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See your data in new ways Our world is awash in data. To mean anything, it must be presented in a way that enables us to interpret, analyze, and apply the information. One of the best ways to do that is visually. Nathan Yau is a pioneer of this innovative approach. In this book, he offers you dozens of ideas for telling your story with data presented in creative, visual ways. Open the book, open your mind, and discover an almost endless variety of ways to give your data new dimensions. Learn to present data with visual representations that allow your audience to see the unexpected Find the stories your data can tell Explore different data sources and determine effective formats for presentation Experiment with and compare different visualization tools Look for trends and patterns in your data and select appropriate ways to chart them Establish clear goals to guide your visualizations Visit the companion web site at for code samples, data files you can download, and interactive examples to show you how visualization works
A guide on how to visualize and tell stories with data, providing practical design tips complemented with step-by-step tutorials.
Nathan Yau is a PhD candidate in Statistics at UCLA and a lifelong data junkie. His goal is to make data available and useful to those who aren't necessarily data experts, and he focuses on data visualization and personal data collection. You can follow his visualization experiments at
See your data in new ways Our world is awash in data. To mean anything, it must be presented in a way that enables us to interpret, analyze, and apply the information. One of the best ways to do that is visually. Nathan Yau is a pioneer of this innovative approach. In this book, he offers you dozens of ideas for telling your story with data presented in creative, visual ways. Open the book, open your mind, and discover an almost endless variety of ways to give your data new dimensions. Learn to present data with visual representations that allow your audience to see the unexpected Find the stories your data can tell Explore different data sources and determine effective formats for presentation Experiment with and compare different visualization tools Look for trends and patterns in your data and select appropriate ways to chart them Establish clear goals to guide your visualizations Visit the companion web site at for code samples, data files you can download, and interactive examples to show you how visualization works
Our world is awash in data. To mean anything, it must be presented in a way that enables us to interpret, analyze, and apply the information. One of the best ways to do that is visually.
Practical data design tips from a data visualization expert of the modern age Data doesn't decrease; it is ever-increasing and can be overwhelming to organize in a way that makes sense to its intended audience. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could actually visualize data in such a way that we could maximize its potential and tell a story in a clear, concise manner? Thanks to the creative genius of Nathan Yau, we can. With this full-color book, data visualization guru and author Nathan Yau uses step-by-step tutorials to show you how to visualize and tell stories with data. He explains how to gather, parse, and format data and then design high quality graphics that help you explore and present patterns, outliers, and relationships. Presents a unique approach to visualizing and telling stories with data, from a data visualization expert and the creator of, Nathan Yau Offers step-by-step tutorials and practical design tips for creating statistical graphics, geographical maps, and information design to find meaning in the numbers Details tools that can be used to visualize data-native graphics for the Web, such as ActionScript, Flash libraries, PHP, and JavaScript and tools to design graphics for print, such as R and Illustrator Contains numerous examples and descriptions of patterns and outliers and explains how to show them Visualize This demonstrates how to explain data visually so that you can present your information in a way that is easy to understand and appealing.
Visualize This is a guide on how to visualize and tell stories with data, providing practical design tips complemented with step-by-step tutorials. It begins with a description of the huge growth of data and visualization in industry, news, and gov't and opportunities for those who tell stories with data. Logically it moves on to actual stories in data-statistical ones with trends and human stories. the technical part comes up quickly with how to gather, parse and format data with Python, R, Excel, Google docs, etc and details tools to visualize data-native graphics for the Web like ActionScript, Flash libraries, PHP, JavaScript, CSS, HTML. Every chapter provides an example as well. Patterns over time and kinds of data charts are followed by proportions, chart types and examples. Next, examples and descriptions of outliers and how to show them, different kinds of maps, how to guide your readers and explain the data "in the visualization". The book ends with a value-add appendix on graphical perception.
Practical data design tips from a data visualization expert of the modern age Data doesn't decrease; it is ever-increasing and can be overwhelming to organize in a way that makes sense to its intended audience.
저자(글) Yau, Nathan
Introduction p. xv Telling Stories with Data p. 1 More Than Numbers p. 2 What to Look For p. 8 Design p. 13 Wrapping Up p. 20 Handling Data p. 21 Gather Data p. 22 Formatting Data p. 38 Wrapping Up p. 52 Choosing Tools to Visualize Data p. 53 Out-of-the-Box Visualization p. 54 Programming p. 62 Illustration p. 76 Mapping p. 80 Survey Your Options p. 88 Wrapping Up p. 89 Visualizing Patterns over Time p. 91 What to Look for over Time p. 92 Discrete Points in Time p. 93 Continuous Data p. 118 Wrapping Up p. 132 Visualizing Proportions p. 135 What to Look for in Proportions p. 136 Parts of a Whole p. 136 Proportions over Time p. 161 Wrapping Up p. 178 Visualizing Relationships p. 179 What Relationships to Look For p. 180 Correlation p. 180 Distribution p. 200 Comparison p. 213 Wrapping Up p. 226 Spotting Differences p. 227 What to Look For p. 228 Companing across Multiple Variables p. 228 Reducing Dimensions p. 258 Searching for Outliers p. 265 Wrapping Up p. 269 Visualizing Spatial Relationships p. 271 What to Look For p. 272 Specific Locations p. 272 Regions p. 285 Over Space and Time p. 302 Wrapping Up p. 325 Designing with a Purpose p. 327 Prepare Yourself p. 328 Prepare Your Readers p. 330 Visual Cues p. 334 Good Visualization p. 340 Wrapping Up p. 341 Index p. 343 Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.
ISBN | 9780470944882 ( 0470944889 ) |
발행(출시)일자 | 2011년 01월 01일 |
쪽수 | 358쪽 |
크기 |
188 * 232
* 20
/ 880 g
총권수 | 1권 |
언어 | 영어 |
구매 후 리뷰 작성 시, e교환권 200원 적립
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