matt and Maria to see the screaming clones. -How is this a turning point for Matt and Maria's friendship? Why does Celia feel that Matt deserves the truth once he has seen the clones?
-What gives Celia the courage to stand up to El Patr?n and refuse to let Matt be used for a heart transplant? What does El Patr?n mean when he says to Celia, "We make a fine pair of scorpions, don't we?" Explain why she is insulted by this comment.
-How does Tam Lin know that Matt's future lies in finding the Convent of Santa Clara? Describe Matt's journey to the convent. What does he discover along the way? Discuss Esperanza's role in helping Matt gain his ultimate freedom -- to live as a human.
-Discuss the structure of the novel. How does it resemble acts and scenes in a play? Why does the author include the Cast of Characters at the beginning of the novel? Divide the class into five groups, and assign each group a section to write as a one-act play. Take dialogue directly from the book, and use a narrator to relate the story between speakers. Matt finds order in the music of Mozart. Locate music by Mozart to use at the beginning and end of each act.
-Have students design a family crest for El Patron's empire. Discuss why this crest may repulse Matt. Create an alternative crest for the Alacr?n family after Matt transforms the empire.
-Read about Cinco de Mayo and draw a parallel between the history of this Mexican holiday and Matt's victory for rights and justice at the end of the novel. Plan a Cinco de Mayo celebration that Matt might have after he breaks down the empire of Opium. Include appropriate food and music.
-Maria refers to Saint Francis throughout the novel. As a class, create a picture book about Saint Francis that Mari? might give to Matt. Write an appropriate dedication to Matt. How might the story of Saint Francis offer hope to Matt?
-Dolly, the first mammal to be successfully cloned from an adult cell, was born on July 5, 1996, at the Roslin Institute in Edinburgh. She died by lethal injection in 2003 at age six. Have students use books or the internet to locate more information about Dolly and then write a brief paper about the significance of her birth to science.
-Students may wish to read about how scientists are using cloning for medical research today. Have them read opposing viewpoints regarding the issues of human cloning at and Encourage them to debate the issues in class. How is this becoming a political issue?
-Ask students who have read The Giver by Lois Lowry to stage a conversation between Matt and Jonas. Have them discuss the community they left, their decision to leave and their method of escape, the ethical and moral issues related to human cloning in Matt's community, and the releasing process in Jonas's community. Have Matt explain to Jonas why he returns to Opium, and what he plans to do to transform the country.
출판사 서평
* “An inspiring tale of friendship, survival, hope, and transcendence.”
- Kirkus, starred review
* “This is a powerful, ultimately hopeful story that builds on today's sociopolitical, ethical, and scientific issues and prognosticates a compelling picture of what the future could bring. All of these serious issues are held together by a remarkable coming-of-age story.”
- Booklist, starred review
* “Farmer's novel may be futuristic, but it hits close to home, raising questions of what it means to be human, what is the value of life, and what are the responsibilities of a society. Readers will be hooked from the first page.”
- Publishers Weekly, starred review
“This is mind-expanding fiction for older teens that also works for adults-think Upton Sinclair's The Jungle, Orwell's 1984 or Nevil Shute's On the Beach.”
- USA Today
“Strong, rough, exciting reading.”
- Chicago Tribune
“A story rich in twists and tangles, heroes and heroines, villages and dupes, and often dazzlingly beautiful descriptive prose.”
- The Boston Globe
ISBN | 9780689852237 ( 0689852231 ) |
발행(출시)일자 | 2004년 04월 27일 |
쪽수 | 380쪽 |
크기 |
140 * 207
언어 | 영어 |
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