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Language Acquistion : The Growth of Grammar

Guasti, Maria Teresa 저자(글)
MIT · 2004년 01월 30일
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    Language Acquistion : The Growth of Grammar 대표 이미지
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    Language Acquistion : The Growth of Grammar 사이즈 비교 177x226
    단위 : mm
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This text provides a comprehensive introduction to current thinking on language acquisition. Following an introductory chapter that discusses the foundations of linguistic inquiry, the book covers the acquisition of specific aspects of language from birth to about age 6. Topics include the language abilities of newborns, the acquisition of phonological properties of language, the lexicon, syntax, pronoun and sentence interpretation, control structures, specific language impairments, and the relationship between language and other cognitive functions. At the conclusion of each chapter are a summary of the material covered, a list of keywords, study questions, and exercises. The book, which adopts the perspective of Chomskyan Universal Generative Grammar throughout, assumes a familiarity with basic concepts of linguistic theory.

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  • Preface
    Basic Conceptsp. 1
    Reflections on the Course of Language Acquisitionp. 1
    The Logical Problem of Language Acquisitionp. 5
    The Notion of Grammarp. 5
    Constraintsp. 8
    Where Does Knowledge of Language Come From?p. 10
    The Critical Periodp. 20
    First Steps into Languagep. 23
    The Quest for the Native Languagep. 24
    Learning the Phonemic Contrasts of the Native Languagep. 40
    Infants' Speech Productionp. 47
    Summary and Concluding Remarksp. 52
    Acquisition of the Lexiconp. 55
    Why Finding Words Is a Problemp. 56
    Why Acquiring the Meaning of Words Is a Problemp. 74
    Acquisition of Verbsp. 80
    Bootstrapping of Syntaxp. 90
    Summary and Concluding Remarksp. 96
    The Emergence of Syntaxp. 101
    Word Order in Children's Productionsp. 101
    The Structure of Early Clausesp. 103
    The Subject Agreement Relationp. 120
    Root Infinitivesp. 128
    Summary and Concluding Remarksp. 146
    Null Subjects in Early Languagesp. 151
    Parametric Accounts of Early Null Subjectsp. 152
    Root Null Subjectsp. 160
    Performance Accountsp. 179
    Summary and Concluding Remarksp. 183
    Acquisition of Wh-Movementp. 187
    Question Formation in Early Systemsp. 188
    Auxless Questions in Early Englishp. 202
    Long-Distance Wh-Movementp. 209
    Relative Clausesp. 220
    Summary and Concluding Remarksp. 240
    Acquisition of NP-Movementp. 245
    Passive Constructions in Adult and Child Grammarp. 246
    A Maturational Account of Early Passive Constructionsp. 252
    Problems with the Maturational Accountp. 254
    New Findings about Early Passivesp. 260
    Summary and Concluding Remarksp. 268
    Acquisition of the Binding Principlesp. 271
    The Binding Theoryp. 272
    Principle Ap. 285
    Principle Bp. 290
    Principle Cp. 300
    Summary and Concluding Remarksp. 308
    Aspects of the Acquisition of Quantificationp. 313
    Prerequisities for Handling Quantificational Structuresp. 314
    The Structure of Quantified NPs and the Syntax-Semantics Mappingp. 316
    Children's Errors with Universal Quantificationp. 329
    Summary and Concluding Remarksp. 343
    Acquisition of Controlp. 347
    Aspects of the Theory of Controlp. 348
    The Structure-Changing Hypothesisp. 350
    The Maturation Hypothesisp. 356
    The Lexical-Syntactic Integration Hypothesisp. 365
    Summary and Concluding Remarksp. 371
    Dissociation between Language and Other Cognitive Abilitiesp. 375
    Impaired Language in Otherwise Normal Children: Specific Language Impairmentp. 376
    Approaches to Specific Language Impairmentp. 378
    Relatively Intact Language in an Otherwise Impaired System: Williams Syndromep. 398
    Summary and Concluding Remarksp. 403
    Normal or Gaussian Distributionp. 405
    Tests to Assess Specific Language Impairmentp. 406
    Notesp. 409
    Glossaryp. 423
    Referencesp. 429
    Indexp. 467
    Table of Contents provided by Blackwell. All Rights Reserved.


상품정보 테이블로 ISBN, 발행(출시)일자 , 쪽수, 크기을(를) 나타낸 표입니다.
ISBN 9780262572200 ( 0262572206 )
발행(출시)일자 2004년 01월 30일
쪽수 490쪽
177 * 226 mm


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