Metabolism at a Glance
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저자(글) Salway, J. G.
- Preface ixAcknowledgements xPart 1 Energy metabolism1 Introduction to metabolic pathways 22 Biosynthesis of ATP I: ATP, the molecule that powers metabolism 43 Biosynthesis of ATP II: mitochondrial respiratory chain 64 Oxidation of cytosolic NADH: the malate/aspartate shuttle and glycerol phosphate shuttle 85 Metabolism of glucose to provide energy 106 Metabolism of one molecule of glucose yields 31 (or should it be 38?) molecules of ATP 127 Anaerobic metabolism of glucose and glycogen to yield energy as ATP 148 2,3-Bisphosphoglycerate (2,3-BPG) and the red blood cell 169 Metabolism of triacylglycerol to provide energy as ATP 18Part 2 Carbohydrate metabolism10 Metabolism of glucose to glycogen 2011 Glycogen metabolism I 2212 Glycogen metabolism II 2413 Glycogen metabolism III: regulation of glycogen breakdown (glycogenolysis) 2614 Glycogen metabolism IV: regulation of glycogen synthesis (glycogenesis) 2815 Pentose phosphate pathway: the production of NADPH and reduced glutathione 3016 Regulation of glycolysis: overview exemplified by glycolysis in cardiac muscle 3217 Glycolysis in skeletal muscle: biochemistry of sport and exercise 3418 Regulation of gluconeogenesis 3619 Regulation of Krebs cycle 3820 Mammals cannot synthesize glucose from fatty acids 4021 Supermouse: overexpression of cytosolic PEPCK in skeletal muscle causes super-athletic performance 4222 Sorbitol, galactitol, glucuronate and xylitol 4423 Fructose metabolism 4624 Ethanol metabolism 48Part 3 Fat metabolism25 Pyruvate/malate cycle and the production of NADPH 5026 Metabolism of glucose to fat (triacylglycerol) 5227 Metabolism of glucose to fatty acids and triacylglycerol 5428 Glycolysis and the pentose phosphate pathway collaborate in liver to make fat 5629 Esterification of fatty acids to triacylglycerol in liver and white adipose tissue 5830 Mobilization of fatty acids from adipose tissue I: regulation of lipolysis 6031 Mobilization of fatty acids from adipose tissue II: triacylglycerol/fatty acid cycle 6232 Glyceroneogenesis 6433 Metabolism of protein to fat after feeding 6634 Elongation and desaturation of fatty acids 6835 Fatty acid oxidation and the carnitine shuttle 7036 Ketone bodies 7237 Ketone body utilization 7438 p-Oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids 7639 Peroxisomal p-oxidation 7840 a- and p-oxidation 8041 co-Oxidation 82Part 4 Steroid metabolism42 Cholesterol 8443 Steroid hormones and bile salts 86Part 5 Amino acid metabolism44 Biosynthesis of the non-essential amino acids 8845 Catabolism of amino acids I 9046 Catabolism of amino acids II 9247 Metabolism of amino acids to glucose in starvation and during the period immediately after refeeding 9448 Disorders of amino acid metabolism 9649 Phenylalanine and tyrosine metabolism 9850 Tryptophan metabolism: the biosynthesis of NAD+, serotonin and melatonin 10051 Ornithine cycle for the production of urea: the 'urea cycle' 102Part 6 Metabolic channelling52 Metabolic channelling I: enzymes are organized to enable channelling of metabolic intermediates 10453 Metabolic channelling II: fatty acid synthase 106Part 7 Purines, pyrimidines and porphyrins54 Amino acid metabolism, folate metabolism and the '1-carbon pool' I: purine biosynthesis 10855 Amino acid metabolism, folate metabolism and the '1-carbon pool' II: pyrimidine biosynthesis 11056 Krebs uric acid cycle for the disposal of nitrogenous waste 11257 Porphyrin metabolism, haem and the bile pigments 114Part 8 Integration of metabolic pathways and diabetes58 Metabolic pathways in fasting liver and their disorder in Reye's syndrome 11659 Diabetes I: metabolic changes in diabetes 11860 Diabetes II: types I and II diabetes, MODY and pancreatic p-cell metabolism 12061 Diabetes III: type 2 diabetes and dysfunctional liver metabolism 122Index 125
ISBN | 9780470674710 ( 0470674717 ) |
발행(출시)일자 | 2017년 04월 19일 |
쪽수 | 144쪽 |
크기 |
282 * 333
* 10
/ 771 g
총권수 | 1권 |
언어 | 영어 |
구매 후 리뷰 작성 시, e교환권 200원 적립
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