Broadcast Television Industry
- Preface ix (1)
Acknowledgments x
1 Broadcast Television: Advantages, 1 (11)
Technology, and an Overview
The Virtues of Plain Old Television 1 (2)
Broadcast Television Technology 3 (5)
Spectrum Allocation 4 (1)
Television Signal Transmission 5 (1)
Controlling Interference 6 (1)
Networking 6 (2)
Overview of the Book 8 (4)
2 A History of Broadcast Television 12 (30)
The First Generation of Television: Fifty 13 (18)
Years to Overnight Success
Television's Technological Development 13 (5)
Regulating a New Medium 18 (2)
Building Three "Golden Webs" 20 (2)
Programming: Imitation, Innovation, and 22 (6)
Scandals Then Stagnation 28 (3)
The Second Generation of Television: 31 (6)
Competition for "Three Blind Mice"
The Cable Threat 31 (1)
Independent Stations and the Growth of 32 (1)
More Webs, More Gold 33 (1)
Maintaining and Segmenting the Mass 34 (1)
Merger Mania: Round One 35 (2)
Merger Mania: Round Two 37 (1)
A Third Generation of Television? 37 (1)
Conclusion 38 (4)
3 The Economics of Broadcast Television 42 (22)
Introduction 42 (4)
What Is Economics? 43 (1)
Resources 43 (1)
Value and Allocation 44 (2)
How Broadcasting Differs from Other Products 46 (3)
Implications for Production Strategy 48 (1)
Economics of U.S. Broadcasting 49 (2)
Affiliation 49 (1)
Dual Clients 50 (1)
Advertising Revenue 51 (6)
Pricing 52 (1)
Costs 53 (1)
Controlling Supply 54 (1)
Control of Demand 55 (1)
Impact of Regulation 55 (1)
Importance of Technology 56 (1)
The Industry 57 (5)
The Producers 57 (1)
The Networks 58 (1)
The Stations 59 (1)
The Advertisers 60 (1)
Relationships among the Players 61 (1)
Conclusion 62 (2)
4 The Regulation of Broadcast Television 64 (19)
Approaches to Government Control of 65 (1)
Rationales for Regulation 65 (2)
The Communications Act of 1934 67 (1)
Key Provisions of the Communications Act of 67 (3)
Model of Broadcast Television Control 70 (5)
The FCC 71 (1)
Congress 72 (1)
The White House 72 (1)
The Federal Courts 73 (1)
The Broadcast Television Industry 74 (1)
The Organized Public 74 (1)
Viewers and Voters 74 (1)
Licensing and License Renewal 75 (1)
Personal Attacks and Political Editorials 76 (1)
Ownership Restrictions 76 (3)
National Ownership Limits 77 (1)
Local Ownership Limits 77 (1)
Consequences of Ownership Rule Changes 78 (1)
Controlling the Networks 79 (1)
Conclusion 80 (3)
5 The Local Television Station 83 (22)
Kevin Sauter
Station Ownership and Affiliate Status 84 (1)
Network Affiliates 85 (3)
Independents 88 (1)
Sources of Programming 89 (1)
Syndicated Programming 89 (3)
Off-Net Syndication 89 (1)
First-Run Syndication 90 (1)
Regulations Affecting Syndication 91 (1)
Children's Programming 91 (1)
Locally Produced Programming 92 (1)
The Local News 93 (4)
Producing Local News 93 (2)
News Technology 95 (1)
Local Competition 96 (1)
Other Local Productions 97 (1)
Advertising and the Local Station 98 (1)
Infomercials 99 (1)
Local Ratings 99 (1)
Station Organization 100(3)
Administration 101(1)
Sales Department 101(1)
Programming Department 101(1)
Promotion 102(1)
Engineering 102(1)
Traffic 103(1)
Conclusion 103(2)
6 The National Broadcast Industry 105(16)
The Big 4: ABC, CBS, NBC, and Fox 105(3)
NBC 106(1)
CBS 107(1)
