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Minor Histories : Statements, Conversations, Proposals

New /E | Paperback
Kelley, Mike 저자(글)
MIT · 2004년 03월 01일
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  • Minor Histories : Statements, Conversations, Proposals 대표 이미지
    Minor Histories : Statements, Conversations, Proposals 대표 이미지
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    Minor Histories : Statements, Conversations, Proposals 사이즈 비교 201x224
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  • Preface
    Ajax (1984)p. 2
    Three Projects: Half a Man, From My Institution to Yours, Pay for Your Pleasure (1988)p. 12
    Quotations on Art and Crime for Pay for Your Pleasure (1988)p. 22
    Introduction to Reconstructed History (1990)p. 28
    Alma Pater (Wolverine Den) (1991)p. 32
    Some Aesthetic High Points (1991)p. 40
    In the Image of Man (1991)p. 50
    Radical Scavengers (Letter) (1993)p. 56
    Missing Time: Works on Paper 1974-1976, Reconsidered (1995)p. 60
    Goin' Home, Goin' Home (1995)p. 72
    Land O'Lakes/Land O'Snakes (1996)p. 82
    The Poetry of Form (1996)p. 94
    Sublevel: Dim Recollection Illuminated by Multicolored Swamp Gas (1998)p. 102
    Statement for the Visitor's Gallery: Out of Actions at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles (1998)p. 112
    The Meaning is Confused Spatiality, Framed (1999)p. 118
    A Minor History Categorical Imperative and Morgue (1999)p. 138
    On Folk Art (2001)p. 144
    Memory Ware (2000-01)p. 150
    Black Out (2001)p. 156
    On Some Figurative Artists of the Late 1960s: Responses to Questions for Eye Infection (2001-02)p. 164
    The Futurist Ballet (1973)p. 176
    Beholden to Victory (1980-83)p. 180
    The Banana (1983)p. 184
    Evol (1984)p. 188
    Kappa (1986)p. 190
    Family Tyranny and Cultural Soup (1987)p. 194
    Sir Drone (1988)p. 196
    Blind Country (1989)p. 200
    One Hundred Reasons (1991)p. 204
    Heidi: Midlife Crisis Trauma Center and Negative Media-Engram Abreaction Release Zone (1992)p. 208
    Heidi's Four Basket Dances (1992)p. 212
    Three Proposals for Zoo TV (1996)p. 214
    Fresh Acconci (1996)p. 220
    The Pole Dance (1997)p. 224
    Out O'Actions (1998)p. 226
    Test Room Containing Multiple Stimuli Known to Elicit Curiosity and Manipulatory Responses (1999) and A Dance Incorporating Movements Derived from Experiments by Harry F. Harlow and Choreographed in the Manner of Martha Graham (1999)p. 230
    Superman Recites Selections from The Bell Jar and Other Works by Sylvia Plath (with Reference to Kandor-Con 2000) (1999)p. 234
    Extracurricular Activity Projective Reconstruction #1 (A Domestic Scene) (2000)p. 238
    Runway for Interactive DJ Event (2000)p. 244
    Sod and Sodie Sock (1999-2002)p. 248
    The Poltergeist (1979)p. 252
    We Communicate Only through Our Shared Dismissal of the Pre-linguistic: Fourteen Analyses (1995)p. 258
    Timeless/Authorless: Four Recovered Memories (1995)p. 274
    A Stopgap Measure (1999)p. 292
    Meet John Doe (1999)p. 296
    Proposal for the Decoration of an Island of Conference Rooms (with Copy Room) for an Advertising Agency Designed by Frank Gehry (1990)p. 312
    Architectural Non-Memory Replaced with Psychic Reality (1996)p. 316
    Missing Space/Time: A Conversation between Mike Kelley, Kim Colin, and Mark Skiles (1996)p. 324
    An Architecture Composed of the Paintings of Richard Powers and Francis Picabia (1997)p. 340
    Light and Color, Mostly (1993)p. 348
    Weaned on Conspiracy: A Dialogue between Chris Wilder and Mike Kelley (1998)p. 384
    The Aesthetics of Ufology (1997/2002)p. 400
    Indexp. 414
    Table of Contents provided by Blackwell. All Rights Reserved.


상품정보 테이블로 ISBN, 발행(출시)일자 , 쪽수, 크기, 총권수, 언어을(를) 나타낸 표입니다.
ISBN 9780262611985 ( 0262611988 )
발행(출시)일자 2004년 03월 01일
쪽수 458쪽
201 * 224 * 30 mm / 952 g
총권수 1권
언어 영어


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