ABC 107(1)
Fox 107(1)
The New Networks 108(2)
UPN 109(1)
The WB 110(1)
Network Program Development and Acquisition 110(2)
Scheduling Practices and Strategies 112(2)
Syndication 114(5)
Dayparting 117(1)
Syndication Payments 118(1)
Negotiating for Syndicated Programming 118(1)
Conclusion 119(2)
7 Audience Measurement: Viewer as Commodity 121(14)
Introduction 121(1)
Viewing Levels 122(1)
Attention Research 123(2)
Target Audiences 125(1)
The End of Mass Media? 126(1)
Broadcast Audience Measurement 126(2)
Ratings Terminology 128(3)
Program Testing 131(1)
Conclusion 132(3)
8 Public Television: The Struggle for an 135(24)
John F. Long
Introduction 135(1)
Early Educational Broadcasting 136(1)
Emergence Of Educational Television 137(1)
The Ford Foundation 138(1)
Joint Committee on Educational Television 138(1)
Post-Freeze Growth and Development 139(1)
Educational Television Facilities Act of 139(1)
Carnegie Commission on Educational 140(1)
Corporation for Public Broadcasting 141(1)
Public Broadcasting Service 141(2)
Long-Range Financing for Public Television 143(1)
Station Program Cooperative 144(1)
Carnegie II 145(1)
Corporate Underwriting 146(2)
Political Funding Issues 148(1)
Independent Television Service 149(1)
Structural Changes in PBS 149(1)
Political Vulnerability 150(1)
Balance and Objectivity 151(1)
Congressional Elections of 1994 151(2)
Competing Plans to Fund Public Broadcasting 153(1)
Nonprofit versus Noncommercial 154(1)
PBS-2 155(1)
Funding Issues, 1995-1996 155(1)
Conclusion 156(3)
9 The Impact of Television 159(26)
A Brief History of Television Effects 160(4)
The Bureau of Applied Social Research 160(2)
Government-Sponsored Research 162(2)
University Research 164(1)
The Effects of Television 164(1)
Our Theoretical Approach 165(2)
The Content of Television 167(3)
The Demography of Television Characters 168(1)
Verbal and Physical Behaviors 169(1)
Television and Socialization 170(1)
The Impact of Televised Violence 171(3)
Television and Academic Performance 174(1)
The Impact of Television on Politics 175(4)
The Cost of Elections 176(1)
Agenda-Setting 177(1)
Negative Political Advertising 178(1)
Television and Political Cynicism 178(1)
Who Is Most Likely to Be Affected? 179(1)
The Uses and Gratifications Approach 179(1)
Dependency Theory 180(1)
Conclusion 180(5)
10 The Future of Broadcast Television 185(16)
Predictions 185(2)
Internationalization 187(1)
Consolidation of the Television Industry 188(3)
The Information Superhighway: Will 191(2)
Broadcast Television Survive or Thrive?
Demographic Trends 193(1)
Television as a Cultural Force 194(1)
Possible Scenarios 195(6)
Distribution Wins 195(2)
Content Wins 197(1)
Nobody Wins 197(4)
Glossary 201(14)
Bibliography 215(9)
Index 224
ISBN | 9780205189502 ( 0205189504 ) |
발행(출시)일자 | 1998년 01월 01일 |
쪽수 | 준비중 |
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* 오픈마켓, 해외배송 주문, 기프트 주문시 [1:1 상담>반품/교환/환불] 또는 고객센터 (1544-1900) -
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예) 화장품, 식품, 가전제품(악세서리 포함) 등
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6) 시간의 경과에 의해 재판매가 곤란한 정도로 가치가 현저히 감소한 경우
7) 전자상거래 등에서의 소비자보호에 관한 법률이 정하는 소비자 청약철회 제한 내용에 해당되는 경우
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